Saturday, October 31, 2009

Day 17

Write something you feel grateful for in your life today.
(this was actually yesterdays but o well, i try)
Today i am grateful for Halloween and the innocence of children! I love their imaginations. Today is a day that they can be whatever they want to be!! We should do the same. Not so much in costume, but if you want to be that better person, that more giving, more kind, more forgiving person, try it out today, and then try it out again tomorrow! Happy Halloween!!!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Day 16

Most of the gratitude challenges have not been required to note but this one is.
Stand in front of a mirror and focus on at least five things that you love about yourself. Write them down.
1: My little mole/beauty mark on my cheek
2: My hair, it has potential (hee hee inside joke, but it does!!)
3: My arms, they are shaping up nicely since cross fit! Still long ways to go but..
4: My shoulders, for all they have had to bear in the last 7 months.
5: My smile, i hope i show it often enough, especially to my kids. They make me happy, i hope they see that!
Yesterday was take time to focus on yourself. Appreciate and give thanks for your unique personality, skills and talents.
It is extremely hard to focus on myself, i think maybe that is why i needed to do this challenge. Being grateful for all i have has been easy but being grateful for being me is harder than i expected? The next few days are the same, its about focusing on yourself. I think that is good, i will try and do good the next couple of days.

MJ Movie

On a spur of the moment whim we headed out to the Michael Jackson movie last night. I must say.. it was AMAZING!!! I was not a big fan before this movie, i got wrapped up in the media i think, but this guy is seriously talented! If you have a free night i would HIGHLY recommend it! Plus, his backup dancers are pretty talented as well ... and by talented i mean HOT!
I sure wish the 13 year old girl taking this picture would've noticed the glare in his face. O well, i have a cup to remember it by! After seeing the movie I am not sure how they did not realize he was dying.. Unless they were all in denial. He looked and acted horrible in some of the clips.
Thanks girls, i love you all for being so spontaneous! And thanks Sunshine for not dogging me!

More school fun!

Jerzi started going to another preschool across the street. She still goes to Little Red 2 days and then she'll go here 2 days as well. We worked out a hair trade so it's free for me and fun for her! These are her 2 friends, Kenley and Ansley. They are such cute girls, she will have fun with them! She was getting really lazy, she would lay around ALL day watching tv and when i would try and get her to do something with me she didn't want to. She needed something more than 2 afternoons so hopefully she'll do ok going 4 days. I think she will :)


Who needs a brother when you've got Jerzi as a sister??? She's a trooper!

Koy's 6th birthday!!!

What a fun day! And a great 6 years! I can't even believe it, it is really weird that i have a 6 year old. We started the day with 6 hashbrowns, they are his favorite he loves them!

We had his party at Nickelcade, this first picture was actually after MANY tries at getting a good pic, it's not to bad other than Luke is hidden.

This picture shows more accurately what the party was like... CRAZY! I was the only adult with 13 kids WHHHHAAAAAAAAATT!!!!!!!!! was i thinking? They had fun and i learned to never have a party with 13 kids at a place other than home. I really thought i was going to loose someone.

Koy got his Broncos uniform so Jerzi got to wear the Cougars

Koy and Boston playing air hockey, one of Koy's favorites!

That night we had family over for some more fun, cake and presents!

What a day!! You are one spoiled dude Koy boy!! You guys were both pooped, look at those sleepy eyes!

Love you Koy man, i can't wait for many more years of fun with you!

Our own field

For Koy's birthday he wanted his own football field. So that's what he got. Kurt went out and mowed a little field, painting lines and even decorated the end zones, one end says BYU and one end says UTES. They had a blast playing, we had a few friends over to try it out!!

If you look close they are sitting in the end zone, there is a B Y U between the kiddos.

..and Yes that would be Kurt in his old football jersey. Nerd. He is playing in the annual "hazbeen" bowl in a couple weeks so he was out there getting ready! It's a all day flag football tournament that him, his brothers, my brother and thier friends play in every year. This will be the 6th or 7th year. They have yet to win the championship but play in the finals every year! This is their year, i can feel it! Then they'll retire.... hopefully :) We came up with their name a few years back, The Hazbeenz. Fitting.

Sunday, October 25, 2009


I haven't forgotten about the gratitude challenge, most of the days are kind of the same if that makes sense? Nothing worth posting about each day. But i do read the challenge everyday and do what it says. I think i am a grateful person each and every day, or i try to be, so this challenge is just making me notice the things i'm grateful for a bit more!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Happy Birthday Koy Boy!!

Koy is 6 today! I can't hardly believe it, he has grown so fast!! This is a glimpse of his birthday, we started the day with hashbrowns from Mcdonalds, his favorite, and then he got to open one present, it happened to be his Broncos uniform! He got the BYU helmet for his halloween costume so now he's all excited for the Cougars to face the Broncos. Still to come.. party at nickel cade and cake and ice cream with the fam later today! O and it's red ribbon week at school and todays theme is "get your head in the game, don't do drugs" and they all wear sports related things.. how appropriate is that for Koy's birthday?!?! Stay tuned for more birthday fun to come!!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Quote for the day

We will try and teach our children all about life and they will teach us what life's all about.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Day 5

Take 5 minutes and write about how grateful you are for all of the wonderful things you currently have in your life. Don't long for what you don't possess-instead, take stock of all the blessings you already enjoy.

I think i do this often, especially on Libbi's blog, but for today i am grateful for Sundays, just hanging out as a family. For Kurt, he is always so helpful with Libbi at night, and with the other kids. He helps with all the household chores, and loves me unconditionally. I am grateful for family and friends, new and old. I am grateful that today we are all healthy, and hope we continue to be. I am grateful to live in Utah where fall is so pretty. We have a red tree in our yard! I can't wait until it gets bigger! I am grateful for the gospel, for forgiveness, for prayer, for eternal families, and for My Heavenly Father. I am grateful for this oppurtunity to jot down what i am grateful for today. And I am grateful for Koy Boy who starts his Birthday week today! Yes, we celebrate all week around here :)

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Day 4

Write a short message of thanks for some of the negative things in your life.

I am grateful for trials, dissapointments, losing, difference in opinions, and being sore! These things are making me a better and stronger person!!

Friday, October 16, 2009

My own commercial (Day 3)

Jazz Jersey... $35
Foam fingers... $12
Tickets on row 11... FREE
Nachos, cotton candy, popcorn, churros... $$$$ (plus a tummy ache)
Making in on the jumbotron with 14 seconds left in the game...PRICELESS!

For day 3 of my challenge.. Write about something you feel grateful for in your life today.
Today i feel grateful for nights like these, watching these kids having so much fun just being kids.
Children get only one childhood and i'm grateful for being a part of theirs!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Day 2

Use the alphabet as a fun and quick format for making a list of things for which you feel grateful.

A: Aunts, Aubree, Anna, Abby, America,
B: babies, brothers and brother-in-laws, Boston, Bo, Bishops
C: Chase, Cole, Crew, cousins, chocolate, cross fit, coaches
D: Dads, doctors, diet coke, dinners
E: Emree, Eric, electricity
F: family, friends, father in laws, food and football
G:Grandparents, gospel
H: Husbands, Hospitals, Hudson, help
I: Insurance
J:Jerzi girl, Jex, Jazz tickets (we are going tonight, woohoo!!)
K:Kurt, Koy boy
L: Libbi Lou, Luke
M: Moms, mother in laws, medicine, Maggie, money
N: Nurses, Netso, neighbors
O: Our home, October my favorite time of year, obstacles
P: PICU, police men, people, pioneers, Prophets
Q: Quick recoveries
R: Rhett, radios
S: Schools, Sister-in-laws, Sadie, Santa
T: Teachers, Temples, trials, Taylor, Tyce, technology(text messaging, tv)
U: umbrellas
V: vaccinations
W: work, windows, waterfalls
X: x rays
Y: yesterday
Z: zzzzzzzzzz (sleep)

I could go all day, i better stop!! That is a good thing, i'm glad i had so much flowing out!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Day 1

I am taking part in this challenge, if you would like to join me go to the widget on my sidebar. I accepted this challenge to try and look at things with a better attitude, we have been so blessed in our lives lately. Attitude is everything, you choose your mood, and i'm going to try and choose to be a happier person!
With a hopeful outlook, I, Mindi, promise to fulfill the terms
of The Gratitude Challenge. Over the next 21 days, I pledge to complete the
activities on my gratitude calendar, including writing journal entries, taking
photos and connecting with friends. I promise to take note of life’s little blessings
and to give thanks for the relationships, experiences and opportunities that make
my life unique. From this day forward, I commit to living on the brighter side of life.
Mindi Dixon
Date: 10-14-09

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Punkin eaters

We went across the tracks tonight to a little farm town punkin patch. It was so fun, the kids were having a blast! I think we would've brought home the ENTIRE patch if it were up to them.
They each picked their favorite to have a picture taken with

Libbi loves her punkin!! She was all smiles with it!!

Look at her checkin it out!! So cute! She wasn't letting go. The kids were laughing so hard at her, she was moving her mouth like that one baby commercial?? ..but nothing was coming out so me and Kurt were talking for her, they were seriously rolling on the ground laughing so hard!! Good times :)

These are about half the pumpkins, the wagon is full of some smaller ones too. The cute little old guy was so sweet to let us come over and pick and they were way cheap :) Gotta love that! Next year Kurt says he's planting them so we will see...
We love Halloween time, it's our favorite, ok well my favorite!!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Fuzzy bunny and vasing

So 2 funny things my kids said..
Jerzi has always been called princess, especially by Kurt. Well she has decided she wants to be called bunny now. If you call her princess, she says 'noooo remember it's bunny?' Kurt does it to tease her. So the other day..

Me: Hi pretty princess
Jerzi:'s bunny remember?
Me: o ya i forgot, hee hee, hi pretty bunny
Jerzi: nooooo.... bunnies aren't pretty, they're fuzzy!
Me: O i did not know, hi fuzzy bunny
Jerzi: Hi.
She's a crack up!

Then Koy is into the whole football thing and he always wants to know whose playing who and he has obviously got "versing" and "facing" meshed into one cause he'll say "Who are we vasing?" I love it, i don't think i'll correct him :) I love the little bit of innocence he still has.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Have a Heart Home

The company my husband works for, Nilson Homes, is doing another 'Have a Heart Home' for a family in need. They build a home for a family with special needs at a very low cost, with the help of sub-contractors and other builders. They are taking applications and then will choose one lucky family. I can't think of a better applicant for the 'Have a Heart Home' than a 'Heart family' If you, or anyone you know is interested in building a home at a lower cost in Weber or Davis county, leave me your information and i will submit it. I love all our heart friends that we have met, and i know there are many we have not met. This is a great oppurtunity so don't be shy, if you are interested, you are very deserving so please email me at and if i don't know you and your family's story, leave me a brief history. No one will know you have emailed me, except me. You can also email if you'd rather not involve me, either way is great! Remember, the house will only be built in Weber or Davis County BUT it can be ANY family with special needs not just heart problems. Although the majority of you that read this blog are heart families, if you know anyone with any other special needs they are deserving as well. For more information on the 'Have a Heart Home' click on these links