Showing posts with label Contest. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Contest. Show all posts

Sunday, February 3, 2008

And The Winner Is...

...Cheryl Coville, who designed the Goddess in this picture. She gets a skein of Fearless Fibers yarn, and a tote with her design on it. Congrats, Cheryl!

I added a little more in the star section, including Orion. If you don't know why, read the myth here. Now the design is available in my Etsy store. For those of you too lazy to go look, and you know who you are, here it is in all Artemis's (that still looks odd to me. I was brought up to do just S apostrophe, but this seems to be accepted usage now) glory.

This design was specifically created as a complement to the Artemis Shawl Pattern on the MMarioKKnits Yahoo Group, which link is below. Members may obtain MMario's patterns free of charge, but I do encourage you to donate to the link on his patterns. It's only fair to reward so much effort and generosity. I'm sending him one of the totes free as a thank you for stroking your Goddess's (there we go again) ego. Having my ego stroked is one of my very favorite things.

I'm fond of having other things stroked too, but the DH has dibs on those. :::naughty grin:::

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Feelin' Frosty!

We woke up this morning to the radio telling us that school was delayed two hours. We dragged ourselves out of bed to find...nothing! No snow, no sleet...nada. Within an hour schools were closed and still nothing there. But as we were leaving for work, it started to spit a bit of snow. During the ten minute drive to the studio, it began to lay. DH went off to teach at the university, and I went in to work. Within a half hour, everything was covered and it was *SNOWING*! Gorgeous. You should know I still act like a kid who knows she's going to get out of school when it snows like this.

Oh, and I DID. The university closed down as of three o'clock, so my evening class was not going to happen. We pulled the plug on work and came home. This stuff is thick and heavy, with a very slushy base, clinging to everything. The county, in their infinite insanity, almost never does anything to the windy, steep road we must traverse to get home, but it was just a lovely drive. I thought you might like to see.

This is the road along by the river.

And a stand of pines near our home. I just cannot be snarky when it snows!

Oh, and I got the first Artemis contest entry today. This is exciting.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Birth of a Goddess

Some of my readers (all four of you) are members of MMarioKKnits, a list for obtaining and occasionally test-knitting the designs of the multi-talented MMario. We want a design for the upcoming release of the pattern "Artemis", a sort of logo that can be put on tees, totes, etc., and also used for a button for the Artemis Beta-Knitting KAL. I am picturing an elegant depiction of Artemis in her guise as moon goddess, with predominant colors of silver, purple and deep twilight blues. If you can work knitting into the design but still have it true to the moon goddess theme, fine. It’s not a deal breaker.

N.B. Input from MMario: "I see 'Artemis' "riding sidesaddle" on a crescent moon, a star between the two horns of the moon holding a skein of yarn from which she is knitting."

Since I can’t draw a believable stick person, I’m opening this up to all of you, and anyone else you think might be interested. Through the end of the month, designs may be submitted to me at artemis06 *at*

Terms: your ORIGINAL full-color design should be 8.5x11 sized at 300 dpi. Portrait or landscape orientation is fine. The winner will receive his or her choice of a tote or tee, and some yet-to-be-determined yarn. In exchange, the design will become the property of Artemis Imaging to use for reproduction on any of the items I carry, which will be made available to KAL members. And anyone else with sufficient dinero.

I'm not easily impressed....but you can try. :-)