Showing posts with label baby deer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label baby deer. Show all posts

Sunday, June 25, 2023

Turtle Pix

Chiro-sis Ruth & Rowan flew back from Scotland and I picked them up at the airport yesterday. I told her that Oly was now a "free-range" turtle and allowed to roam about the house. With the rain the last couple days, she didn't get her backyard walks. Here she is emerging from . . . somewhere this morning: 

Lady looks on with a wary eye.

She likes little nooks. Here she is parking herself like a Matchbox car: 

I let Lady lick out the coconut milk bag and  then this:
Don't worry--I didn't let her stay!

In Le Studio:

In the laundry room:

Playing with her reflection on the dryer:

Basking in the sun:

She's less and less fond of her makeshift plastic bin terrarium! But she still burrows down:


She churns against the side when she wants to come out, tho:

"I'm awake!  Lemme out!"

This is still the easiest way to feed her. She came with clear instructions about favourite fruit watermelon being handfed to her:


Going outside:

I really have to watch her because she can disappear and blend into the grass v. fast!

There she is:

Yoda Kitty sits below me when I'm "walking" the turtle:

View from backyard; Mama and her twins:

In non-turtley news, rainy day snoozes with Tabby Bobcat & Lady:

Lady spilling out of Tabby's bed:

All is well.  :-)

Monday, August 1, 2011

M&M Monday

I have a total of 7 dog beds; 3 in the LR, 2 in the bedroom, & 2 in the office. Aaaaand . . .

Do they lie on them???  Not really. 

Well, sometimes.  Let's just let sleeping dogs lie.

Millie fell asleep and her ear was hanging over her water bowl. Her ear would start drooping & touch the water & she would flick it back up out of the water. I tried to get it on video, but no luck. It was v. funny, tho.

Here's Maggie by my feet. As per usual.  :-)
And here's Millie at one of her favourite spots:

Whatcha lookin' at, Mil?

One of the twins. SO SWEET.
Here's Maggie out on the porch:

As long as Tabby's away from the food/water bowls, Maggie's friendly. 

Tabby, on the other hand, is a bit suspicious of her intentions.
And later, out the window:

Turkeys!  Again. The chicks are getting big.  :-)

It's like Millie's version of TV.

Turkeys AND deer!

Monday, July 25, 2011

M&M Monday

It's been a busy week for the girls. I dropped them off at Mystic Pet when I went to Yogaville on Monday, but I got back in time to pick them up at the end of the day.

Gareth leading the pack. Lena carrying out the dog beds. Millie saying Hullo to dogs, Maggie circling back to join her.


Then Maggie gets in the car . . .

And Millie plops down. Where she stays. *sigh*

But with the promise of treats from Gareth, Millie gets up when she hears Lena opening the bag!

Back home, on the way up the driveway:


Here's Mama.

Lena gave me a coupla pig ears for the girls:

Millie happily gnawing away.

Nom nom nom from Millie. Maggie just watches.

And never eats hers. Then Millie will come over to try to get Maggie's. I think Maggie does it to taunt her. Lena said, "Whenever I give the girls a treat, one of them eats it right away & the other one doesn't . . . "  "Yeah, that's Maggie," I said. Silly girl. So I'm stuck with one pig ear.  Eeewww.

Tuesday we had a vet appointment with Dr. Clark. He comes out to the car and does the whole exam & everything in the parking lot so that I don't have to maneuver them in to the office. He answered all my questions and essentially the answer is: Benedryl. I noticed that Maggie is breathing heavily. At first it was just when she was going up the ramp, and then when she's walking, and then! ALL. THE. TIME. Except when she sleeps. But if she gets up in the middle of the night, she wakes me up with her breathing. Dr. Clark said as long as there's no coughing, that she's OK. He said he sees it in older, large dogs. He said that Benedryl will help her to sleep thru the night and will help with her breathing.

She also has a bit of a foot licking thing going on. He said it could be allergies or it could be behavoural. I'll think I've got it under control, and then I look over, and she's licked another spot! "If it's allergies, Benedryl will help. Some dogs go on Prozac if it's behavoural, but really, Benedryl will help with that, too." Benedryl it is! He gave me a topical anti-itch spray for her, and a new eye ointment for her eyes ( goopy in the a.m.).

Millie, on the other hand--no foot licking, or anything! They're both on the Deramaxx for arthritis and are getting around pretty well for a coupla old gals. And that was our exciting week.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Dear Deer

Young buck with Mama Deer.

The family grazing.

Mama with the twins. SO SWEET.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Off my back porch

You might be thinking, "Meh," as you look at this photo . . .

But if you look closely . . .

This is one of triplets!

Of course, I couldn't get all 3 in one photo!

Here's Mama.  :-)  So sweet.