Showing posts with label Bingo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bingo. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

HAPPY 2019!!!

Here's my quote for the day by that magnificent philosopher, author and genius, Robert Heinlein, since I was not up at my usual 5:30 a.m.-ish:

"Progress isn't made by early risers. It's made by lazy men trying to find easier ways to do something."  

I only woke up at 8:38 a.m. because Bingo was squeaking for breakfast:
Bingo's "FEED ME" Look.
And by "squeaking,"  I mean whining.  On the other hand, I was awakened at midnight by the neighbors ALL AROUND me setting off fireworks!  Across the lake, next door, across the street.  Good times.  Then I was awake, so I reviewed my 2018 journal for a coupla hours and noticed how much I actually accomplished. So I wrote a "Yay, me" list.   

One of those things: I built a boom for my camera!  (And by "I" I mean that I got the materials and Brother Atlasta whipped it together for me, lickety split. I could have done it, but I would have been less lickety-splitty).  As I stood staring at my camera set up on the tri-pod trying to figure out how to film a new way, I thought, "Why am I trying to reinvent the wheel here?  Someone has already done this and has a tutorial on Youtube!"  And so THANKS to water colour artist Wonder Forest, I saved a LOT of time: 

And THANKS to my bro. Just waiting on clip thingie from Amazon to secure to the galvanized pipe and then I'm set for overhead, hands-free filming. Squeeee!   I did it.  2019, here I come!  Tutorials, journals, and courses, oh my!   :-)

Tuesday, November 21, 2017


My sister saw a bird watching book that I got with puffins on the cover and she squealed. "Ooooh!  Puffins!"  So I decided I would make her a new planner with it. Everyone in my family has coasters featuring the artwork of Emma Ball, that have been gifted after trips to Orkney. I wanted to use her artwork in Ruth's planner, but I didn't feel right about about using it, even for personal use. But I wanted watercolour puffins.

So I went on Pixabay for free graphics, and found one non-photographic graphic, but the rest were all photographs. And then I started thinking that there had to be an app for turning photos into a watercolour painting. So I looked on the google, and found Waterlogue.


  • Only $4.99
  • Easy to use; point and click
  • Has different variations and choices
  • No choice in where to save; it just saves automatically to your Photos folder. However, you can copy and save to a different folder, so that's what I do. It took me a while to figure that out, tho. So, you're welcome.  
  • Not the best with people, unless it's a close-up. 
Here are a few I've done. First up!  Puffins!


This was the illustration on Pixabay:

But then I thought I'd see what would happen if I Waterlogued it:

Bird illustration:

Aaaaand Waterlogued:

Of course I had to play with some dogs!  

Here's Bingo:

Bingo doing Sphinx Pose.

Baby & Bingo:

Here are a couple different treatments for the same photo:

Buddy on my lap:

Baby on my lap:

Baby & Buddy:


Bingo and Reggie, pre-beagles; taken with iPad:

Hannah Banana:

This one is stunning!   Lulu:

Here's Tabby Bobcat:

There are several choices within the program with names like "Natural," "Bold," and "Illustration." 

Here's Reggie with 3 different options:


Illustration. It adds lines. 

Here's a random cow I took a pic of back in my River House days:

And some Nature pix of my old road:

And some city pix:

This is the altar at my church:

Here's a photo I took when I first started going to St. Luke's. This couple walked in and went to a front pew and knelt down together. I just thought it was so sweet and happened to have my camera, so I snapped a quick pic. 

As it turns out, I became friends with them. This is Mary and Larry; Mary is in the Knitting Guild and a dear friend. Larry was a state trooper for many years and, sadly,  just recently passed away.

Here are 3 treatments of the same photo. I've forgotten the names, but here you go!

These are from the Juniper tree and Autumn pix I just posted:

Tulip polar tree with 2 different variations:



The program does better with close-ups. Here's my nephew:


"Luminous."  (I  think)!
Here's where it doesn't do such a great job. Here's Mum watching an episode of Hoarders:

Here's how it turns out:

This is the "Illustrator" variation:

Color Bloom:

After all this, I decided to take a photo thru all the variations!  So here you go:


(Apologies for smaller size, this is as large I can get it).

Here they are without labels. Feel free to use for personal or commercial:

And I'll leave you with a sunset, Cape Charles beach pic: