i have been tagged by Leilanie with a 7. thanks kawan.
here we go with 7 things thingy from kuE
seven things i plan to do (Insya-Allah) before i die:
1. haj.
2. see my kids turn into fine muslim human beings.
3. settle well before i'm old. take care of myself, look my best, generally maintain myself better.
4. make more people actually BELIEVE that you don't have to have a Degree to be successful, an expert in your field or intelligent. that's me!
5. have free time to finish all my UFOs and be the first malaysian to display his/her quilts in a solo exhibition (boleh ke ni? hehe...).
6. to become somewhat of a world traveler going to places like Egypt, Italy, Morocco, India and the UAE.
7. be very knowledgeable about Islam, and be even more consistent in my prayer timing, doa’s, and have enough time to set aside just for praying a bit extra, and increase my ilmu. amin.
seven things i can do:
(you missed this one kawan)
1. decorate. i love to decorate!
2. sew and make quilts. (ref. to no. 5 in the above answer) anyhow i'll post some of my quilt pics someday ;)
3. drive as fast as i can. i lurrvveee to do this when i drive alone
4. customer service. i am very good in this i.e. hospitality industry
5. bake a great shortbread buiscuits
6. chat on the fon with a closed one (namely friends) for more than two hours
7. temberang a bit, esp those times when i was a secretary in a building constructions company in sj hehe...
seven things i cannot do:
1. complete complex math problems
2. be an accountant
3. have an indian boyfriend/husband (i know this one quite sensitive to some, but really, i cannot do this at all!!! sorry)
4. eat seafood
5. avoid chocolates
6. left home without bringing my fon
7. participate in the fear factor programme (survivor or the apprentice: donald ok! can't wait for the apprentice: martha to be screened here anyway)
seven celebrities crushes:
(in alphabetical orders)
1. anuar zain
started when i was 12, zaman “kain pelikat”. eee… shy lor lol. cikgu razak was my music teacher. anuar used to come to his house (huhu... now this house has been demolished to one of the koleq's dormitory) during school holidays and the rest were history. now, juz biasa-biasa je.
2. bros
heart throbs during the 80s
3. cliff richard
is it because my dad sangs his songs (budak koleq, remember the wanderers? *glurp*) that i like him. anyhow he's one true great artist. no drugs, no tobaccos, nothing.
4. donny osmond
donny & marie osmond, also the osmond brothers are my all-time favs until now. i used to ask my dad to spin their cassettes (yes, cassettes) esp donny & marie all the way to balik kampung when my dad was based in kluang last time around the 70's. just imagined, the long hours journey those times plus the same singers singing non-stop! lol
5. george clooney
i like his movies a lot
6. richard marx
famous in 80s as well, that his songs are still one of the best now
7. tom cruise
i dunno, maybe because he's handsome ;)
seven things i say most often:
1. darling/sayang (for puteri & megat)
2. kewl!!
3. shit (when damn angry of course)
4. damn
5. lor
6. yea… yea…
7. plus many others that only applicable for those 18SGG++ hahaha…
seven things that attracts me to the opposite sex :
1. no body odour
2. intelligence
3. maturity but not a stick in a mud
4. looks (particularly a cheeky smile and lovely eyes)
5. grace
6. honesty
7. that indefinable 'spark'
seven people i want to do this with :
1. kay -- i dunno whether she has a blog.
2. azmi
3. testedDNA
4. suhaimi sulaiman
5. fakhrul imran
6. the first budak koleq who found this *ahaks* (except u Suhaimi)
7. the first budak kelipot who found this *grins*
note for no. 6 & 7: if u all know who i am, mati lar i rotfl no lar... lol. btw please let me know ok, so that i could place a link to your site/blog :)