Saturday, May 8, 2010

1, 2, 3 ...

For the last few weeks my emotions have gotten the best of me and I have been feeling so stressed and frustrated by many things. I've prayed and prayed asking for answers on how to overcome these feelings and as the answers came I haven't always recognized them as answers. Today I awoke with a song in my head, "count your many blessings name them one by one, count your many blessings see what God has done...". The same song that has popped into my mind over and over again since I began my prayerful pleas to overcome my doubts and negative attitude. So I'm a little slow to acknowledge but I feel joy just thinking about beginning this path of pure gratitude. And so I will begin ....

I am so thankful for:

The protection of the Lord. I felt so watched over the other night after dark when Grace, on our family speed walk, skated out into the road with two cars coming. I knew what to do and they stopped without her ever knowing what a close call that was.

The beautiful wild flowers dotting the road.

Answers to my prayers.

A wonderful job that provides all of our material needs.

The scriptures that fill me with understanding.

Great church callings that have taught me many things and helped me grow into a better person.

Close friendships with people who love us even knowing our true selves.

Family who wants to be ours.

Amazing children who are so forgiving and willing to do what is right.

Watching my children grow and become wonderful mature people.

Our founding fathers and all who believed in our country enough to sacrafice all for the good of a nation.

Personal revelation.


A wonderful husband who continues to become better every day.

Trees, I love tall trees.

The Pacific ocean.

Birds singing in the mornings.

Reggie, our pest control guy.


Art work.

Beautiful music.

Hearing Alex play the cello.

Alex's smile.

Grace laughing in her dreams.

Trevor's compassion.


  1. Hahaha. I love how you said how much you appreciated Reggie instead of how you hate roaches. After all, roaches are people too.

    How did you save Gracie from getting hit?

    Thanks for being thankful.

  2. Let me add a few:

    Safety where I live.

    Sacrificing doctors who strive to help discover cures through medicines.

    Matthew Alt getting baptized today and the satisfaction of so many good things happening in the Lobel family.

    Dad getting better.

    Loving friends.

    My treasured family.


  3. You're amazing with all you're doing right now. Crazy, maybe? But definitely amazing.

    Thanks for sharing all your blessings with everyone. You are blessed...and I'm sure blessed to be your SIL!
