SIZE: One Size
About 36 x 72 in. (91.5 x 183 cm)
• 620-188 Lion Brand Wool-Ease Yarn: Paprika 2 Balls (A)
• 620-138 Lion Brand Wool-Ease Yarn: Cranberry 1 Ball (B)
• 620-152 Lion Brand Wool-Ease Yarn: Oxford Grey 1 Ball (C)
• 640-149 Lion Brand Wool-Ease Thick & Quick Yarn: Charcoal 1 Ball (D)
• 640-135 Lion Brand Wool-Ease Thick & Quick Yarn: Spice 2 Balls (E)
• 640-143 Lion Brand Wool-Ease Thick & Quick Yarn: Claret 1 Ball (F)
• 790-409 Lion Brand Homespun Yarn: Bourbon 1 Ball (G)
• 790-408 Lion Brand Homespun Yarn: Wild Fire 1 Ball (H)
• 860-170 Lion Brand Vanna's Choice Yarn: Pea Green 1 Ball (I)
• 860-127 Lion Brand Vanna's Choice Yarn: Espresso 1 Ball (J)
• 860-134 Lion Brand Vanna's Choice Yarn: Terracotta 2 Balls (K)
• 860-133 Lion Brand Vanna's Choice Yarn: Brick 2 Balls (L)
• 450-122 Lion Brand Jiffy Yarn: Caffe 2 Balls (M)
• 320-126 Lion Brand Fun Fur Yarn: Chocolate 1 Ball (N)
• 320-134 Lion Brand Fun Fur Yarn: Copper 1 Ball (O)
• 630-127 Lion Brand Wool-Ease Chunky Yarn: Walnut 2 Balls (P)
• 630-135 Lion Brand Wool-Ease Chunky Yarn: Spice 1 Ball (Q)
• 630-152 Lion Brand Wool-Ease Chunky Yarn: Charcoal 1 Ball (R)
• Knitting Needles- Size 8 [5 mm]
• Knitting Needles - Size 10 [6 mm]
• Knitting Needles- Size 13 [9 mm]
• Cable Needles (Set of 2)
• Stitch Markers
• Large-Eye Blunt Needles
GAUGE: Exact gauge is not important to this project
3/3 LC (3 over 3 left cross) Slip 3 sts to cable needle and hold in front, k3, then k3 from cable needle.
Kfb (k into front and back) Knit into front and then back of same st to increase one st.
Basket Weave I (multiple of 8 sts + 4)
Row 1 (RS): Knit.
Rows 2, 4 and 6: P4, *k4, p4; rep from * across.
Rows 3 and 5: K4, *p4, k4; rep from * across.
Row 7: Knit.
Rows 8 and 10: Rep Row 3.
Rows 9 and 11: Rep Row 2.
Row 12: Rep Row 3.
Rep Rows 1-12 for Basket Weave I.
Basket Weave II (multiple of 8 sts)
Row 1 (RS): Knit.
Rows 2-6: *K4, p4; rep from * across.
Row 7: Knit.
Rows 8-12: *P4, k4; rep from * across.
Rep Rows 1-12 for Basket Weave II.
Cable Pattern 1 (13 sts + 3)
Row 1 (RS): K1tbl, p1, k1tbl, p2, k6, p2, k1tbl, p1, k1tbl.
Rows 2, 4, and 6: P1tbl, k1, p1tbl, k2, p6, k2, p1tbl, k1, p1tbl.
Row 3: K1tbl, p1, k1tbl, p2, 3/3 LC, p2, k1tbl, p1, k1tbl.
Rows 5 and 7: Rep Row 1.
Row 8: Rep Row 2.
Rep Rows 1-8 for Cable Pattern 1.
Cable Pattern 2 (multiple of 13 sts + 3)
Row 1 (RS): K1tbl, p1, k1tbl, *p2, k6, p2, k1tbl, p1, k1tbl, rep from * once.
Rows 2, 4, and 6: P1tbl, k1, p1tbl, *k2, p6, k2, p1tbl, k1, p1tbl, rep from * once.
Row 3: K1tbl, p1, k1tbl, *p2, 3/3 LC, p2, k1tbl, p1, k1tbl, rep from * once.
Rows 5 and 7: Rep Row 1.
Row 8: Rep Row 2.
Rep Rows 1-8 for Cable Pattern 2.
Seed Stitch (over an odd number of sts)
Row 1 (RS): K1, *p1, k1; rep from * to end.
Rep Row 1 for Seed St.
Two-Color Pattern (multiple of 4 sts + 1)
Setup Row (WS): With first color, purl.
Row 1 (RS): With second color, k1, *sl 1 wyib, sl 1 wyif, sl 1 wyib, k1, rep from * across.
Row 2: With second color, p1, *sl 3 wyib, p1, rep from * across.
Row 3: With first color, knit.
Row 4: With first color, purl.
Row 5: With second color, k1, *sl 1 wyib, insert needle from front under long B strand of Row 2 and k
next st, sl 1 wyib, k1, rep from * across.
Row 6: With second color, k1, *sl 1 wyif, p1, sl 1 wyif, k1, rep from * across.
Rows 7 and 8: Rep Rows 3 and 4.
Row 9: With second color, k1, *sl 1 wyib, k1, rep from * across.
Row 10: Rep Row 6.
Row 11: With second color, k1, *sl 1 wyif, k1, rep from * across.
Row 12: With second color, p1, *sl 1 wyif, p1, rep from * across.
Rows 13 and 14: Rep Rows 3 and 4.
Row 15: With second color, k1, *sl 1 wyif, k1, rep from * across.
Row 16: With second color, purl.
Rows 17 and 18: Rep Rows 3 and 4.
Rep Rows 1-18 for Two-Color Pattern.
1. Afghan edges are designed to curl along some of the pattern stitches.
2. The stitch count will change when increases and decreases are worked to accommodate individual pattern stitches.
3. For Two-Color Pattern, carry color not in use along side of work.
Stripe 1
Beg with a knit row, work in St st, changing color as follows:
Rows 1 and 2: D.
Row 3: E.
Rows 4 and 5: D.
Row 6: F.
Rows 7 and 8: D.
Rows 9: F.
Rows 10-18: Rep Rows 1-9.
Rep Rows 1-18 for Stripe 1.
Stripe 2
Beg with a knit row, work in St st, changing color as follows:
Rows 1-2: R.
Row 3: Q.
Rows 4-5: R.
Row 6: P.
Rep Rows 1-6 for Stripe 2.
With A and smallest needles, cast on 28 sts. With A, work in Basket Weave I until piece measures about 15 in. (38 cm) from beg, end with a Row 1 or 7.
Next Row (WS): Join B and work Setup Row of Two-Color Pattern across to last st, kfb (k into front and then back of same st to increase 1 st) in last st – 29 sts.
With B as first color and A as second color, rep Rows 1-18 of Two-Color Pattern until piece measures 36 in. (91.5 cm) from beg, end with a Row 4, 8, 14, 16 or 18 of Two-Color pattern.
Change to C.
Next Row (RS): With C, work Row 1 of Basket Weave I to last 2 sts, k2tog – 28 sts. Continue in Basket Weave I
until piece measures about 54 in. (137 cm) from beg, end with a Row 6 or 12.
Change to A.
Next Row (RS): With A, work Row 1 of Seed St across to last 2 sts, k2tog – 27 sts. Continue in Seed St until piece measures about 72 in. (183 cm) from beg. Bind off. Place marker on bound-off edge.
With D and largest needles, cast on 16 sts. Work in St st (k on RS, p on WS) and Stripe 1 until piece measures about 12 in. (30.5 cm) from beg, end with a WS row.
Change to F. With F, rep Rows 1-8 of Cable Pattern 1 until piece measures about 36 in. (91.5 cm) from beg, end with Row 2 or 8 of Cable Pattern 1.
Change to E. With E, work in Basket Weave I until piece measures about 72 in. (183 cm) from beg, end with a Row
6 or 12. Bind off. Place marker on bound-off edge.
With G and medium-size needles, cast on 16 sts. With G, work in St st for 6 in. (15 cm),
Change to H, and work in St st for 9 in. (23 cm).
Change to G, and work in St st for 6 in. (15 cm).
Change to H, and work in St st for 9 in. (23 cm).
Change to G, and work in St st for 24 in. (61 cm).
Change to H, and work in St st for 9 in. (23 cm).
Change to G, and work in St st for 9 in. (23 cm). Bind off. Place marker on bound-off edge.
With I and smallest needles, cast on 33 sts. Place marker on cast-on edge.
Row 1 (WS): Work Setup Row of Two-Color Pattern.
With I as first color and J as second color, rep Rows 1-18 of Two-Color Pattern until piece measures about 18 in. (46 cm) from beg, end with a Row 4, 8, 14, 16 or 18.
Change to K.
Next Row (RS): With K, k2tog, k to end of row – 32 sts. Beg with Row 2, work in Basket Weave II until piece measures about 36 in. (91.5 cm) from beg, end with a Row 6 or 12.
Change to L.
Next Row (RS): With L, work Row 1 of Seed St across to last st, kfb of last st – 33 sts. Work in Seed St until piece measures about 54 in. (137 cm) from beg, end with a RS row.
Next Row (WS): Change to K, work Setup Row of Two-Color Pattern. With K as first color and L as second color, rep Rows 1-18 of Two-Color Pattern until piece measures about 72 in. (183 cm) from beg, end with a Row 4, 8, 14, or 18. Bind off.
With M and medium-size needles, cast on 20 sts. Place marker on cast-on edge. With M, work in St st for 12 in.
(30.5 cm).
Change to N, and work in St st for 6 in. (15 cm).
Change to M, and work in St st for 24 in. (61 cm).
Change to O, and work in St st for 6 in. (15 cm).
Change to M, and work in St st for 12 in. (30.5 cm).
Change to O, and work in St st for 6 in. (15 cm).
Change to M, and work in St st for 6 in. (15 cm). Bind off.
With P and medium-size needles, cast on 29 sts. Place marker on cast-on edge. With P, work in Seed St until piece measures about 18 in. (46 cm) from beg, end with a WS row.
Change to Q. With Q, rep Rows 1-8 of Cable Pattern 2 until piece measures about 42 in. (106.5 cm) from beg, end with a Row 2 or 8 of Cable Pattern 2.
Change to R.
Next Row (RS): Work in St st and Stripe 2 until piece measures about 60 in. (152.5 cm) from beg, end with a WS row.
Change to P.
Next Row (RS): With P, work Row 1 of Basket Weave I to last 2 sts, k2tog – 28 sts. Continue in Basket Weave I until piece measures about 72 in. (183 cm) from beg, end with a Row 6 or 12. Bind off.
Arrange Strips side by side from left to right in order from Strip I – Strip VI with marked ends of strips at same end of Afghan (Strips I-III are marked at bound-off edge, Strips IV-VI are marked at cast-on edge). Sew Strips together.
Weave in ends.