Showing posts with label 20 Questions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 20 Questions. Show all posts

Tuesday, 25 September 2012

20 Questions AndyA

Aliens vs Warships
1. Favourite Wargaming period and why?
Science Fiction There is infinite possibilities that can happen and infinite weapons + vehicles at your disposal. Great time to play within.

2. Next period, money no object?
Steampunk With the same ideas of the SciFi answer. This time, take the past and add a sprinkle of the future and you have a Dystopian Universe that is brilliant.

Is this gonna be a standup fight,
sir, or another bughunt? 
3. Favourite 5 films?
Aliens, Jaws, Mad Max, Boondock Saints, Bladerunner

4. Favourite 5 TV series?
Eureka, Dr. Who, Warehouse 13, Supernatural, Monkey

5. Favourite book and author?
The StandStephen King When I started to read this book, it was the year that Bird Flu started to appear. If you match that with the story of the book, shitting yourself would be an understatement. This book has left a huge mark in my memory as a result.

6. Greatest General? Can’t count yourself!!
Hannibal 2 words. Elephants. Alps.

7. Favourite Wargames rules?
Dystopian WarsSpartan Games. Q2 for the reason. Big robots using steam? Yes please!

8. Favourite Sport and team?
WGC – Team UK I am not a sportsfan by any means. I have always had a solid interest in computer gaming and has had played a huge part of my life. When the WGC was formed, I became a follower and a patriot to follow my own country into the games. Best year for us happened to be 2010. 

Yes I'm a robot. Is that going
to be a problem?
9. If you had a only use once time machine, when and where would you go?
The end of time at the final event. I would like to know, why we are here and the purpose behind it all.

10. Last meal on Death Row?
Chicken Maryland I love this meal. Had it when I was a child and can’t seem to shake the want for it when in restaurants. 

11. Fantasy relationship and why?
Sean Young as Rachel in Blade Runner.

The Hangover's
Zach Galifianakis   
12. If your life were a movie, who would play you?
Zach Galifianakis

13.  Favourite Comic Superhero?
Batman Simply as he out thinks other heros. He will do the research into what it will take to defeat his opponent. By far my favourite comic hero.

14. Favourite Military quote?
"No bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his."- Attributed to General George Patton Jr Not a truer word was said.

15.  Historical destination to visit?
41°43′32″N, 49°56′49″W When you find out where this is, then you will know the reason why its this destination and when, if I could go there at that time.

16. Biggest Wargaming regret?
Leaving it for 15 years before coming back.

17.  Favourite Fantasy job?
Director I have forever dreamed of working behind the cameras. I have even written a few long lost, best forgotten, unseen screenplays in my time. I love hearing and telling stories so if I could tell the story on the screen I would. Alas I am now resigned to tell these stories in the form of RPG’s scenarios.

18. Favourite Song Top 5?
Enigma – Saddeness,  Hero - Enrique Iglesias; I like too much music to pinpoint 5 songs but those two have a deep meaning behind them.

They mostly come at night ... mostly
19. Favourite Wargaming Moment?
Upon returning to a tense moment in the Aliens RPG. The guys have been thinking of what they are going to do all week. Then, it is revealed to them that the immediate threat they have been worried about was a simple hologram. The one thing they did not expect.

20. The miserable Git question, what upsets you?
When fixing a computer at someones house and they ask, “While you are here, can you have a look at…” If I knew I was going to look at something else I would have brought the necessary tools/equipment for it.

Wednesday, 19 September 2012

20 Questions GaryB

Here is my stab at the Twenty questions game. Enjoy.

Carthage v Rome Round 2 Ding! Ding!
1. Favourite Wargaming period and why?
I have recently gotten more involved with World War 2 war gaming through games with TimS and GaryG though previously I would have immediately said Ancients and particularly the Punic Wars. I have an underused Carthaginian army for Fields Of Glory which I must dust off and get back into action.

World War I recruiting poster
2. Next period, money no object?
The Pursuit Of Glory Boardgame has caught my eye recently and I think I will be giving it a go. World War 1 in the Middle East is a period I know very little about and playing a high quality boardgame in his period is an excellent way to learn the historical context.

3. Favourite 5 films?
Bladerunner, Saving Private Ryan, Lord of the Rings Trilogy, Aliens, and Raiders of the Lost Ark

4. Favourite 5 TV series?
24, Battlestar Galactica (2004), The Wire, Band of Brothers, Blake's Seven

Tell me of your Homeworld Usul
5. Favourite book and author?
Frank Herbert's Dune. I have read many many books I love but nothing compares to this classic scifi masterpiece. My tattered original paperback copy of this book is failing apart I have read it so often.

6. Greatest General? Can’t count yourself!!
Hannibal of course. His ability to do the unexpected and turn his opponents strengths against them makes him a great general. He was so formidable on the battlefield that the Roman Empire found the only way to defeat him was to avoid fighting him.

7. Favourite Wargames rules?
Osprey 's Field of Glory is my favourite though Some of the GMT Games we have been playing lately are candidates to take this title.

Stand Up For The Ulstermen!
8. Favourite Sport and team?
Rugby Union. Ulster. I was a season ticket holder at Ravenhill for 10 years and rarely miss a game though mostly due to parental commitments more and more I have to watch on television. RIP Nevin.

9. If you had a only use once time machine, when and where would you go?
I could try to be smart and say ahead 'til the time when they have invented the multi-use time machine but I would love to see the colonisation of the solar system and would have to jump forward a couple of hundred years. Perhaps visit the cloud city cities of Venus or the Martian habitat domes. I know I'm a dreamer.

10. Last meal on Death Row?
Beef Wellington. Odd since I am verging towards vegetarianism but I love this delicous blend of pastry, mushroom and rare beef fillet. Yum!

11. Fantasy relationship and why?
The gorgeous Jennifer Connolly. Somewhat of a secret obsession of mine since I saw Labyrinth as a kid. She has been under-rated as an actress (I am biased) but has made some excellent movies including A Beautiful Mind and Blood Diamond.

12. If your life were a movie, who would play you?
Tom Cruise. He is my double after all.

Give me back my face! 
13. Favourite Comic Superhero?
Rorschach. I mean what's not to like :S

14. Favourite Military quote?
"All right, they are on our left, they're are on our right, they're in front of us, they're behind us ... they can't get away this time" Lewis B. "Chesty" Puller, USMC

15. Historical destination to visit?
Normandy. The landings on D-Day are iconic of the whole conflict of the Second World war and I would love to visit war cemetries there and pay my respects to the heroes who gave their lives for the freedom we have today.

16. Biggest Wargaming regret?
Not getting involved earlier. I was a roleplayer and a boardgamer for a long time before I really became interested in wargaming. I find the challenge of competitive play very exciting and I am, in reflection,  a much better wargamer than I am roleplayer.

17. Favourite Fantasy job?
Computer Games Designer. Ideally back in the day when it was possible for you to develop a game in your bedroom on a ZX Spectrum without a budget of millions and a massive team of programmers, graphic designers, lawyers etc...

Best Lead Singer of All Time?
18. Favourite Song Top 5?
I can't possibly pin down my 5 favourite music tracks but certainly the following tracks are among my favourites

Black - Pearl Jam, Private Investigations - Dire Straits, Come On Eileen - Dexy's Midnight Runner's, Experiment IV - Kate Bush, Fields Of Gold - Sting

Essen 2013 .. For Sure!
19. Favourite Wargaming Moment?
Don't really know. I tend to focus on the next game and not linger on past games. I do remember fondly a LAN party game of Command and Conquer when my team filled the house we were playing in with a impromptu rendition of the Ride of the Valkyries as a massive cloud of attack helicopters engulfed a previously impenetrable base like a plague of locusts. Completely unexpected and completely hilarious.

20. The miserable Git question, what upsets you?
Betrayal and misplaced loyalty. I'll elaborate over a beer or two in Essen and not before.

Tuesday, 18 September 2012

20 Questions GaryG

These 20 questions have been doing the round on gaming blogs recently. I've resisted, but not any more...

1. Favourite Wargaming period and why?

WWII. Many, many rich theatres of war, troop and weapon types. It covers almost everything and plays out in a classic good vs. evil narrative.

2. Next period, money no object? 
Nam, I'd love to play a great Vietnam game.

3. Favourite 5 films?
In no particular order...

No Country For Old Men
Back To The Future
Saving Private Ryan
The Good, The Bad and The Ugly


4. Favourite 5 TV series?
The Wire
West Wing
Band of Brothers
Sherlock Holmes (Jeremy Brett)
X-Files (early)

5. Favourite book and author?

Robin Hobb - Farseer Trilogy

6. Greatest General? Can’t count yourself!! 

Georgy Zhukov, the liberator of the Soviet Union.

7. Favourite Wargames rules?
Advanced Squad Leader Starter Kit.

8 .Favourite Sport and team? 
Football and Liverpool F.C. Y.N.W.A

9. If you had a only use once time machine, when and where would you go?
having just read Stephen King's "11.22.63" I wouldn't go back to try to change anything for fear of the butterfly effect. Instead I'd go forward in time, not far, maybe 60/70 years to see what had changed.

Dana Scully

10. Last meal on Death Row?
Roast Beef in a full Sunday Lunch. Yum!

11. Fantasy relationship and why?
Gillian Anderson (as Scully) and none of your business!!

Walter Matthau
12. If your life were a movie, who would play you?
Walter Matthau.

13. Favourite Comic Superhero?

14. Favourite Military quote?
"A good battle plan that you act on today can be better than a perfect one tomorrow." - General George S. Patton

15. Historical destination to visit?
Stalingrad. (Volgograd)

16. Biggest Wargaming regret?
Not maintaining my momentum when playing ASL Starter Kit and making it all the way to the full ASL system.

17. Favourite Fantasy job?
Film Director.

Wish You Were Here
18. Favourite Song Top 5?
Far too difficult to pick these... so FIVE favourites off the top of my head!

Wish You Were Here (Pink Floyd)
Come As You Are (Nirvana)
Riders On The Storm (Doors)
Killing In The Name (Rage Against The Machine)
One (U2)

19. Favourite Wargaming Moment?
Getting a "1:1" (Double-ones) in VASSAL ASL Starter-Kit game against a hex stacked with troops. Sweet!

20. The miserable Git question, what upsets you?

Willful Stupidity! It's not ignorance, we're all ignorant after all, but it's all around us. 

Want to try your own 20?

1. Favourite Wargaming period and why?
2. Next period, money no object? 
3. Favourite 5 films? 
4. Favourite 5 TV series? 
5. Favourite book and author? 
6. Greatest General? Can’t count yourself!!  
7. Favourite Wargames rules?
8 .Favourite Sport and team?
9. If you had a only use once time machine, when and where would you go?
10. Last meal on Death Row?
11. Fantasy relationship and why? 
12. If your life were a movie, who would play you? 
13. Favourite Comic Superhero?
14. Favourite Military quote?
15. Historical destination to visit?
16. Biggest Wargaming regret?
17. Favourite Fantasy job?
18. Favourite Song Top 5? 
19. Favourite Wargaming Moment? 
20. The miserable Git question, what upsets you?