T stands for Two Drinks
Two drinks, TV remote, my readers and my cell phone................all set to watch a couple of taped programs. That was AFTER I did a post, three loads of laundry (one folded in the basket, one laid out on the spare bed and one still in the dryer) then there was a trip into Bakersfield to do two errands and buy something besides condiments for the refrigerator......phew!! Why am I sharing this? Cause it is time to join the T-gang over at Altered Book Lover .......you know, for a jaunt around the world being nosey about what others are drinking!!!! I don't normally put ANYTHING in my coffee, but I needed to sit down and relax and a latte sounded good. It is just sugar free syrup, coffee and heavy whipping cream.........a generic SB but I like it a latte better..................couldn't pass that one up....LOL!! The Smart Water is one I bought on the run.................nope it hasn't helped at all, I feel no smarter than before I bought it.....*grin* I