I helgen arrangeres Bygdescrappen i Hokksund og pga at det er begrensede plasser der har de også en parallelt online-treff. En av oppgavene der er et moodboard med høstfarger og kriteriene er å følge fargene og at det må inneholde min et blad. Jeg heiv meg rundt i formiddag og fikk laget et halloween-kort i full fart. Jeg hadde fargelagt dette motivet tidligere denne uken, så da gikk det ganske fort å lage kortet.
Motivet er et motiv fra Mariola Budek og da jeg så det motivet for noen dager siden, visste jeg at jeg bare måtte ha det og jeg måtte bare fargelegge det med en gang. Er det ikke herlig?
This weekend there is a paper/scrapping event in Hokksund and because of covid there is a limited number of seats there, therefore they are having an online event as well. One of the challenges there is a moodboard with autumn colors and the project has to have at least one leaf on it. I rushed in to my craft room and made this card in about no time. I colored this image earlier this week so then it was quiet quick and easy to make this card.
The image is from Mariola Budek and when I first saw this a few days ago I just knew I had to have it, and I couldn´t wait to color it. Isn´t it lovley?
I used papers from StudioLight, a text stamp from Kort & Godt some flowers and berries. I used Prills Go ManGo. The fall leafs are made by inking up a watercolor paper sheet with Distress ink/oxide; Faded Jeans, Fired Brick, Spiced Marmalade and Fossilized Amber before I diecutted them. The dies are from Marianne Design. Next time I will probably not blend the colors as much so that I will have more colorful leafs.