Showing posts with label outer banks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label outer banks. Show all posts

Friday, August 29, 2008

Last Day at the Beach

Last night's sunset.

Not much of a sunrise, so here's a shot of the clouds.

Yeah, I know. Lame.

Backyard visitor.

Random Beach Shots from Yesterday

I love to watch kids playing.
Look! No electronic games, just hands in the sand.


More kids I don't know.

Looks like a spine...for all my chiro-peeps.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Today's Sunrise

Yikes! Almost stepped on this little guy!

Over cast and cloudy:

And then I turned around & saw this:

Went for a walk on the beach, almost all to myself:

A cloudy day at the beach is still a nice way to wake up!

Brother D's Sand Castle

We have family movies of my brother playing in the backyard, pushing cars around in the dirt. Watching the sand castle construction was kind of the same.

Today's modern sand castle is Escher-inspired with wheel chair accessibilty.

BIL & Brother D hard at work. The center focal point looks like an ancient Shiva lingam. Chiro-sister Ruth added decorative seaweed.