Working together for a living planet

Showing posts with label tag. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tag. Show all posts

Thursday, April 22, 2010

sunshine award

tqsm to cik syahira for this beautiful (of course you are beautiful indeed, like the flower itself) award! so nice of you for thinking of me. i guess i have only met her at the gatsby street fair! all i could say is bloggers aren't that hard to be connected to each other... as bloggers will still be bloggers if you know what i mean.

and now i have to pass on this award to 12 bloggers... before that here are the rules:
  1. nominate 12 bloggers.
  2. put the logo onto your sidebar or within a post.
  3. link the nominees within your post.
  4. let the nominees know they’ve received this award by commenting on their blog.
  5. share the love and link the sidebar logo to the person from whom you’ve received this award.

i am giving this award to (in no particular order) :
  1. chech

  2. ken wooi

  3. byzura razali

  4. atty

  5. heather

  6. lina

  7. eyna

  8. dnas

  9. kruel74

  10. wna

  11. marcus

  12. nila tanzil

Thursday, July 09, 2009

♫ we are the world

i was on my revisit to TH's blog, when i find this tag interesting:

we are the world dollies

*Start Copy Here*

You do not have to be tagged to play along. The game is simple and so are the rules.
  1. Copy from *Start Copy Here* through *End Copy Here*
  2. Add your site(s) to the list. Just be sure to post at each site you add.
  3. Tag as many bloggers as you like so the list keeps on growing.
  4. Let Emila know your blog’s name and url by leaving her a comment HERE. She will add you to the master list.
  5. Come back and copy the master list back to your site, often. This process will allow late-comers to get as much link benefit as the first ones in.

We Are The World Bloggers Master List:

  1. Emila Yusof
  2. The Other Side of Emila
  3. Mariuca
  4. Mariuca’s Perfume Gallery
  5. Meow Diaries
  6. Unlisted One
  7. Spiff, the Spaceman
  8. My Sweet Escape
  9. Nota Nurul
  10. Life’s Tapestry
  11. Spontaneous Insignificancy
  12. LadyJava
  13. Miss Igorota
  14. AnnyBoo
  15. Yoon See
  16. Jia’s Life
  17. Nessa’s Mumblings
  18. Also Mommy
  19. The Walk of Life
  20. Pretty Firefly
  21. Untouchable EARTH
  22. Baterya
  23. Comedy Plus
  24. Bain Cardin
  25. Strawberry Milkshake
  26. Turn-U-Off
  27. Jom Heboh Di Sini
  28. Notes by Marvic
  29. Memoir Mez
  30. Origena
  31. Walking Newspaper
  32. Nurul Aqilah
  33. Bluedreamer
  34. Breaking the Boundaries
  35. Life According to Me
  36. A Great Pleasure
  37. Time Goes By
  38. Kancing itu Butang
  39. In my Kitchen
  40. Fyzal’s Territory
  41. Wiggy’s World
  42. A Simple Life
  43. A Taxi Ride
  44. Single Life of Me
  45. Little Bits of Info
  46. Ode to Adrienne
  47. KMP
  48. Mommy’s Little Corner
  49. Wondermom
  50. Tom’s Place 4 Well Whatever
  51. Empty Streets
  52. Crafty Heart
  53. Phat Wallet
  54. AtheAthirahTaha
  55. Phat Woman
  56. Off The Top Of My Head
  57. Simple Happy Life
  58. Moore Blog Life
  59. Twisted Sister
  60. Fickleminded
  61. Sweet Nothings
  62. Fida Abbot
  63. Business Matters
  64. 5577 Studio
  65. Embrace Life
  66. ku E**
  67. Mom’s Special Diary
  68. Her and History
  69. Survivor: The Reality of My Life
  70. Anything under the Sun
  71. My Careless Whispers
  72. Basic Bloganomics
  73. Speedcat Hollydale
  74. Housewife@Work
  75. Unsolved Mysteries in the World
  76. Pensive Thoughts
  77. My Wedding Day
  78. Blogscope
  79. BloggersBase
  80. Coffee Creamer & Sugar
  81. Verging on 40
  82. My Adventures
  83. You’re next!

*End Copy Here*

*phew* now i am happily tagging Heather, BenSpark, Marcus, Zool, Yatie, BLue, Ayu, and whoever interested!!! Come and make this ‘WE ARE THE WORLD’ list grow longer!

kuE' note: last updated on 13 august 2009 :D

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

sleep is the best therapy

i reached home late sunday night. so meaning i didn't do much on hari raya aidiladha... what i did was tido (sleep)!!! wahhh... best you know...

there is a good question everybody asks: how many hours of sleep are required to feel well? the answers may alter. according to the statistics people require from seven to nine hours to be in shape. however there are people that state that they feel exhausted and worn out even after a nine-hour sleep. on the contrary we have individuals who may be quite content with a three-hour sleep. these variations are explained as difference in the genetic codes. to prove that the older the nation gets the less it sleeps, scientists held a simple test. they compared the average length of sleep in the nineteenth century with the length in twentieth. the result showed that the duration of sleep has been 20% reduced. modern society now sleeps half an hour less than it used to do two hundred years ago. technical innovations that are destined to make our lives easier make us stressed out and take time from us. there is no living human that does not like sleeping. sleep is extremely good for the immune system and for the state of the body in general. yhere was a good rule in my family when i was a little kid. When someone was sound asleep, nobody had a right to wake him/her up, unless there was a fair reason to do so.

seems quite possible to plan rest and work, but daily problems surround us every minute. parents and children wake up early to get to the kindergarten, to school to work and million other places. there are some professions that require their holders to be at work late at night and those poor people go there every day. students usually sit up late with their current tasks assignments and prepare for future tests. for some people life starts after dark when clubs, pubs, casinos, cafes attract people that enjoy such an atmosphere. sometimes they start their new day after having only a two-hour sleep or even having no sleep at all. such mornings do not bring anything pleasant but headaches, exhaustion and aggression. this rhythm of life does more harm than brings pleasure. lack of sleep also causes obesity, says canadian scientist. if the body demands rest, let the brain rest also. sound sleep is a gift. nightmares are even worse than being awake. if a person remembers dreams after the night, this means that your brain was not resting and what you have as a result is constant headache and broken nerves. live a healthy life and take care of yourself and others around you and you.

so normally after i had that much sleep i needed, i awoke in the middle of the night just like currently. and what i do to past the times— blogging of course. i found out that i have been tagged by WNA... hah! i still owe the one by syd that was way in september *glurp* then one by hani as well *phew* i will see maybe i fix a day to do all those hiks... at the meantime, what i only wanna do is to update some of my previous blog post' with pictures!!!...

Monday, November 17, 2008

friendship tag

i was on my visit to Nyumix's blog when i find this interesting tag about friendship—

and lovely are the blossoms
that are tended with great care,
by those who work unselfishly
to make the place more fair

and, like the garden blossoms,
friendship's flower grows more sweet
when watched and tended carefully
by those we know and meet

and, if the seed of friendship
is planted deep and true
and watched with understanding,
friendship's flower will bloom for you

start copying here:

here are the rules for this tag:
  1. copy the badge and put it on your blog.
  2. link back who pass you this special TAG.
  3. spread this tag to at least 7 or more bloggers who you think you are friend with.

end copying here:

i want to share this wonderful friendship tag to the following blogger buddies:
  1. WNA
  2. Yani
  3. DNAS
  4. Myasefia
  5. Eyna
  6. Oning
  7. Johnny Ong

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

7 random facts about kuE

i was meme’d by kechik while i was away last weekend. you may remember kechik when i profiled about our first meet and her engagement day.

being meme’d isn’t as painful as it sounds. meme is a blogger’s game of tag, kind of a chain mail, that taps bloggers on the shoulder, asks them to link to the tagger, respond to a question, post the guidelines and then tap several other bloggers on the shoulder to do the same.

it’s a harmless bit of fun that exposes you to more bloggers through virtual networking. by following the back-trail on this meme, i was already introduced to some really interesting bloggers. hopefully you will meet some interesting people, too.

first, the rules:

1) link to your tagger and post these rules on your blog.
2) share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.
3) tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
4) let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

now for the question—this meme question asks you to tell seven things about yourself.

it’s hard to think of things that might be of interest to the readers of this blog, but i’ll give it a try (in no particular orders):

1. i was born on 13 may 1972. but when i was in my school days, boys from THOSE two schools always laughed and teased at me because of the date halooooo… ya its on the same date as the tragic incident but not the same year wokay? :(

2. i can do other stuff other than blogging and baking i.e. quilting.

3. i support GREEN!!! you can notice me bringing my shopping bag no matter where i go, including to the nuffnang sharing session last saturday… did you all realize that?

4. i can read music notes, learned them with ellina’s father whose formerly a music teacher at mckk.

5. so freaking mad at some people who have lotsa money, but do not have the guts to spend some for the school funds :( go here to find out of why i am basically busy/like helping our community.

6. can stay awake for 48 straight hours. not so nocturnal of me eh?

7. i really, really, REALLY want to be a stay-at-home mom or a work-at-home mom. i'm getting tired of the corporate world hehehee...

in return, i tag 7 bloggers that i met last saturday and invite them to respond (as well as anyone else who has things to say). i invite visitors here to visit these blogs:

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

the first letter

i saw this on someone else's blog and thought i would play.

use the 1st letter of your name to answer each of the following.
your answers have to be real names, places, and things and you can’t use your own name for the boy or girl name.

what’s your name? kuE
car: kelisa
city: kuala lumpur
boy name: kamal
girl name: kay
alcoholic drink: kvass
occupation: kinesiologist
something you can wear: (baju) kurung
celebrity: kate winslet
food: keropok
reason for being late: kissing :o)
cartoon character: kim possible
something you shout: keep it down!

GO kuE!!! GO kuE!!!

so glad tomorrow is Khamis... ready for the weekend!

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

kuE's 15 pet peeves

you know what people-- in my absence from blogosphere since last week of a slight fever, i have never been doing nothing... and i was really bored for not blogging i tell you... life was just lying down there, feeling down... what when this kinda bad sore throat came lately, that really makes my life more sick... dang!

anyhow i found out yesterday that i have been tagged by Sweettooth. i guess 15 counts are ain't enough for our pet peeves, don't you think so people. i must say that its just part and parcel of our life. so here goes mine--

  1. racists.

  2. people who don't realize how incredibly lucky they are to live as well as they do when there are so many people in this world living terrible lives beyond their control.

  3. when people call me a prick because i have a new cell phone etc... i work for a living dang it.

  4. people that bitch at me for NOT parking in handicap parking (legally i can park there but i choose to leave it open for someone that REALLY needs it).

  5. people who do not know how to speak or to write, they will use "u" for "you", and use terrible grammar. listen, i know it's just ranting (in blog particularly), but if you really talk the way some of you write, you look like a stupid socially ignorant asshole!

  6. selfish yuppie scum who want everything now, not later. that sense of entitlement and arrogance goes only so far. they think they are better than everyone else, and have all their million dollar houses and trophy bitch wives to support, so they just walk all over everyone else, and tell them what to do.

    11:00 pm on a Saturday night! 4:30 am on a Sunday morning! STOP IT!!!!!

  8. i can't stand people with bad "eating" manners--
    • i hate the sound of silverware clanking on plates, and it really bothers me when people scrape their fork (or other utensil) around the plate... almost as a nervous habit! noisy eaters just piss me off! you'd be shocked if you knew how much. if i can hear you eating, then you're annoying me.
    • i harbor an extreme dislike for people that pop and smack their chewing gum. the sounds are annoying, and it makes the chewer look stupid, and rather unattractive on top of that. chew quietly with your mouth closed!!!!

  9. family members who do not talk to you for years, but when they need or want something, act like nothing happened.

  10. people who complain about service at restaurant, store, etc. when they themselves have never worked in retail and have no clue what stress is! and all the reasons why that person might have been rude to them at that moment on that day. these are real people with emotions, and lives....not robots!!!

  11. people who will spend all day in a chat room hanging around. they are creepy! get a life, go get a real person to have sex with and not some "fantasy" in a chat room who you will never meet or get to see. did you forget what REAL sex is all about? spending time in a chat room is so wasteful.

  12. the total lack of style that many young women have with their dress today. either it looks lewd and trashy (tight black spandex pats and a too-tight blouse) or dumpy (loose jeans and a tee-shirt). what ever happened to a nice-looking dress?

  13. people who pick their nose in public (GROSS!!)

  14. i hate having to hold my breath at public places just because somebody didn't feel like taking a shower or wearing deodorant! i know that others have to agree with me here!

  15. the fact that companies want you to send $ right away but take 6-8 weeks to send you their stuff. what could they possibly be doing?

need i say more? hehe... now i am tagging--

  1. kechik -- you are so cute and such a sport, thats why i like to tag you
  2. Lich -- i know you can give great answers :P
  3. Hani -- ok for you?
  4. KNizam -- mike berjalan je... sesekali kena buat tag jugak lol...
  5. Lin -- same goes to you my dear... its time to relax your mind ;)

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

the oh so cool tag

i found this very cool tag while blog hopping and it goes like this...

  1. go to
  2. type in your answer to the question in the "search"box.
  3. use only the first page.
  4. insert the picture into your Blog.

  1. what is your relationship status?

  2. what is your current mood?

  3. who is your favourite band/artist?

  4. what is your favourite movie?

  5. what kind of pet do you have?

  6. where do you live?

  7. where do you work?

  8. what do you look like?

  9. what do you drive?

  10. what did you do last night?

  11. what is your favourite tv show?

  12. describe yourself--

  13. what are you doing today?

  14. what is your name?

  15. what is your favourite candy?

see.. i told you i like this one, so i did it.. took a while but it was fun!

so now i am tagging Leilanie, kechik, Lin, Mya & PrettyMommie ;)

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

link meme of 2008

i was tagged by kechik to do this meme... here it goes!

i have randomly selected five (5) of you below to be tagged and i hope that you will similarly publish this post in your blog. you will have to tag five (5) other bloggers and just keep adding on to the list.

~~Begin Copy~~

  1. this is the easy way and the fastest way to:
    • make your authority technorati explode
    • increase your google page rank.
    • get more traffic to your blog.
    • make more new friends.

  2. Rules:
    • start copy from “Begin Copy” until “End Copy” to your blog.
    • put your own blog name and link.
    • tag your friends as much as you can.

  1. Picturing of Life
  2. Juliana’s Site
  3. Shower Your Children With Love - The Right Way
  4. Life’s a journey, not a destination
  5. Simple Life
  6. Life is beautiful; Life is love
  7. Lovely Mummy
  8. Lemonjude
  9. Faith,Hope,Love
  10. Newife Blog
  11. Good things in life…
  12. …the Guru-Guru life…
  13. ezooone@seweng
  14. little miss kechik
  15. kuE

~~ End Copy ~~

i am tagging Sweettooth, Minny, jlshyang, DNAS and Ween ;)

kuE's note:
i think this is my first meme of '08 hehe...

Saturday, December 08, 2007

38 questions tag

i have been tagged by DNAS and yarabbi... mak oii... so many questions to answer, yet i dunno whats the reason behind all that ;)

  1. name one person who made you laugh last night?

  2. what were you doing at 0800?
    i was taking my own sweet time, of a nice, great and warm shower

  3. what were you doing 30 minutes ago?
    browsing the net

  4. what happened to you in 2006?
    let me see... it was the end of my relationship with D in october

  5. what was the last thing you said out loud?

  6. how many beverages did you have today?
    lots of Wasser

  7. what color is your hairbrush?
    its handmade, of wood

  8. what was the last thing you paid for?
    our dinner at a local kfc

  9. where were you last night?
    at home

  10. what color is your front door?
    dark wood

  11. where do you keep your change?
    small tin box

  12. what’s the weather like today?

  13. what’s the best ice-cream flavor?
    rum & raisin

  14. what excites you?

  15. do you want to cut your hair?
    i wanna keep it long this time. the last time i cut it was some time in july i think.

  16. are you over the age of 25?
    Ja, doch!

  17. do you talk a lot?

  18. do you watch the O.C.?

  19. do you know anyone named Steven?

  20. do you make up your own words?

  21. are you a jealous person?

  22. name a friend whose name starts with the letter ‘A’.

  23. name a friend whose name starts with the letter ‘K’.
    kenneth tan

  24. who’s the first person on your received call list?
    my area manager ;)

  25. what does the last text message you received say?
    ich liebe dich auch

  26. do you chew on your straw?

  27. do you have curly hair?
    aber nein

  28. where’s the next place you’re going to?
    washroom -- bladder full already

  29. who’s the rudest person in your life?

  30. what was the last thing you ate?
    x-meal value meal (i think so) at a local kfc, cuz megat was craving for it

  31. will you get married in the future?

  32. what’s the best movie you’ve seen in the past 2 weeks?
    didn’t watch any

  33. is there anyone you like right now?
    i would rather not to mention it yet hehe...

  34. when was the last time you did the dishes?
    this afternoon

  35. are you currently depressed?
    ja, but it's pretty mild :)

  36. did you cry today?

  37. why did you answer and post this?
    cuz like i said earlier, i have been tagged... if don’t do, feel quite guilty

  38. tag 5 people who would do this survey--

    kuE's note: i will update the above links once you all have done this ;)

Saturday, March 03, 2007

5 reasons why kuE blog

my dear blogger friend Warren Tan TL (we met last week) tagged me for this a couple of days ago, but i'm ummm.... lazy.... (Shhhh! don't tell anybody!)

  1. i started my blog so that i could have an outlet for some of the stuff i had been through. because as awful as it was, i've got a powerful testimony to god's provision, love, and faithfulness through it all! and secrets lose their power when they are no longer secret.

  2. i also thought that if i shared what we've been through, maybe i could connect with other people who had been through something similar. then, we could be a support to each other. because the one thing that was sorely lacking when this happened was someone that genuinely understood. i'm sorry it happened to someone else, but i praise god that my prayer to find someone who totally knew what i meant was answered. and i feel blessed to be able to offer support to her too.

  3. i am terrible at writing in a journal, so i thought this was a good way to do some journaling, at least, it would hold my interest a little more, and it has :)

  4. it gives me a chance to write things i wouldn't take the time to otherwise. i love writing, i know i'm not all that great at it, but when i grow up, i think i want to be a writer :P

  5. it's a chance to connect with others. i've found others who blog who i would never be in communication with otherwise. i have connected with people whom i admire and respect very much, and they've caused me to think about things i wouldn't otherwise, and look at things a different way, and they've helped sharpen my faith.

so, i want to take this opportunity to thank those of you who take the time to blog. even if you believe that nobody would want to read what you have to say, i tell you that's not true. even if it means something to one person, it's worth it. i don't comment as much as i'd like because i'm... lazy... (SHHHH! DONT TELL ANYBODY!!!) but i'm reading as much as i can and i appreciate what you have to say!

on another note, a very special thanks to a bunch of bloggers that i met at the penang bloggers meet organized by Logic Yuan recently. if not because of blogging, i won't met all of you nice people! and if not because of blogging too, that i won't met Lydia Teh. also if not because of blogging too, that Camus won't have tracked my blog post on koleq and the rest is history ;)

now here's the next 5 lucky victims that i would like to tag....... so tell me, why do you blog?

kuE's note: i'll up-date the links when my victims have done theirs ;)

Monday, March 06, 2006

countdown 10 to 1 tag

NAH tagged me on this and here's mine finally-

first best friend: kay of whom we are still, since we were in standard 1 back in '79.
first item you stole: chocolate from the fridge, dunno whose.
first pet: a tortoise named on-on. i cried when i lost him- that was somewhere in '79 too i think.
first piercing: ears piercing at bb plaza when i was about 11+, that only after we saw a baby girl with ear-pierced lol
first school: srk datin khadijah
first house location: ss19, sj
first crush: fuiyo... why lar got this type of question? okay lar maybe one of the budak koleq then whose also my ex-boyfriend *glurp*
first kiss: by my parents when i was born- same goes to everyone rite, definitely!
first car: honda life (can't seems to remember the reg. no.) that my dad bought for me when i was +/- 17+ . had so many experiences with that car hehe... kay and me would be laughing like hell when everytime we think of it.

last time you smoked: maybe +/- 12 years ago, juz for fun with gal friends when we went out for clubbing
last food you ate: a pack of snickers
last movie you watched on dvd at home: sepet
last movie you watched at the cinema: memoirs of geisha
last text message: "okie dokie" -to a colleague in penang who asked me to up-date her on our next company meeting in sunway hotel, seberang jaya
last music video you saw: 'cos i love you (the english version) - love this song since heard megat sang the mandarin version few years ago. guess what. i even asked him to sing sometimes when i feel like wanna hear it lol.
last song you listened to: pop ye ye by VE
last words you said: "aiyaa... why lar always off-line; angin tak de, ribut tak de" -was mumbling to self when one of my cashier up-date me on the kompakar' card system.

dated a best friend: yup
been arrested: nope, i'm 'kamcing' (closed) with all those inspectors what lol.
been on TV: YES!!!
eaten sushi: lurve it
cheated on your BF/GF: no
been on a blind date: ;)
been out of the country: yup
been in love: of course

1. my guess watch
2. my jade bangle that i bought during my beijing trip
3. blue denim work blouse
4. black pants
5. black boots
6. fav blue hair clips
7. fav gold ring that i bought using my first pay-check in kl ;)

1. drank a full-glass of milk (a must, every morning)
2. fetched puteri at 11.05am, as the teacher called that puteri was not feeling well. the weather was damn hot these days, thats why i guess.
3. trying to complete all the reports that to be fax-out by the 7th ;)
4. replied emails
5. reconfirm stock schedule for few days ahead with ML
6. interviewed some candidates

1. my antique bed given by my late great grand-ma auww...
2. my 4-wd
3. my nokia 6680
4. my collection of hand-bags
5. my butterfly things i.e. accessories, hand-bags, clothes etc.

1. my parents
2. puteri
3. megat
4. d

1. perform all rukun islam (insya-Allah)
2. to see all my children grow-up and become the most successful people
3. travel, travel and travel

vanilla or chocolate: chocolate
rock or rap: rap- although i'm not much into this hehe... prefer r&b or jazz kind of music


PEOPLE WHO I'D LIKE TO WASTE TIME DOING THIS TAG: open to all. maybe you let me know so that i could placed a link here ;)

Monday, February 13, 2006

kuE's 4-tag...

...on a day before 14 February 2006-

i was tagged by
Leilanie, (who else) hehe...

Four Jobs I Had In My Life
1. Receptionist*
2. FO Guest Relations Officer*
3. Asst Front Office Manager*
*kuE's note: all these positions were from the same hotel. i climbed-up through the jobs from the bottom-line.
4. Secretary to the Sales Director,
Stone World Sdn. Bhd., previously located at Holiday Villa Hotel

Four Movies I Could Watch Over and Over
Summer Holiday
Pretty Woman

Four TV Shows I Love To Watch
The Bold and the Beautiful
2. CSI (all of them)
3. Little House on the Prairie

Four Places I've Lived
1. SS19,Subang Jaya
2. USJ11, UEP Subang Jaya
3. Bandar Baru Sepang
4. Kuala Kangsar

Four Places I've Been on Vacation To
1. London, England
2. Langkawi
Cameron Highlands

Four Places I'd Rather Be In
1. the comfort of my air-cond room auww...
2. Vancouver
3. -ditto-
4. -ditto-
kuE's note: i'd rather be in those two places right now, can i? cuz i dun have the answers for number 3 and 4 lol...

Four of My Favourite Foods
1. Sushi
2. Lasagne
3. Char-kuay-teow (mo chioq lol...)
4. Pasta pasta and more pasta hmm... mama mia

Four Websites I Visit Daily
2. (work)
3. (basically, still for/about work)
4. all blogs on my favourite list

Four Victims To Do This Tag
NeoTech v2.0
Qatar Cat

kuE's note: nizam called this afternoon to remind me about the farewell lunch tomorrow. yea... no problem as i do not have any date for valentine's day :P

Saturday, October 15, 2005

seven -- tagged

i have been tagged by Leilanie with a 7. thanks kawan.
here we go with 7 things thingy from kuE

seven things i plan to do (Insya-Allah) before i die:

1. haj.
2. see my kids turn into fine muslim human beings.
3. settle well before i'm old. take care of myself, look my best, generally maintain myself better.
4. make more people actually BELIEVE that you don't have to have a Degree to be successful, an expert in your field or intelligent. that's me!
5. have free time to finish all my UFOs and be the first malaysian to display his/her quilts in a solo exhibition (boleh ke ni? hehe...).
6. to become somewhat of a world traveler going to places like Egypt, Italy, Morocco, India and the UAE.
7. be very knowledgeable about Islam, and be even more consistent in my prayer timing, doa’s, and have enough time to set aside just for praying a bit extra, and increase my ilmu. amin.

seven things i can do:
(you missed this one kawan)

1. decorate. i love to decorate!

2. sew and make quilts. (ref. to no. 5 in the above answer) anyhow i'll post some of my quilt pics someday ;)
3. drive as fast as i can. i lurrvveee to do this when i drive alone
4. customer service. i am very good in this i.e. hospitality industry
5. bake a great shortbread buiscuits
6. chat on the fon with a closed one (namely friends) for more than two hours
7. temberang a bit, esp those times when i was a secretary in a building constructions company in sj hehe...

seven things i cannot do:

1. complete complex math problems
2. be an accountant
3. have an indian boyfriend/husband (i know this one quite sensitive to some, but really, i cannot do this at all!!! sorry)

4. eat seafood
5. avoid chocolates
6. left home without bringing my fon
7. participate in the fear factor programme (survivor or the apprentice: donald ok! can't wait for the apprentice: martha to be screened here anyway)

seven celebrities crushes:
(in alphabetical orders)

1. anuar zain
started when i was 12, zaman “kain pelikat”. eee… shy lor lol. cikgu razak was my music teacher. anuar used to come to his house (huhu... now this house has been demolished to one of the koleq's dormitory) during school holidays and the rest were history. now, juz biasa-biasa je.
2. bros
heart throbs during the 80s
3. cliff richard
is it because my dad sangs his songs (budak koleq, remember the wanderers? *glurp*) that i like him. anyhow he's one true great artist. no drugs, no tobaccos, nothing.
4. donny osmond
donny & marie osmond, also the osmond brothers are my all-time favs until now. i used to ask my dad to spin their cassettes (yes, cassettes) esp donny & marie all the way to balik kampung when my dad was based in kluang last time around the 70's. just imagined, the long hours journey those times plus the same singers singing non-stop! lol
5. george clooney
i like his movies a lot
6. richard marx
famous in 80s as well, that his songs are still one of the best now
7. tom cruise
i dunno, maybe because he's handsome ;)

seven things i say most often:

1. darling/sayang (for puteri & megat)
2. kewl!!
3. shit (when damn angry of course)
4. damn
5. lor
6. yea… yea…
7. plus many others that only applicable for those 18SGG++ hahaha…

seven things that attracts me to the opposite sex :

1. no body odour
2. intelligence
3. maturity but not a stick in a mud
4. looks (particularly a cheeky smile and lovely eyes)
5. grace
6. honesty
7. that indefinable 'spark'

seven people i want to do this with :

1. kay -- i dunno whether she has a blog.
suhaimi sulaiman
fakhrul imran
6. the first budak koleq who found this *ahaks* (except u Suhaimi)
7. the first budak kelipot who found this *grins*
note for no. 6 & 7: if u all know who i am, mati lar i rotfl no lar... lol. btw please let me know ok, so that i could place a link to your site/blog :)
