Tuesday, September 20, 2011


Soccer season is in full swing here in Colorado. It seems like the sport that almost every kid around here plays, and a lot of the kids have been on the same teams for several years. Not wanting to be left out, we jumped right in and signed the kids up! Jack is actually on a brand new team and they didn't have anybody to Coach it, so Brandon and one other Dad stepped up so the boys could play. Brandon has never coached before, but he's doing a really good job so far, and Jack loves having him as his coach.

I love this picture of Jack, you can tell by the look on his face that he is having so much fun!

Go Scorpions!

Taking a water break

Coach Krainik!

Haha - this picture makes me laugh because I love that Jack has his arm out the opposite way ready to congratulate the other team! Cute kid!
Since Keslie is in a higher age group, they have 2 practices a week, a bigger playing field, a Ref, and they use goalies. Jack's age group practices once a week, is on a smaller field, no goalie, and no Ref.

It's really interesting for me to watch Keslie and Jack play because you can really see their little personalities come out. Jack will hustle and run after the ball, but he isn't super aggressive in trying to get the ball. He's ok with letting other people get it to try and score a goal. He's just happy to be out on the field, running around, and playing with his team. I love watching him laugh, and he reminds me a lot of me when I was younger. Keslie on the other hand, is super aggressive in trying to get the ball and playing defense. She is learning that you can't push the other girls out of the way to try and get the ball! She is really fast though, and made the one and only goal for her team on Saturday. She has a lot of fun, and I love the fact that she gets in there and works hard. She definitely has a competitive streak in her!

See that look on her face - she's after one thing!
She did get a little winded playing on that big field, but after a quick break, she was ready to go again

Goal! I loved how excited and proud she was when she scored her first goal

Go Strikers!

Soccer is keeping us pretty busy, but the kids are loving it, and so I love it.


okiedokiegma said...

Thanks for the post! Great pictures of the kids...looks like they are having loads of fun, each in his or her own way. How do you keep Miss Em off the field? LYTTTTTTTTTM!

Brittany said...

Go kes and jack! So excited for them! Soccer is so so fun and so so time consuming! Haha! Congrats kes on scoring a goal, that's awesome!

tiffany garfield photography said...

They're awesome! I wish I could see them play! They look so cute in their uniforms. That's so cool Brandon is coaching. good dad, good dad. Great pics btw. :)

Unknown said...

They are so cute! Looks like they are having a lot of fun.