Showing posts with label Nubar. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nubar. Show all posts

Saturday, December 10, 2011

NYC Burgundy + Nubar 2010

Oh weekend how I love you!!
This weekend I decided to wear something in a Xmas mood type a thing. I picked NYC Burgundy, a deep  burgundy metalic red. Love the color but I'm not a fan of that line of NYC, the Long Wearing collection.

I have wanting to try my Nubar 2010 forever and never did and thought it's time for some untrieds. I topped my Burgundy manicure with Nubar 2010 a super pretty flakie polish. Too bad my camera couldn't get it right and there is no sun outside for me to get that polish right in pic.

You can see it a little better on the picture above right?
What are some nail polish colors you like to layer Nubar 2010 over? I'd love to know your favorites :) Happy Weekend everyone :)

REMINDER: Tomorrow will be the last day to submit your Xmas/ Holiday manicure picture to the contest. Send you picture to And for more details CLICK HERE.
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