My first post, Here I Am, was a quick introductory post. The first commenters on my first post were my husband, my sister, Rena Jones, Brenda Zirkle, and Jill Corcoran (thanks!). My second post, Paint It Black, was about black fingernail polish. My third post, Crazy B’s, was about a concert I had attended (what a surprise).
Through this first blogging year I have accumulated 155 posts, 11,287 hits, 50 followers, and most importantly several cyber friends I’ve connected through my blog and through reading their blogs.
So as a thank you to you all, I am having a lil contest. A caption contest. Look at the pic below, and give me your best caption (or comment).

What will you win? You will win a pack of recycled pencils and an Ed Hardy notepad to scribble a quick writing idea or a grocery list in. You can be cool and be green at the same time! I wish I could give away more, but it’s a recession, yo.
So give me your best caption (yes, those are my pups)! Contest closes on Sunday. I’ll announce a winner on Monday!
And thanks a million for reading my blog!!!