Showing posts with label happening. Show all posts
Showing posts with label happening. Show all posts


Proudly presenting...

The Woolly Walk Along is now installed at
the Devonport Wharf, Auckland, New Zealand.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart to the amazing
artists who have contributed to this art project.
Thank you to everyone who helped out installing it.
Thank you to people in charge, for giving us permission
to give this free public art to the people in Auckland.
Thank you to everyone who in any way have been part of
The Woolly walk Along. I couldn’t have done it without you!



It was a very foggy and mysterious morning
when we headed down to the wharf in Devonport.
But the fog cleared and it was a sunny and lovely day!
We had so much fun!

All photos by Michael Miller and Dag Young

More photos here

and here

The Big Day

Today we will install The Woolly Walk Along!!
If you are in Auckland – head to Devonport Wharf
and check out 75+ metres of knitted art!

I'll be back in a few hours with photos.



Well, there are not many days to go until The woolly walk along
will be installed! And I can tell you it will be spectacular!

There will be a knitted Dan Carter (famous and gorgeous All Blacks player),
a full rugby team of wee kiwis, a 45cm tall squid with long tentacles,
Maria from Sound of Music will be there and so will Elmo and he has
long arms full of cuddles! Many, many more pieces including an abundance
of flowers, stripes and even some cornish pasties!

Soon peeps, soon...


New woolly goodies

I have received new photos and more pieces
have arrived for The woolly walk along.

You are a very crafty bunch of people!

Robyn from Australia has made this “feel-good”-piece.
It’s covered with little pom-poms!

Bali from Twilight Taggers has made 2 more pieces.
Looking good!

Domini from Auckland learned how to knit so that she could join TWWA!
These are her first pieces ever – I’m impressed!

Hemskapat has added more embellishments on her beautiful piece.
This is not four pieces but one long - about 2 meters!
And it’s sooo Swedish!

Another piece from Sweden – my cousin Jenny has recycled two
pot-holders that she never finished. I like it!

I have bead-knitted this with golden beads. The idea for the wording
(We made this for you) came from my 12-year old son. He is a clever boy!

This stunning piece is made by Sandie in England and it’s her sixth piece!
They all have the pretty flowers. But this one is my favourite!

Staci A from USA has made these very cool pieces. The bumpy one is still a WIP
– exciting to see what it will look like finished!

Isn’t this the cutest rubgy team in the world!!!
15 felted little kiwis made by the amazing Strickbombe in Germany

I think The woolly walk along will be
the coolest woolly exhibition EVER!

Thanks team – you are amazing!

(Katherine, the emails I send you bounces back.
I can’t get in touch with you!)


IYBD – Awesome!

Here in Devonport is a statue that is a memorial of a much loved local lady,
Nicole, who was unfortunately killed in a car accident.
The statue is treasured and she is often decorated with various
fresh and/or plastic flowers.

Two years ago I thought she looked a bit cold, so I gave her a pair
of leg warmers and a scarf.
She really needed some new winter gear
so for International Yarn Bombing Day, I decided to replace them.

I couldn’t throw away the daffodil and breast cancer brooches someone
had pinned on the old scarf so I decided to put them back again!

I also decided to recycle a piece that has been lying around at home for a while.
This piece was originally put up to comment a graffiti exhibition at
Auckland Art Gallery a year ago.
They removed it straight away...
But I managed to get it back, so here it is again!

This is what I think about International Yarn Bombing Day!

All photos by Michael Miller