I am going to throw in a quick thankful before getting back to my letters. I am so thankful that Liam finally decided to potty train in AZ. I know, I know he is so old, although he is still 3. But he just needed to do it on his own, and he did! Everything I tried failed, but in AZ he trained himself. Day and night. We had a slight scare with a scorpion in the bathroom. He was screaming bloody murder and when I checked on him he was sitting in terror on the toilet and I saw a big scorpion crawl out from under some clothes I had left on the floor and I screamed bloody murder! In my defense I was wearing slippers and didn't have a way of squishing it. My Dad gallantly came to the rescue and killed it. I was so worried after that he would digress because of fear. He was afraid, but he just made me sit with him every time he went to the bathroom after that. He has not had an accident in a week. Go Liam!
My letter today is G. I am so grateful for Grandparents. I was blessed with the most amazing Grandparents. They are amazing in so many different ways. I have learned love, kindness, generosity, and acceptance. I am blessed to be surrounded by people who love me and my children.
My Children are blessed to have to wonderful sets of Grandparents and I hope they grow up to appreciate the love they are shown.