Thursday, September 24, 2009


Winning is not everything but wanting to win is. -Vince Lombardi

Koy lost his flag football game the last two games and he is REALLY upset. Like real live tears. At first i was mad at him and kept saying if he didn't knock it off, he couldn't play anymore, it is just a game!! The more i watched him the more i realized he is really really bothered by this and i'm not so sure it is a bad thing. What is wrong with wanting to win? With wanting to be the best? With wanting to aspire to be great? Nothing. Nothing at all. So Koy, little buddy, i hope you get them next time and if you don't, when you finally do it will be that much better! You can't win them all but you CAN want to win them all!!

Sunday, September 20, 2009


Should i be worried where my money is going? This was our conversation the other night, Jerzi is 4 and in her 2nd year of preschool.

J: Mom i'm super smart, ask me everything and i know it (she's meaning letters)

Me: Ok what starts with A?
J: a a a (sounding it out) WHALE!

Me: what starts with B?
J: b b b HOUSE!

Me: What starts with C?
J: c c c SNAKE!

Me: What starts with D?
J: d d d DUST!

Me: What starts with E?

J: See mom, i'm soo super smart huh?!

4 out of 5 isn't bad right??? Uh... Hmm.

Friday, September 18, 2009

5 going on 30!

So today was short day and i forgot.. I wasn't too behind but i rushed home and was about 10 minutes late. I thought Koy would be sitting on the steps but he wasn't, i called the neighbors, he wasn't there either! I decided to run over to another neighbors and i opened the door to set Libbi inside and heard the tv on. I come in to find Koy sitting on the couch, watching a BYU football game, eating a bag of snickers!! (that i thought i hid by the way) I just started laughing and said "Bud, weren't you worried where i was?" he says "Nope, i'm just watchin tv" Ok then. Next time i won't worry if i'm late i guess, he can take care of himself, which makes me cry :( He is too little to go to school, ride a bus, and turn on the tv AND pick out a BYU game all by himself!!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Koy had his first flag football game last night and it was OOO so much fuN! He has been waiting for this day for a really long time and he actually isn't even old enough but i wasn't about to deny him FOOTBALL! He LOVES it! It is so good for his confidence so as a mother it wasn't even an option. They let him play a year early because Kurt was coaching so we lucked out. James and Chase coach as well and they did Soo good. All the kids had a blast! And i must say they kicked butt. Koy had a touchdown and to see the face of those kids when they accomplish something was just incredible. Boston also had a touchdown and Luke made a few of the extra points. They were awesome and what was even better was that they THOUGHT they were awesome! That may sound weird but it was neat to see them beam like that! I can't wait until tomorrows game!! Gotta love football season!! (Especially when it's you kid playing!!)

They even got to play under the lights cause they had the later game. I think that was their favorite part!! Ok maybe just one of their favorite parts..

Luke, Boston and Koy attempting the Heisman... i think... Boston is doing it but i'm sure what the other 2 are doing?
I didn't do so hot on picture taking i just realized. I did video the entire game though! That'll be fun to have later. I'll have to get some better pictures at the next game, which is Thursday at 5:30 at CLUB HEIGHTS for those of you who didn't get the message about Game 1!! Sorry :)

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Cross Fit

Kurt, Chase and I have been doing Cross Fit at the Ogden Athletic Club since June. Jana has been doing it as well at home. You go everyday, or 3 days a week for me, and do a different WOD. WOD means 'workout of the day' and they are timed workouts. Well alot of the wods have names like Fran, Helen, Grace etc. We go online every night to see what the WOD is for the next day and this was it the other night.

This WOD is dedicated to Kurtis and Mindi Dixon, their new born baby Libbi, has to have heart surgery tomorrow, everyone please keep Kurtis and Mindi in your thoughts and prayers and do this one for "Libbi"!
12 Rounds for time of:
7 Squat Cleans- 95/65
7 Push-ups

We were so thankful for this workout group to be so supportive of us. There were so many asking about Libbi and how she is. It was very sweet. If you haven't heard of Cross Fit, or haven't tried it you totally should!! Kurt's quote would be
"The smartest and hardest workout i've ever done" Ha ha, he really had to make up a quote about it and that was it!! We did a 6 week challenge with the group and we are waiting to hear the winners. There were only 10 of us that made it to the end and I really think Kurt should win! I'll keep you posted!!
Mostly i needed this for journaling purposes but hey it's a good solicitation as well! Also, when Libbi really does have surgery (one day) You all are doing the workout "Libbi" for her!!

Everybody wants to go to heaven

You know the Kenny Chensney song "everybody wants to go to heaven" well Jerzi had some questions about it
J: Why does everybody want to go to heaven?
Me: Cause it's pretty there
J: What does it look like?
Me: I'm not sure but i bet it's really pretty.

We listed further and it says "but nobody wants to go now"
J: Why does nobody want to go now?
(at this point i really don't know what to say so i say..)
Me: Cause we like living here on earth too.
J: O ok!
Phew!! That was easy! Could've been ugly, i guess i need to prepare myself for this types of conversations!

Game day!!

Today is a good day! It is Koy's first ever football game tonight!! ..flag of course.. but he is so excited, it's going to be a looonnnnngggggg day! It isn't til 7:30 tonight! Thank goodness for a Kindergarten break for mom!! We were teasing last night that they should wear a shirt and tie to school today. Ha ha!! It will be fun, i will post pictures later!!!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Christmas project!!!

With the help and encouragement of some friends and family, we have decided to take the plunge and just do it!!
We are doing a Christmas project for Primary Childrens Medical Center PICU. Click on "Libbi's Christmas Gift" on the sidebar for more information!!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Preschool and Little Lakettes!!

Jerzi started preschool on Thursday and due to the surgery delay i was able to be there :) She was so super excited to be in the "4 year old" class like Koy! (cause that was his class last year)

Here is her posing her new outfit and backpack. She picked out her outfit and how was i to argue?? She did pretty good i think!!

This is her hanging up her bag under her name.

She was being a little sad this time, she didn't want me to leave. She hasn't been like that in a while.. i was kind of enjoying it :)

These are her 2 friends, Katelyn and Titan. The 3 of them will have some good preschool days i'm sure!!

This is her walking out after her first day, she looks a little pooped don't ya think?!?

We had little lakettes last week too.. This one is Libbi under the "friday night lights" she enjoyed being out in the fresh air. It was a bit tricky keeping her away from any germs though, but i'm glad we went.

Aubree and Jerzi gearing up for the big show!!

Seriously?? What a ham.

Making crazy faces again. Silly goose.

O but for a moment she was upset and not wanting to dance.. clearly she got over it :)

She had fun, she always does, but by night 4 she gets a little bored with it. They need to only do 2 nights of practice then the performance i think. She always gets bored by night 3 it seems like.. Good times!!!

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Cougar fan!

Libbi's first Cougar game was today and she is our good luck charm!! We beat #3 Oklahoma 14-13! BIG upset, but as Kurt keeps saying "We knew we would win, no big deal" Ya, he's full of it! Is she not the cutest fan EVER!?!