Thursday, October 29, 2009

Day 16

Most of the gratitude challenges have not been required to note but this one is.
Stand in front of a mirror and focus on at least five things that you love about yourself. Write them down.
1: My little mole/beauty mark on my cheek
2: My hair, it has potential (hee hee inside joke, but it does!!)
3: My arms, they are shaping up nicely since cross fit! Still long ways to go but..
4: My shoulders, for all they have had to bear in the last 7 months.
5: My smile, i hope i show it often enough, especially to my kids. They make me happy, i hope they see that!
Yesterday was take time to focus on yourself. Appreciate and give thanks for your unique personality, skills and talents.
It is extremely hard to focus on myself, i think maybe that is why i needed to do this challenge. Being grateful for all i have has been easy but being grateful for being me is harder than i expected? The next few days are the same, its about focusing on yourself. I think that is good, i will try and do good the next couple of days.


Unknown said...


The Steel's said...

I love all these posts Mindi, I am way behind on reading everyone's blogs. I wish my arms were still toned from crossfit, now I hate to say they are just flab. You are darling!