Showing posts with label health. Show all posts
Showing posts with label health. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

I'm home, I'm good!

Everything went well! I got a little scare when they mentioned I'd have to stay overnight IF the doctor had to put a pacemaker in. He had told me that but I conveniently forgot it probably so I'd show up this morning. :)

I'm ok, resting. Just wanted to post this up. More to come.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Man, healing takes a while and my back is stupid

Sorry I have no pictures or interesting posts at the moment. I'm sad not to deliver, especially when I have so much to share! But alas, my knee is really sore today (no I didn't do too much, just regular stuff) and my back is threatening to go OUT so I am going to lay myself down and read and go to sleep.
I'll see the chirocracker tomorrow, he'll fix me up and I'll be back to post tomorrow.
The saddest thing of ALL? I haven't done anything but clear polish for the past 2 days!!!!
Will post tomorrow, promise!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

All is well, I'm still a bit "out of it"

Just wanted to update you all, you're all a bunch of AWESOME. It warmed my heart to read all the well wishes so I just want to say THANK YOU for that. It meant so much to me that are kind people in the world. I love that about this crazy hobby we all share. :)
I'm high on Darvocet for the pain so I won't be posting much, Doc said when he was in the knee, "there was a lot more than just the miniscus going on in there" which I suspect means I had some torn up cartilage. More about that on Thursday, but that would explain the pain I was having prior to the BIG pain that put me on crutches. :)  All the nurses were asking me what nail polish I had on and when they revealed my tootsies and saw Zoya Charla there, they had to know what it was and where to find it!
In my stupor yesterday, somehow I broke my right middle fingernail down to a nubbin. I haven't had a nubbin for 2 years. I tried to save it with Orly Nail rescue, but I was a bit out of it and something went wrong. I dunno what, but I'll never try to save a nail while under the influence again. So, I cut them all shorter a couple weeks back, I'll just keep them shorter til this one catches up. Poor little guy.
I'm going to try to get all my giveaway entries posted up and then it's nap time again, Jeez I am sleeping a lot! Hopefully I'll have myself back in a day or two. Nope, naptime first it seems.
I just wanted you all to know I'm doing well and I can't wait to get back on my bicycle!
NOTW has been NARS Purple Rain, it's so pretty!
I have photos of toes, but not of fingers....mani is holding up so I will take them soon.

Friday, February 19, 2010

So Much FUN coming up and Knee update

The sun is coming back out and I've ordered some lovely new polish which I hope to have by next week sometime. Surprises await!

OH I can't WAIT!!! One of them, who's name shall not be mentioned until I have it on my hot little hands, is a throwback to my 20's...but I promise you ladies will love it as much as I do! It's just plain fun and I'm so excited I could find it!

I've been a little busy being the "licensed driver" cruising the streets with my son who is now a licensed driver himself and he'll be moving to Washington this Sunday I'll not be around this weekend as I want to spend time with him before he goes. I'll share a picture of him here so you all can see what a handsome spawn I created. ;)

Christmas Day 2009, yep Christmas Day. I love Santa Barbara!
He despised having his picture taken...and I just don't understand why...
(I also don't understand why the second picture I post is ALWAYS unclickable)

See how handsome he is? Why wouldn't he want his picture taken???
(this one is from July of 2008)

Oh, they are soooo photogenic!
(This is November 2009, Thanksgiving day with his Twin Cousins.)
*Ahem* Proud Mom moment over now.

For those of you just chomping at the bit to find out how my leg is faring, I am doing much better! Seems the cortison shot was just the ticket and the knife has been evaded, for now. That Doctor was my bestest friend until he got more needles out and injected BOTH knees with Hyalgan (fake knee fluid) and I hobbled out of there to return again every week for the next two to do it again! I don't like him much right now, but in about 4 weeks, I will LOVE HIM. Unless my knee starts to "catch" and I am faced with the knife again.
I'll be riding my bike again in no time, starting right after this little rain spell is over! Of course I have to "ease into it" and I will do just that. I feel like such a little kid when I'm on those two wheels.
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