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Showing posts with label New Zealand Natural Malaysia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label New Zealand Natural Malaysia. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

New Zealand Natural Pecan Praline Crunch; Y U NOO try this?

A photo of me and ze Pecan Praline Crunch Cookie Sundae. (I've stamped ze mosquito bite on my face MUAHAHA)
Since it's a productive night, I'm gonna let myself be hardworking once a while and share this heavenly desserts with you guys! (Imma good kid now >:D ) So thanks to Melissa, I've invaded New Zealand Natural @ The Curve! Let loose you belt and The Curve off to go MUA.HA.HA.

This is it. It's located right in front of Watson or easier, opposite of Mc Donald's ;) These sweet little devils I'm introducing now is the newest addiction of New Zealand Natural Malaysia- Pecan Praline Crunch! Which is available starts from 11th June 2012, thats mean you can actually bounce over any of their outlet in Malaysia. ;p

Creamy. Chunky. Crunchy. Or they call it Pecan Praline Crunch Cookie Sundae (RM12.90) here.

A combination of Pecan Praline Crunch ice cream on top of a double chunky chocolate cookie decorated with caramelised pecan nuts, chocolate syrups, whipped cream and of course the everybody-favourite-strawberry.;) If you're huge sweet tooth you might like it a lot. The chocolate cookie is SOOO SWEET, but thanks god ice cream on top kinda neutralized the overloaded sweetness. I do hope the cookie will be much softer, the way we eat it is like musical performance. :ifyouknowwhatimean: It's kinda filling for me, so it's a perfect chilling high-tea choice!

Pecan Praline Crunch Affogato (RM13.90), which I don't really like it. :/

The same scoop of Pecan Praline Crunch ice cream with same dressing, but with a different method to taste it.It comes with an espresso shot and a piece of biscotti, which taste really bitter. I'm an ant so can't really take espresso lol and biscotti is really not my type of food, so yeah, I would prefer Pecan Praline Crunch Cookie Sundae. :/ But if you like the taste of espresso on ice cream, why don't give a shot? :)

Just a simple view of the ice creamssss. I like the durian (YESH DURIAN!) and lemon&lime flavour. :D Fyi it's D24 if you're interested lol.

One last thing, the bloggers! Picture credited to Xue Ren!

For more information, please log on New Zealand Natural Malaysia's website www.nzn.com.my.
and my pictures can be found on my Kuromeowiie's FB page HERE!

Till then, xx ;)

p/s: Picture taken with HTC Sensation XL
p/p/s: Planning to do some giveaway, anyone interested?:3
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