Showing posts with label prank. Show all posts
Showing posts with label prank. Show all posts

Monday, September 19, 2011


With pieces of tape the same color as the sign's background, you can make EXIT signs more spooky for Halloween.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Not to be confused with the previous "Fun With Ears." This is MORE Fun With Ears!

Click HERE to see the previous ear prank devised by Sinister Winston.

Friday, February 25, 2011


The idea for this came to me one day when I bought some cheaper unofficial Q-Tip ripoff brand. When I used it the cotton ball came off deep inside my ear. It was a long miserable task involving tweezers and toothpicks and bent paper clips to remove it. After that experience I've always splurged and bought the real deal.

When you read the warnings on a box of Q-Tips it says DO NOT PUT IN EAR. If you don't use them in your ear what are they for? I guess they just don't want to be sued if someone pokes out an ear drum.

Speaking of warnings, this comic is for educational purposes only. Don't really do it or the victim will sue you.

Saturday, October 23, 2010


Welcome to episode number 2 of Sinister Winston's Prank Time. This one is called "Kitchen Shower." (You can see the previous episode HERE.)

Today's prank requires a kitchen sink, which most people have.

More importantly, the sink needs a sprayer hose, like this one. Giggle!

The only other ingredient for this prank is a rubber band. Heh heh!

What you need to do is stretch that rubber band around the trigger of the sprayer so it's always squeezed in the ON position. Tee hee!

Now you need to aim the sprayer so it's pointed at whoever would turn on the water faucet. Then skeedaddle! Snicker!

And Voila! Some sucker will eventually walk up to the sink and turn it on, and WHOOSHKAPLASH!!! BA-HAA!!!

This prank is for educational purposes only. Clearly it is related to the field of studiousness and academia, and is designed solely for the purpose of stimulating mental growth. It is our intention here at KWM Inc. to inspire and improve the quality of life, and by no means do we imply you actually attempt these pranks. If you do it and someone becomes startled and slips in the water and their skull bursts open and brains go flying under the kitchen table, don't blame us.

Thursday, September 16, 2010


This is the 1st episode of Sinister Winston's Prank Time educational series. If it's successful and brings joy and happiness maybe there will be more in the future.
Do you know anyone with a Mercury Grand Marquis? You do? Oh good!
Take a look at the back of the car. There should be a "Grand Marquis" name plate on the left side. This prank works for models of any year. Here's an older logo name plate as an example.
All you need to do it make one quick whack with a chisel, right between the "a" and the "r."

Now pop off that last part. Nifty, huh? "Grand Ma" isn't exactly an insult word, but it's certainly not one of the cooler things you could have mounted on the back of your car. If you were a teenage guy trying to impress the ladies it could possibly wreck your plans. If you were trying to be cool in your Grand Marquis wearing your sunglasses, people might think they were for your glaucoma. If you were male then people would just think you were an extra ugly grandma.

The last step of this prank, and the most important: Skeedaddle! Once you've done your secret operation and you've sufficiently admired your work, get out of there! You don't wanna have to pay for THAT!

This prank works all newer models too:
Some name plate locations are sneakier, but that's no problem.
It still works just the same.
There, now wasn't that fun? And cheap too! You don't have to spend a lot of money to enjoy your life. Maybe some time in the future when Winston has time, he'll show you how to turn a Ford Focus into a Ford Feces.
(This is all for educational use only. Don't do what Winston does. That could be like a catch phrase, or one of those rubber bracelets with initials: DDWWD.)

Monday, September 13, 2010


You might have to study this one a bit to make sense out of it. Colors would probably help.

See some earlier ones by clicking HERE.

Thursday, September 2, 2010


Here's my newest Sinister Winston comic. It's a two-pager. Look for the guest cameo of Melba Snarch. You can see the older Sinister Winston comics by clicking HERE.

I wonder if this comic will make sense in the very near future when there are no more pay phones.

Thursday, August 19, 2010


There are a ton of these on Youtube, so I'm not sure if I've found the most useless one or not. I guess if you look around online you could probably find instructions to make them. I'd kind of like to have one for myself.

Saturday, July 24, 2010


Here's another Sinister Winston comic. I posted the 1st one a while back. I like this character because I have lots of prank ideas, but my fear of jail makes me too cowardly to try them in real life. Seeing them play out in drawn form is probably just about as satisfying.

If anyone doesn't know what a wire saw is, here's a link. You can skip ahead to the 2 minute mark if you wanna get to the action.

Thursday, July 22, 2010


Just in case you were wanting to know how you could prank the handicapped spaces in parking lots, here's an idea.

Everyone's seen this iconic symbol:

First you would need to know what scale you will be working with. You will probably need to make a visit to the location to get measurements beforehand. Then you could make a cardboard template like in the picture below and cut out the black holes. Get some some paint the same color as the actual symbol on the parking space and Voila! Yer ready to go!

You can lay your cardboard template over the actual symbol and spray paint the additions in a matter of seconds, and then skeedaddle. Your results will look like this:

Of course this is all just conjecture for educational purposes only, and if anyone actually tried it they'd get arrested, so as awesome as it is, don't actually do this supercool trick.

Thursday, April 1, 2010


Blogger says I am out of space so I guess that's the end of this blog. They said I was abusing the system with "larger than normal" picture files. I don't understand because I see other people with lots of posted pictures and they don't seem to get flack over it.

April Fools!

Monday, February 8, 2010


This guy was originally a doodle in my notebook. I like the thought of having a character who does nothing but dastardly evil just for evil's sake. He has no plot nor depth nor direction; he's just mean. It gives me an opportunity to get some evil out of my system in a harmless way.

As a kid when I'd think up an evil trick I'd do it. It always ended with me getting a belt-whippin'. As an adult I've learned it's better to just think about it. Now what I'm trying to do is put my mean ideas to some useful purpose. Maybe there is some good in evil if it can make others happy.

Monday, February 1, 2010

EVIL PRANK IDEA (with epoxy)

Here's an evil idea. I thought I'd share it since this is the Blog of EVIL. I'm not stupid enough to ever try it in real life but it's interesting to think about. Hmmm... Actually I only post it for educational purposes, and to warn against the dangers of epoxy. Do not try this! Do you hear me?! Don't do it!

At work we use some really strong epoxy to patch and glue furniture pieces together. This stuff is extremely powerful and sets up as hard as concrete in a few minutes. I guess just about any epoxy you found at the hardware store would work about the same, but this is the stuff I'm familiar with.

I'm sure most people know how to use epoxy but for the few who haven't messed with it, this is what it does. You mix equal parts of A and B and then use that mixture to attach things together. It works with just about anything - wood, metal, plastic, concrete, etc... You must work fast because after about 1 minute a chemical reaction occurs. It heats up and begins to set and become hard. 1st it's only as hard as rubbery plastic and if you hurry you can carve off bumps with a chisel. After another minute though, forget it. You might as well try carving a piece of granite.

I was wondering if Part A was applied to the brake pedal of a car, and Part B was applied to the gas pedal how that would pan out. It seems like as the driver did his or her natural driving routine, their foot would move back and forth and unknowingly mix the 2 parts of epoxy. At some point it seems like it would finally set up, and their foot would either be stuck to one pedal or the other. I suspect having one's foot bonded to either pedal would make it difficult to drive.

A long highway drive would probably result in the foot stuck to the gas pedal. This would be startling to the driver and potentially dangerous, but a quick thinker could use their left foot to push the brake.

An inner city drive with lots of stop lights seems like it would be more likely to result in a foot being stuck to the brake. That would be worse, I think. The driver would be cross-legged if he attempted to use his other foot to give the car some gas. (Although I don't know why you'd want to give it any gas at that point.)

It could have even more horrible results with motorcycles. There's all that right foot gear-shifting action going on. Also there's the brake and clutch squeezing. Each time one was squeezed it could be pushing 2 compounds together.

Again, I'll never actually do this! I think the idea could be useful in a comic strip or a screenplay if I ever need to somehow cause driving trouble for a character.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

EVIL PRANK (for use at Chinese restaurant)

Here's an evil prank idea I've tried and tested and am happy to report it works great. I scanned fortune cookie messages and replaced the nice fortunes with sinister messages. Prepare these evil fortune cookie messages before your next visit to a Chinese restaurant.

Print this image full scale. Do not scale the image to fit on the page. It's very important it's printed FULL SCALE!

Carefully trim out these messages as indicated by the crop marks.

Fold in half to simulate the crimp made by fortune cookie.

STEP 4 (Optional)
To make it even more authentic, pinch the 2 outside edges a little bit in their centers to simulate the secondary crimp made by the cookie.

At the end of your meal, before they give you your fortune cookie, secretly remove one of these evil messages from your wallet and place it in your palm as indicated by this picture. As you open your cookie right in front of your waiter or waitress, you can very easily pretend you are pulling this evil message out of your cookie.

Then the rest is up to you. You must act surprised as you show your waiter or waitress. You can not laugh or smile.
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