This past weekend we celebrated Hunter's half birthday. Why? Because he's our first child and I'm allowed to spoil him! And to me, 18 months is a big milestone.
The guests included my parents and my sister and her husband. These pics are in random order.
This is the birthday boy with his Carrot Cake in a jar. I'll do a separate post on this.
In order not to go overboard with decorations, I hung up some of Hunter's art work he had done at preschool so that my family could see it. I used mini clothes clips I had to hang them on the blinds.
Chocolate or vanilla cake to celebrate? I went with Carrot Cake! I made it in a jelly roll pan, iced it, and then used the back of a spoon to make the scallops.
I made chili and served it with toppings, cornbread, and fritos. Little man decided he needed to taste test the fritos.
This is the cornbread I baked up. I used a baking pan that had square muffin shapes in it that Korey had bought me one year. I used a box of Jiffy cornbread mix and added in cheese and diced green onions.
I served me and my sister's famous Cranberry/Sprite drink in glass bottles. Although, Sprite wasn't on sale so I used 7Up. Next time I'll add ice.
This was Hunter' Carrot Cake in a jar. I'm on a let's-buy-glass-jars-because-everything-will-look-prettier-in-them kick. Just ask Korey.
Fabulous! These were leftover candles from Hunter's first birthday I had purchased at the dollar store.
And these were the chili toppings. Cheese, sour cream, and green onions...all served in jars! These made for super-easy cleanup because we just had to put the lid back on and put them in the fridge.
A little bit of a fuzzy photo, but here is our birthday boy with his grandparents.
Thanks to my family for helping us celebrate and for indulging my "he-needs-a-half-birthday-party" whim!