Showing posts with label Camera. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Camera. Show all posts

Friday, June 06, 2014

I love my view

I took this out of my lounge window this morning, before 9am. For the first time this week I was at home (working) but home. It has been a frantic week, busy at work, busy at home and gearing up for J's last IGCSE today -it went well, I am informed.

It was nice this morning to stand with my coffee and just look out of the window. Everyone was out, the dogs were asleep, and all I could hear was bird song and the wind rustling the leaves. It was one of those moments. I took a break from what I was doing and just stood. Lovely.

I never get bored with the view. It entertains me all year round as the seasons change. I love watching the ships on the horizon  line, the white sails of yachts closer to shore. I revel in the life cycle  of the trees that abound in local gardens and the lives of the birds that inhabit them. I watch  the horses on the downs loose their coloured coats as spring progresses and most of all I enjoy the vastness of the sky and its changing moods. I love the warmer blues of summer, the cold ones of winter, I even like the blankets of sea mist and fog. Our view is a daily blessing and one I never take for granted.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Playing about

With my new photography app. Love that this looks like a postcard from the 70's.

Tilt effect and filter effects on Hound Tor on Dartmoor.

Red colour pop and changing the hue and saturation.

Our local pond   and pub given a sepia tone and a lower tilt blend.

I do so love my new toys.

Saturday, January 04, 2014

This year so far....

Playing with my latest toy.

Faffing around making a quilt top.

Also just need to cast off and my Conic cardi will finally be finished.