Showing posts with label scott ginsberg. Show all posts
Showing posts with label scott ginsberg. Show all posts

Thursday, September 2, 2010


Nametag Guy, Scott Ginsberg has a new book coming out: -able: 35 Strategies for Increasing the Probability of Success in Business & in Life.

" can’t make anything happen – but you can (greatly) increase the probability of that thing happening ... by making yourself more '-able.'"

He gives some examples of -able:

Advanceable. Addictable. Bookable. Brandable. Breakable. Buyable. Buzzable. Callbackable. Checkbookable. Discoverable. Engageable. Googleable. Invokable. Meetable. Nameable. Needable. Non-nextable. Openable. Pursuable. Referable. Requestable. Retweetable. Revisitable. Sellable. Show-Up-Able. Sought-after-able. Spreadable. Successable. Superiorable. Trustable. Unbullshittable. Unequalable. Yessable.

And then he challenges readers on his blog to create  their own -able.

My first thought was comfort-able. On my relaxation CDs, I begin with an homage to Dave Dobson:

All right, let's get comfortable.

But that wasn't quite right. As a massage & hypnotherapist, I help people to de-stress. Ah-ha! De-stress-able!

Hmmm . . . yeah, but . . . I don't like the stress word in there, because I facilitate relaxation. Ah-ha! Relax-able! Yeah . . . that's good. I could go with that. Except . . .

I want it to be more than that. In addition to massage clients, I also lead seminars. I don't want my clients or students to feel just relaxed. Relaxed is good, sure. But more than that, I want them to feel at ease. Think about it: when you feel at ease, things are easier, aren't they? Little upsets remain little, instead of blowing up. Isn't the world a better place when you feel at ease?  That's right. So here's my word: at-ease-able. Because when you feel better, you do better. Feeling at ease embodies relaxation & comfort. More than that, it's not just a physical sensation, it encompasses a sense of mental & emotional ease. In work, with friends and fam--

All right, let's get comfortable at-ease-able.  :-)

P.S. Click here for a chance to get a free copy of ~able, and create your own word. As Scott might say,  LET ME ASK YA THIS: What's YOUR -able?

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Bleeding Your Truth

Want to be an effective writer? Just bleed your truth.

This was a tweet from Scott Ginsberg, who has been wearing a name tag everyday for years. Author and speaker, he's all about being approachable and friendly. What's striking about his story is that he took ONE idea and has created a career with it. That's all it takes--one, simple idea. How many ideas do you have floating around your head like thought balloons waiting to materialize? That's the question I've asked myself as I've struggled to bring one-of-many projects to fruition. What are you an expert at? DO THAT. Even if it's nothing more than being an expert about yourself. This quote came at just the right time! THANKS, Scott!

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

New Blog Policy

I'm taking a page from Margot Potter and I'm going to be more consistent with my posting. Like everyday consistent. Who said that??? Even if it's a quote-for-the-day. Because some days I'm not really doing anything I think would be screamingly blog-worthy. I walk my dogs and wash dishes to tango music and shmoooooze on the phone for John Morgan. Because some days are just lovely and ordinary. So here's your quote:

Consistency is far better than rare moments of greatness. ~Scott Ginsberg
Thanks, Nametag Guy! And I'll also take greatness. Why limit myself? ha ha
P.S. If you're reading this, Mum, your children would all like to know that you are having FUN in drop an email already! LOL from BNO (&2,3,4, & 6)