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Showing posts with label not writing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label not writing. Show all posts

Monday, December 10, 2012

Disaster Movies

So instead of attending to my writing as I should have been this weekend, I did a little bit of it, then watched the B- movies on SyFy Disaster Saturday. Ok maybe some of the movies were D movies (that snow globe one was truly awful.) But I was still watching! Then I wondered: Why, with all the far-fetched stories they threw out at me, was I glued to the action on screen?
My theory? Our innate desire to figure out the worst case scenerio in any eventuallity and ask, am I prepared? What would I do?
As an east coaster I've lived through hurricane Sandy - thankfully with minor damage to my house and only a week of no cable ::shudder:: - I was fairly well prepared. But would I be if a killer ice tornado struck or if a Zombie apocalypse started?
Yes, I have an imaginery fortress in the wilds of upstate New York equiped with all the necessities; like geothermal power and high walls to keep the zombies out. There's both solar and wind power and a hydroponics garden for survival.
So, tell me - what's your imaginary disaster fortress like and what's there?

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Rough waters

Not the story--life. No matter how one plains things out, life has this annoying way of not doing what you want.

Haven't given up, haven't stopped writing, and Seduction of a Proper Lady is (was) going smoothly. But when I can't even keep my eyes open long enough to make dinner let alone plop before the computer to write, it make for uneven progress.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

What I'll never write about

Granted, my stories tend to run in the highly erotic, more menage direction, but I had a conversation this weekend with a friend who wanted to know if I'd ever write straight fiction.

1. NO
2. I like what I write, who needs to be literary? I enjoy reading what I write, therefore, I like writing what I write.
3. In straight literary fiction, I think (but didn't get into it) that she meant political stuff.

Now, I'm not opposed to adding in political intrigue into my stories, and aside from the fact that I tend to write historicals, I have no desire to jump into any political arena. Politics are for arguing, screaming at each other about the state of the world. No thanks. Sure you can have hot sex scenes with a political bent, but I'd prefer not to have all that blood-pressure rising anger that usually accompies these things.

Monday, May 24, 2010

What a long week!

I don't know where the time went but I can guarantee it wasn't spent writing! I don't really know what happened, I had all sorts of good intents, but alas...

Sometimes you just need to recharge your batteries, let stories sit while you rest, veg, or even clean (my carpets are very happy with my week of no writing.) Also trying to steer clear of news, it's more depressing by the day! I've started reading The Hungarian by Stephanie Burkhart. She was kind enough to draw my name for a free copy! I'm loving it. :)

Also waiting for my first short story to come out, Inamorata in the Once Upon a Threesome anthology from Ravenous Romance.