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    Sunday, September 11, 2005

    Fall TV

    I don't schedule much tv. In the past 3 seasons I can count on one hand the ones that made it to "must see tv" status for me. Oh, I'll *watch* a handful, if I can't find anything else to entertain myself that night - CSI (the original), Law and Order (the original), NCIS, Numb3rs, House. Not any comedy I go out of my way to watch, and I'd rather regrout the bathtub than watch "reality" tv. Joss Whedon's 3 series (Buffy, Angel, Firefly) were probably the last shows I made an effort to see, or Tivo. Also some of the only series TV we have on VHS or DVD.

    So, now that you know how much I don't watch tv... here's how much I'll watch tv this month. A LOT.

    I don't dislike tv watching. I just don't like watching complete crap. I look forward every fall to the start of a new season, looking for that diamond amongst the boart. If I can find one Sopranos or Buffy, the networks will have done better this year than they have in several years past.

    Pass the remote. It's premier week.



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