Showing posts with label landscape. Show all posts
Showing posts with label landscape. Show all posts

Monday, March 21, 2011

Finding Fine Art in Spring

This year on Etsy, I was accepted into a new team... Finding Fine Art. It's a terrific group of fine artists who sell original work and who work together in a variety of ways to support each other.

Here is what this team is all about: The Finding Fine Art team was created to provide a unique shopping experience for fine art collectors seeking original art on Etsy. Members of the team are visual artists with outstanding, gallery quality original artwork, a high level of professionalism and presentation, and a positive standing in the Etsy community. Buyers are encouraged to look through our members list to discover new artists or search the tag “findingfineart” on Etsy for a dazzling, virtual gallery experience.

I spent some time looking through the amazing art this team has created and decided to feature some work here... with a theme of spring, of course, in honor of the first day of spring. I considered subject, color, and title, and came up with this mix of abstract and realism, watercolors, oils, and acrylics. Follow the link to see the work up close in the artist's Etsy shop.

Wild Garden by JessicaTorrant
Renovation by heronkate

Ladies in Spring Rain by karensfineart

Spring Fantasy by watermediaworks

Happily Ever After by aliherrmann

Spring Scene by PrankePaintings

Signs of Spring by MDaisleyMoffitt

Little Chick by WaterInMyPaint
Stay tuned for more fine art... and until then, enjoy the new life growing all around us, and kiss the ones you love.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

What Goes On

Around here, what's been going on is wonderful weather. We've had many days of sunny skies and temps in the mid to upper 60s, even reaching 71 one day! You know I have been loving it, as have the daffodil shoots, and last night, I even saw some new irises springing up through the February ground. I found these lovely flowers and plants while I walked with my daughter in Old Salem yesterday!

I've been working on new paintings and new songs. I have a solo gig on March 5th in downtown Winston-Salem, so I'm seriously thinking about my set list and getting my new songs tightened up. When I'm not doing that, I'm either walking around the mountain or painting.

Here are some of my newer pieces. Most have been listed in my Etsy shop, so you can easily check them out by clicking on the link.

Several itty bitty miniatures... each of these has been framed in a mini bone or mother-of-pearl frame, averaging around a mere 2.5 inches in size. They are perfect for a little spot on a windowsill or bookshelf or bedside table.

A mixed media with oils, photography, and text, measuring 24 x 30 and also listed, as of today.... A Morning Song.

This white-throated sparrow is one of my favorite watercolors. It measures 5 x 7 and has been framed in a beautiful cobalt blue Italian made frame.

And lest you think that I only paint birds, here are a couple other newer watercolors to prove you wrong (though it is quite true that birds are my favorite subject of late!).

Until next time, enjoy the world of nature, listen for the birdsong, and hug the one you love!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Color Explosion

Yesterday around noon my husband, who has been miserably sick with the flu, and I were sitting on the deck enjoying the warm October sun and we remarked that it just hadn't been cold enough to have much brilliant color in the landscape this year. But today, it seems that the color exploded overnight. Take a look.

This weekend I had dog-sitting duty for my friends just up the road. It's always a pleasure to stay at their house because while they are so close, they have a different view of the mountain than we do. Here's what I woke up to on Saturday morning.

And here's the meadow in the morning which is a part of my dog-walking route. The tall grass had recently been mowed.

Saturday afternoon when the sun was just beginning to set, the dogs and I went out for one more walk.

Sunday morning, Sophie-dog woke me up bright and early... I think she wanted me to see this.

So, I'll leave you with this photo of my garden as it prepares for the quiet season of winter... but the sign says it all and it's meant for any of you! (Of course you may want to wait until the flu germs have moved away!)

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Paintings in the Studio

In various stages, there are 5 canvases in progress in my studio. Here's a glimpse of four of them in their current state...

My Mountain Home, 18 x 24

Leaves of Love, 12 x 12

And here's the inspiration for Leaves. I'm not sure what kind of shrubbery this is, but it resides just beyond the back fence, near my husband's tobacco-barn-turned-shop, and I've always loved its heart-shaped leaves.

Carolina Wren, 18 x 24

And a little as yet untitled 8 x 10 landscape which could very possibly change quite a bit...