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Showing posts with label Forbidden Road. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Forbidden Road. Show all posts

Thursday, February 7, 2013

February #goals, #series, and more #menage romance

This month I shall figure out a way to stop time (only for a little while, a few hours at most!) so I can accomplish more. Or possibly sleep more so my waking hours are more productive.

Groundhog Day/Stargate aside, this month is yet another busy one! Who here wishes that just one month would be free from obligations? Or at least limited to maybe a small handful of them?

Setting aside writing time is harder and harder to do, but this month my goals are to finish up a couple stories and get everything ready for publication. I'm so close to finishing my 2 ménage stories that I'd really just like them finished, edited, polished, and done! Plus I have some serious plotting to do for the next books in the series.
  • Re-write the ending to Cursed Love: A Wicked Demon Story--I liked the ending when I wrote it but upon second and third read, it needs something a bit more.
  • Edit the whole thing once more and have that converted
  • Finish Forbidden Road: A Havenbrook Ménage Series
  • Edit it, write the synopsis and blurb, and submit it
  • Outline and plot Forbidden Love: A Havenbrook Ménage Series
  • Outline and plot Forbidden Temptation: A Havenbrook Ménage Series 
  • Finish Wicked Seduction: A Victorian Ménage at the Parisian Expostion
  • Write blurb and finish cover
  • Edit it and have it converted
  • Outline and plot The Wallflower's Seduction: A Victorian Ménage at the Parisian Expostion