Showing posts with label rubber moon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label rubber moon. Show all posts

Friday, January 3, 2014

oh hello 2014

Well, hello to 2014 and hello to you!
I hope that you had a most excellent holiday season! I was really torn this year because part of me felt like such a scrooge for not being in too much of the holiday spirit. It felt like such a chore to get all of my shopping (both for all of the food and the gifts), get everything put up and ready plus try to carry on with my business. Most of you know that RubberMoon Art Stamps is my new company. Having a new business is sorta like taking care of a garden. It must be tended and nurtured. Being away or distracted from it, well, it is a challenge! Often, I find myself feeling guilty if I am not working at least, 10 hours a day. But I have a family, too, that needs me and so balance is key and yet, difficult to achieve at times. Somehow I managed it all and everyone got fed (quite well) and no one got forgotten in the gift department. No one had lumps of coal in their stockings and RubberMoon is still standing, so I guess I did okay! And through it all, I was not really too much of a scrooge! My husband and I managed to launch the NEW RubberMoon website on New Year's Day!! 
Wow! Wonders never cease!
I wish you the very best that life has to offer this year, good health, abundance, love and the joy that creativity brings! Thank you for stopping by and I hope you will check out our new site. It has and is, certainly a labor of love.And I am so excited about what the New Year holds! 
