Showing posts with label photography. Show all posts
Showing posts with label photography. Show all posts

Friday, August 30, 2013

Day Trip - the beach

My Mum and I drove down to the beach during the week. There's lots of popular beaches but we chose one you can only get to by 4WD. Because of the high tide the previous night there was no way you could drive in without getting bogged, but it's only a km through the mud flats and mangroves to reach the ocean so we walked in by foot. Here's some of the interesting things I photographed on our day trip -
Some pretty pink flowers growing on the mud flats.
A big clawed crab ready to dive into his burrow.
A gorgeous wild sunflower against the cloudless blue sky.
Another pretty little crab found on the track through the mangroves.
A crab hole whose occupant obviously doesn't have flood insurance.
A red Yabby warning me not to get too close.
Spikey shell we found along the beach.
Pretty coconut tree.
Pied Oystercatcher along the waterfront.
Red-capped plover darting across the sand.
Sooty Oystercatcher taking off into the surf.
The perfect end to a perfect day at the beach.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Meet Echo the Gecko.

While buying a few for a friend I fell in love with Nephrurus levis geckos, aka smooth knob-tail geckos. So how could I resist when this little beauty came up for sale?
I've named him Echo. The gecko.
He's settled in quite well and I love having a lizard that we can watch of a night when all the others are asleep.
He doesn't like being handled very much but he does come and sit at the glass and stare at me while I watch TV. He's so cute!

Thursday, February 28, 2013

February in Instagram

This month just flew by! Wait, I said that about last month, didn't I? Doesn't help that this month is a couple days shorter than the rest.
This month I...
Photographed some of my favourite stuff and drank a lot of coffee.
Fled the floods.
Harmonized with nature.
Had some interesting new friends visit.
Went shopping. A lot!
Hung out with friends.
Did some embroidery and bought a new quilt.
Enjoyed and laughed at my fur babies antics.
What did you do this past month?

Friday, January 25, 2013

x-cyclones and such

I'm glad it didn't hit as a full-blown cyclone! Imagine what Oswald could have done then! It's the rain that's driving me crazy. Heavy rainfall for the past few days, over 300mls in the last 24 hours.
Thank God for the SES and Swift Water Rescue Team or we would have had some tragic drownings in the area.
The park in front of our house is flooded and the creek beside it has turned into a raging torrent!
There's trees down everywhere, debris is littering the roads and we have no water due to a broken water main.
Our Driveway
Our front Lawn
Thank goodness the rain has let up! I hope we've had the worst of it. I would hate to have been in Townsville or Mackay over the last few days.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013


Alright. I finally gave in. I finally decided to log my phone onto the instagram site and log my photos, instead of keeping them all to myself. You can find me under the name "kraftypanda" if you wish to see my pics.
Let me know your username and I just might pop by!

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Pink and Purple

Last nights sunset. Simply stunning!!
What a way to begin a new year!

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Bokeh & Lizard Christmas Trees

With my new camera, I finally figured out how to make bokeh!!
I am so happy, I love this effect!
And look what I scored at the op-shop.
A lizard-sized Christmas tree!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

weird little eco system

While walking in the gardens, I found clinging to a weeping paperbark branch this little ball of plants.
I've only seen one before. I thought it was a flower because it was all dried out but with this one you can tell that it was different from everything else. It was getting its water supply from the branch (well twig really) of the paperbark tree.
A weird little eco system all in a world of it's own, complete with spider and web!
Google wasn't any help. Does Anyone know what these little plants are? They remind me of bromeliads.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Welcome Spring!!

Oh how I've missed you, Spring, with your warm sunny days.
Welcome back!
What have you missed about Spring?