Yey! Finally I managed to grab some time to put up my origami collection online. And it means I have to part with them 'cause i have to sold some of them. I had a heavy heart when I uploaded it online because I don't have the heart to give them away, ok technically Im going to sold them! hehe. I love every piece I made and honestly half of the them I barely recall how to make. I don't make patterns so it would make each of them unique. But they have to go and surely they have to be put to use.
A whole lot of them was already been sold to selected few and Its a good welcome. This might be good I think, It means I can make a whole lot of them and not worry about storing them. Hehehe!!
Anyway, I'll post some items up here. I'll put the link later. My connection is a bitch. Well, its my neighbor's but that's beside the point. Blogger won't load with just 50 + kbps. Bugger!
Japanese cupcake PUCCHO!!I've been Flckr surfing and I found these adorable pictures of Puccho! It's a japanese cupcake. It's been a while since i last visited my fave japanese store here and I don't recall if they sell Puccho or any cutesy-cutesy candy. I think its just good 'ol dango with different flavors. Damn. I want these
kawaii cake for decoration, haha, ok I'll eat it but give me a few days of worshiping.
The only problem was it's so damn far from downtown. salivating for a taste of Puccho!
Just loooook..... its damn enticing!
I love this! Danger mouse Puccho.