Friday, December 14, 2007

Working with Grandpa Banks

Last Saturday My Dad called and invited the boys to come to his work and to see the big tractors. They had a wonderful time looking at Grandpa's tools and going for rides. I think Grandpa had as much fun as they did. The whole thing got started on Thanksgiving at breakfast we were discussing with Tolman what he would like to be when he gets bigger. We told him that he could be a teacher like his Dad or he could be a policeman like Grandpa Knighton or Uncle Lincoln. He could choose to be a doctor like Uncle David or he could fix computers like uncle Seth. What he really wanted to do more then anything else was to fix tractors like Grandpa Banks. Grandpa brought him over some old sales magazines with lots of pictures of tractors and told him he would call him to come and see the Tractors at his work. I think that was almost better then Christmas for these boys. What a fun, fun day. Now we can't go anywhere with out the boys pointing out a tractor and telling me how they are sure that is one that Grandpa fixed. It has been so much fun. Thanks Dad for an awesome experience and for being so wonderful to my boys! We love you!
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Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Big Trouble!!!

All right so here they are. (Just for you Julie)! I have been meaning to post these pics for a few weeks now things have just been super crazy. Anyway a few Sundays ago I was just filling the diaper bag right before we were ready to leave for church. My sweet little Kimball who never gets into any trouble just happened to find the fingernail polish box that I accidently left down. Of all the colors that he could of picked of course it had to be bright red. Well I am sure you have guess from the pictures by now that he painted his little sister's hair with it and got it on all the Sunday clothes I am talking about everyones Tolman's, Eden's and his own. I didn't know what I was going to do I didn't have any nail polish remover and I was late for choir practice. I called over to all my neighbors and finally my friend Amanda after laughing out loud said I could only have it if I promised to take a picture before I cleaned it up. So here you go. Eden seriously looked like she was bleeding. The picture didn't do it justice because I couldn't get a shot of what was on the very top and in the back. The next picture is of Kimball in time out boy was I mad. It is funny to me now so I am glad that I kept my promise to Amanda. Having children makes you crazy. That is what I have decided. But it is a lot of fun too.
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Friday, November 2, 2007

Happy Halloween Weirdos!

We had a super fun Halloween this year! The boys had a blast carving pumpkins and going to parties and trick-or-treating. Tolman just loved being a pirate and Kimball was so excited to be Buzz Lightyear. He would ask everyone what they were going to be for Halloween several times even though he already new the answer. It made everyone crazy! Eden was our little witch although we couldn't get her to wear her hat and she got to stay at home and pass out candy while Superman Dad (Sorry hon, I didn't mean to cut your head off ) got to take the boys trick-or-treating. After that we went to show our costumes off to our Grandma's and Grandpa's. When bed time came we were all exhausted and sick to death with too much candy. No wonder we had a Halloween hangover the next morning. It was the best Halloween ever, whew...I am so glad it is over! Now I just wish we could get the candy all gone.
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Monday, October 22, 2007

Go BYU!!!

So we went up north last weekend for a Marfan confrence and to see the BYU game. It was the wildest trip ever. Who knew that traveling with kids was so much work? We stayed with Reeve's sister Templ who took such good care of us especially my poor little Eden who threw up all over her house Friday night. Thanks Templ (and you too Mike). I was so worried about Eden even though she had not eaten dinner she was still throwing up almost every half hour finally at about midnight I woke Reeve up and asked him to give her a blessing. She only threw up a few more times the rest of the night and then she was able to keep her breakfast down the next morning. What a blessing! She did start in with a fever though but at least it wasn't throw up. We were able to keep that under control with some Motrin and she slept off and on for most of the day. She still continues to not feel well today but I think she is over the worst of it.
Our Marfan confrence was awesome. I learned a lot about how important it is to keep up on Reeve's check-ups and that we are probably going to have to go to Salt Lake to do it. There just isn't the kind of Doctor's that we need down here. I also learned that I need to have my children also checked out by a specialist as well. So we are going to have to schedule a trip to see Dr. Yetman who is a Cardiologist that specializes in Marfan's Syndrome.
There was a very nice man there who had Marfan's syndrome and his three children also had it. His last name was Noyse and he is a bishop in the Payson area. Anyway he put my mind at ease when he said that Marfan's Syndrome is not the end of the world. It is so much better then so many other diseases that are out there that can take your life. Going in for check ups and monitoring youself is 90% of the battle. He said that those with Marfan's Syndrome shouldn't be worried to have children but to just keep up on medical care. Before this confrence I was just too overwhelmed with the thought that my children could have Marfan's syndrome and what would I do if they had to have the kind of surgery that Reeve had to go through. I always tried to put it out of my mind but I feel almost empowered now that it will be ok if my children have it as long as we keep up on medical care. So I feel really grateful that we were able be pointed in the right direction and I actually am looking forward to our visit with Dr. Yetman next year.
After our confernce we headed for the BYU game in Provo. What a fun experience. It rained and snowed the whole way there and I was so grateful that Reeve's Mom and Dad had a hotel room right acrossed the street from the stadium. So Eden and I stayed there while everyone went to the game. Reeve said it was a lot of fun. The boys had an incredible time! Grandpa and Kimball came back during half-time because it was pretty cold but Reeve, Tolman, and Grandma Karon stuck it out the whole time even through the snow! There was so much that the field was covered and you could hardly see the yard lines. Tolman kept saying "That was awesome!" Which he never used that word before. I am sure he learned from Grandma Karon. Now he says it all the time. I think it is so cute. He says it with so much enthusiasm it makes me smile to hear him. Needless to say BYU won 42/ 7 and it was the highlight of the whole trip for Reeve and the boys! Go BYU!!!
We started for home after the traffic cleared and the boys and Eden crashed and slept all the way home. Everything went great until about 11:30 on the last leg of our journey our rear tire blew out. Luckily we had just passed the New Harmony exit. Reeve had to get out and brave the cold to change the tire to our little doughnut and I held the flashlight that was fading by the minute. We decided to leave the lights on in the car because it was so dark but I turned the car off which was a mistake. When we went to start it back up the battery was dead and we were stuck. I was just sick. Reeve had just decide to walk the few miles to the service station we had passed in New Harmony but instead he stood out side and tried to flag someone down to help us. Someone immediately stopped and jumped our car for us. What an angel. We were so grateful. I don't even think we found out his name. Thank you to whoever you are there are not words to even discribe our gratitude. I also think that the most gratitude should go to My Heavenly Father. It seems like although a lot of things went wrong on this trip we were able to cope with them and there was the way opened up to get through them. That only came from on high. What a wonderful Father we have who not only give us trials (or just allows them to happen) to help us grow but gives us a way to get through them and come out better for it.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Little Pumpkins

We have had this secret for a little while and it has been all that I can do to keep it quiet. I wanted to wait for a little while but I just can't keep it anymore. Have you guessed it? Yes you are right, we have another little pumpkin on the way! I know, the whole idea sounds crazy but we are actually very excited about it. Our other little pumpkins just can't keep the secret anymore either so we decided that we'd better have out with it. Pumpkin #4 is set to arrive on June 1st or so, so that makes me almost 7 weeks along. Which now that I think about it, it really is a little early to be telling everyone. Why is it so hard to be patient? I was so grateful for conference last week as I have been a little aprehensive about this whole thing. In particular President Eyring's (Isn't that awesome? I am excited to call him President.) talk about watching for the Lord's hand in your life and Sister Beck's talk about Mother's who know reaffirmed my faith and reassured me that being a Mother is the best job in the world and I am adding more happiness to my home with each child that I welcome here. Heavenly Father knew I needed to hear Sister Beck's talk. I recognize that his hand was in her preparation I am sure that it wasn't just for me that, that particular talk was given but I am sure that he knows me and loves me and I am so grateful to feel His love. So there you go! Suprise, and welcome little pumpkin!
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Monday, September 24, 2007

We Are the Pirates Who Don't Do Anything!

Halloween here we come! Thanks to Grandma Leslie we already have our Halloween costumes and the boys are so excited they can hardly wait 'till Halloween. As you can see Tolman is a pirate and he goes around the house singing "We are the pirates who don't do anything we just stay at home and play around." Which pretty much discribes his life most days. Kimball if you can't tell is Buzz Lightyear from Toy Story and he is totally excited. We are just loving the cooler weather outside. We just want to spend all of our time outside. Welcome Fall!!!
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Friday, September 21, 2007

Here she is. I finally got a picture of Eden walking. If anyone is watching she will sit right down. But she has been doing it more and more lately. She takes slow deliberate steps like she is trying to keep her balance and she can make it almost anywhere. Although she still prefers to crawl most places.
She has been so funny lately it seem she knows what to do with necklaces. Reeve's Mom gave us some of those cheap beads and she puts like 5 of them around her neck and thinks she is so pretty. I had to finally take them away last night so that she could go to bed and she was so sad. It totally broke her heart. But first thing this morning she was so happy to find them again. What a funny girl. We love you Eden.
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Thursday, September 20, 2007

Mud pies anyone?

So... I sent the boys in the backyard to play and this is the state I found them in. They had a blast jumping in the mud and making a huge mess. I didn't know that there was even a place that would produce so much mud in my tiny little back yard. My favorite part was after they were all done playing (when they tried to come into the house) I took them in the front yard and turned the hose on them. I particularly enjoyed spraying them down while they were squealing and screaming. It was like payback time!!! It ended in a huge water fight because the boys just got new water guns thanks to our friend and neighbor Susan. Luckily I won because I had the hose! What a fun Saturday!
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Pumpkin Pancakes Yum!

So I finally found a yummy recipe for pumpkin pancakes and I thought I would share it.
Pumpkin Pancakes
From Diana Rattray
2 1/3 cups Bisquick baking mix
2 tablespoons dark brown sugar, firmly packed
1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg
1/4 teaspoon ground ginger
1 1/4 cups milk
2 eggs, lightly beaten
1/3 cup mashed pumpkin
1/4 cup vegetable oil
Beat all ingredients with whisk or hand beater until well blended. Pour batter by scant 1/4 cupfuls onto hot, lightly greased griddle or skillet. Cook until tops are bubbly and edges are dry. Turn and cook pumpkin pancakes until golden brown. Makes 12- 15 pancakes.

I didn't have any dark brown sugar so I put in 3T of light brown sugar and 1T of Molassas. I also didn't have any ginger so I used cloves instead. Our pancakes were awesome!! They were so fun for a little fall breakfast. By the way sisters how did you make your blogs so cute and fall-y?

Friday, September 14, 2007


"Sisters...Sisters there were never such devoted sisters...." Aren't they cute. It has been so much fun having built in friends and I know that if I never had any friends in the whole world they would be. We laugh together and we cry together and we get through our struggles together. I know that I was born into a family of sisters (and one cute little brother) because Heavenly Father knew I would need that friendship and love. I don't even mind being the oldest. So thanks for being good examples for me all of you. I am grateful for your testimonies and your desires to follow the Savior they strengthen me and I just love ya!
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Thursday, September 13, 2007

Back off girls this one is mine!!

Who is your Man? Reeve Kolb Knighton
How long have you been together? We have been married for 5 wonderful years!
How long did you date? We dated on and off for about 6 years before we got married.
How old is your Man? Same as me - 28 years
Who eats more? Usually Reeve (I think he has hollow legs!)
Who said I love you first. I did.
Who is taller? Reeve is.
Who sings better? We both like to sing but I have had more formal training.
Who is smarter? Reeve is for sure.
Who's temper is worse? Mine, Reeve doesn't get mad very often.
Who does the laundry? Its a tie.
Who does the dishes? Mostly me.
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Reeve does.

WHo pays the bills? We both do.

Who is better at the computer? Reeve is for sure.

Who mows the lawn? Reeve does.

Who cooks dinner? Mostly Me.

Who drives when you are together? Mostly Reeve unless he can con me into it.

Who is more stubborn? I think we both have our moments only Reeve is more quiet about it.

Who is the first to admit when they are wrong? I think we are both pretty good at that.

Who's parents do you see more often? We try to see both of them but usually mine.

Who kissed who first? I did, but only because he was teasing me about it and then after our missions he kissed me first and yes, he was my first kiss.

Who asked who out? Reeve asked me to the junior prom our senior year of high school.

Who proposed first? Reeve did under our favorite tree at the temple.

Who is more sensitive? Me for sure, I cry over everything.

Who has more friends? It is about equal most of our friends are married couples so we are friends together.

Who has more siblings Reeve does, he is the youngest of 8 and I am the oldest of 6.

Who wears the pants in the family? We try to do things pretty equally but I fear sometimes that I get a little bossy. He is sure great to put up with me! Love ya honey!

I guess that any one who reads this and hasn't already done one is tagged. See ya later.

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Thursday, August 30, 2007

Summer Family Fun!!!

These pictures are a little old but I thought I'd better get them on here (since I just learned to upload pictures onto my computer Yay!!!) before the summer gets away from me. This summer while Julie was getting ready to move Gracie came to our house to play and we had a fun time. We played dress-up, we swam, and we ate lots of treats to keep us sane! Out of all the pretty princess and fairy dresses that Julie sent with Gracie, she put on Reeve's old jazz jersey and kept spinning around as if she had on the most beautiful princess dress of all. What a funny girl. Those were fun days. We miss you Julie and Gracie and Sammy and David. Its just not the same here with out you (even though we talk almost every day). I am glad however things are going well for you in Erie PA. What a wonderful experience you are having. Now we just have to try to get along with out all of you :( When it all comes down to it our family is where we feel the most important and loved and with whom we have the most fun. I am so grateful for my family. Even amid all the craziness there is no where else I would rather be! Love you guys!!!
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Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Reeve K. Knighton-shining-armor!

I suppose I should write something romantical and mushy to go with these pictures. Here he is Mr. America! Yes he is wonderful. I think he is as handsome as can be! It has be so fun being married to this man. I can't believe how hard he works not just for us, his family, but for the Lord. Honestly I don't know how he does it. But I am grateful that he is who he is and that he makes me want to be better then I am. He is never more handsome to me then when he is in the middle of wrestling with the boys or kissing Eden's dollies or when he rescues me from having to change one more diaper. I think he is superman. The best part about my journey with him is the fun we are finding along the way. Life is crazy, kids are crazy and being parents is crazy but he is my peace amid all this chaos. Thanks Reeve, for a happy life. I love you.
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Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Tag your it!

I guess it is my turn to be tagged. I am afraid that my answers will be dumb so don't tell me if you think they are! I'm pretty boring but here it goes.

Jobs I have had:
1. Does being a Mom count? (I work harder now then I ever have, and it never ends!)
2. Missionary in Curitiba, Brazil
3. Deseret Industries (Lead Cashier) Cedar City, Ut.
4. Deseret Book ( I seem to be sensing a pattern here)
5. CNA at Dixie Regional Medical Center

Movies I can watch over and over:
1. While you were sleeping
2. Mr. Kruger's Christmas
3. The Star Wars Trilogy (my boys personal favorites right now!)
4. The Sound of Music
5. The Restoration movie that the church sent out a few years ago (I love it!)

Favorite T.V. Shows:
What are those? We haven't had cable in 5 years. Just Movies for us too!
Some day when we are rich we can catch up with the rest of the world.

Places I have been on Vacation:
1. Salt Lake City (Yay temple square and Gardner Village!)
2. Upstate New York (Niagra Falls, Church History sites, I love Palmyra :)
3. Yep, you guessed it that would be all the places I have been.
4. I would love to go to the Holy Lands
5. I also would love to go back to Brazil and go to Europe too but I can probably dream on about those ones and the Holy Lands too.

Favorite Dishes:
1. Cafe Rio Salmon Tacos
2. Hawaian Pizza
3. Garden Tomatoes and purple onions
4. Anything Chocolate (Does that count?)
5. Spaghetti

Websites I visit:
1. E-mail
2. Blogs

Places I would rather be:
1. Erie P.A.
2. On a date with my husband
3. In the temple
4. Someplace where I don't have to cook and clean
5. Swimming with my kids

People I am tagging:
1. The Isoms
2. The Lovells
3. I want to double tag the Kohlers (cuz I want them to blog more too!)
4. Sorry I don't know anyone else who has a blog
5. ??????

Friday, August 10, 2007

Sugar and spice and everything nice!

This is my sweet baby Eden! It has been so fun to have a little girl around our house. She sure is different from her crazy brothers. Already she loves dollies and she hugs them and kisses them and then passes them to whoever is the closest to do the same. I fear she is already as emotional as her mother, so watch out world! You don't want to mess with us. She loves to play with her brothers and do whatever they are doing until they start playing rough and then she lets us know she is done and has had enough. Her happy smile makes everything brighter and I just think she is so beautiful. I love you little Eden girl.
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Here comes trouble!

What can be said about my Kimball? He is about as busy as a boy can get and he gives the sweetest kisses. I think he instigates most of the trouble that he and Tolman get into. Like when he got into the fridge and broke all the eggs on the floor and on his sister. Or when he dumped the baby oil and the listerine on the floor (which both of them are supposed to have childproof caps. wrong!) Or the time that he found some random fingernail polish (that I never carry with me and the one time I did he found it) in my purse and painted his and Eden's faces with it. All of this has happened within the last few weeks. I hope we make it past 2yrs with this boy. Who knows what will be next. Sometimes I am beside myself to know what to do with him I want to lock him in the closet or something to keep him out of trouble. But all he has to do is give me that cute little smile and somehow I can't stay mad at him anymore. I love you Kimball thanks for coming to our family.
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Thursday, August 9, 2007

Oh how I love my Tolman-boy!

As you can see we never run out of fun whenever Tolman is around. He is the best big brother ever! I was so impressed yesterday when he helped Kimball say prayers all by himself. It was so sweet to hear him pray about how much he loved his brother. We also went to the fair last night and saw all the awesome starwars guys I felt so bad that we forgot the camera.(Caralee took some great picture though!) The boys had the time of their lives. They ate junk and rode on the rides until we ran out of money (Which didn't take very long!) Tolman took such good care of Kimball when we couldn't be near him during the rides he made sure that Kimball didn't get lost in the crowd. I am so thankful that Heavenly Father sent Tolman to us first. He already is a great leader in our family! We love you Tolman.
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Tuesday, July 10, 2007

We are a happy family!!!

We are the Knightons, and yes, life usually is this crazy for us on a daily basis. We just happened to be lucky enough to get it on camera this time. Reeve and I (LeAnn ) have been married for 5 years and we are lovin' every minute of the insanity. We have three beautiful kids that keep us busy, Tolman (4), Kimball (2) and Eden who will be 1 in two weeks. I am not so smart about this blog stuff so please be patient while I am learning. Plus life is pretty crazy so finding time to keep up with it all will be a challenge. But we have been blessed beyond measure and are finding joy along our way! Posted by Picasa