Wednesday, May 19, 2010

B.O.O.T Camp

I realize I haven't posted much about girls camp even though it is an almost all consuming part of my life right now. I think it's because I was called only three months ago and have only two months left to go before the big week so I've hardly been able to breathe. Last night, however, was such a treat. I was able to do the camp kick off for a ward who was not able to attend the original date. Since we had an hour I had fun planning a little activity before going over the packet. I brought in my dutch oven and six different items to make a trail mix. Each item had a title taped on it;

m&ms = dress code
peanut butter chips = electronics code
honey rosted peanuts = scriptures and prayer
craisens = certification
raisns = code of conduct
peanuts = positive participation

I explained that just like camp, each of these items can be delicious or enjoyable on their own but when you combine them all together it makes something much better. The girls can choose to follow all of the guidelines at camp and have a wonderful experience or they can pick and choose which ones they will do and will only have moments of enjoyment.

I had girls take turns pouring the trail mix ingredients into the dutch oven as I spoke about each one and gave a general understanding of what it meant. When all items were added we mixed it up and everyone got a cup to snack on while we went over the details of the packet.

I loved our activity and the girls were so much fun to get to know. There are so many different personalities to work with and it is going to be wonderful getting to know each of these girls better while we are hot and sweaty at camp.

Discovery Green

Yesterday the kids and I had so much fun at the Discovery Green Park in downtown Houston. We met with a playgroup and loved the water play as well as the play area nearby. Alex borrowed the camera and focused on the water, getting some really fun pictures. After the kids ran around in the sprays of water and enjoyed our lunch we walked over to the water art structure where Grace and Trevor climbed inside. They encouraged Alex and I to do the same but we are just too grown up to fit in the little space allowed. Trevor and Grace then led us on an obstacle course in the playground area and I learned that I am still quite youthful. It was so fun to follow the two and laugh and jump like one of the kids.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Answers Will Come

It seems that the major part of the last month has been, for me, spent in self doubt and growth. I have worried about the many aspects of my life that I feel I am weak. I have recently pulled my children out of the public schools to teach them at home using an online prep school as my aide. I am the stake camp director, called only three months ago with little outline and camp coming quickly in only two months. I am trying to paint my house and get it ready to get on the market as we feel inspired to do. And on top of it all I feel the adversary pressing hard upon our family as we strive to become a more united. It is no wonder that I feel overwhelmed by my lackings. This weekend I have prayed for strength to overcome these feelings and I felt impressed to turn toward the conference Ensign that I just received. I have enjoyed what I have read but studying Julie B. Beck's talk pointed me where to go. I will type a few quotes I loved here that I might refer to them often.

"There is much distraction and not enough peace and joy. I have felt that there has never been a greater need for increased faith and personal righteousness.

A good woman knows that she does not have enough time, energy,or opportunity to take care of all of the people or do all of the worthy things her heart yearns to do. But with personal revelation, she can prioritize correctly and navigate this life confidently.

The ability to qualify for, receive, and act on personal revelation is the single most important skill that can be acquired in this life.

Many answers to difficult questions are found by reading the scriptures because the scriptures are an aid to revelation. Insight found in scripture accumulates over time, so it is important to spend some time in the scriptures every day.

When women nurture as Christ nurtured, a power and peace can descend to guide when help is needed. It requires a conscious effort to diminish distractions, but having the Spirit of revelation makes it possible to prevail over opposition and persist in faith through difficult days and essential routine tasks.

Promised personal revelation comes when we ask for it, prepare for it, and go forward in faith, trusting that it will be poured out upon us.

(Haha, I love this one quoted from Eliza R. Snow) Women should be women and not babies that need petting and correction all the time. I know we like to be appreciated but if we do not get all the appreciation which we think is our due, what matters? We know the Lord has laid high responsibility upon us, and there is not a wish or desire that the Lord has implanted in our hearts in righteousness but will be realized, and the greatest good we can do to ourselves and each other is to refine and cultivate ourselves in everything that is good and ennobling to qualify us for those responsibilities.

We are doing well when ... we develop attributes of Christ and strive to obey His gospel with exactness. ... when we seek to improve ourselves and do our best. ... when we increase faith and personal righteousness, strengthen family and homes, and seek out to help others.

We can feel certain that the Lord is pleased when we feel the Spirit working through us. Peace, joy, and hope are available to those who measure success properly."

Oh, that I will continue to remember my priories, that I will measure my success by what is important, that I may not be bogged down with the enticements of the adversary and question my value. I loved this message, if you want to enjoy it in its entirety click here.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Sweet Whisperings

Ahh, to enjoy the sweet whisperings of the spirit.

Our sweet Grace is so tender and her feelings are deeper than even her five-year-old body can comprehend. She had a hard time being still at church today and came home so sad about all the wrong choices she made. I was concerned about what I could do to convince her that she was so much more than just the few wrong choices she chose to solely focus on. It became immediately clear what I should do.

I drove her to a lovely bunch of day lilies and asked Grace if she thought the flowers were beautiful which of course she did. How could they not be? I plucked one of the dead flowers from the stem and held it close asking if she saw these among the beauty. "Yes" was her perplexed reply. I pointed out that even though she saw the ugly dead (or mistakes) she focused on the overall, the beautiful lively flowers (the good choices) that were so plentiful. Just like her teacher at church, and all those around her see her goodness, her many beautiful gifts she gives. Yes we see the mistakes but we focus on the beauty because it is much more plentiful. Graces face softened, finally convinced that she is a gem and we love her deeply. We all make mistakes but we should not allow those mistakes to define us. It is our beauty and our goodness that defines us and there is only one who wishes us to focus on the bad.

These are the everyday moments of listening to the spirit that I so appreciate. The thoughts of what to say, and when, that help my children and myself know of our true goodness and to direct our path for right.

(After reading this over I realize even more. This is why it is so important to thank our children for their good deeds rather than constantly correct them. Which direction helps them to know that our focus is not on everything they do wrong? If we constantly point out the negative that is what will be magnified to them.)

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Mmmmmm ... Yum!

I love smoothies! Last year I finally purchased the long desired VitaMix for myself and I have since decided that smoothies are the best way to have breakfast. Recently I've discovered that spinach is a wonderful addition to our smoothies as it give us extra nutrients in such a delicious way. The color of the smoothies ... well it's pretty bad, especially when red berries are used. Ken still cannot get over the color and insists that they taste horrible. This morning I made the smoothie and sent him on his way, as soon as he was out the door I added a bunch of spinach for me and the kids, as soon as I did he walked back in because he spilled some of his .... and asked for more. You can imagine the joy on his face when he saw it had turned in to a greenish brown color. Haha, sorry honey. He did have me add more to his cup though. :)

The lovely color of spinach ...

What is in the smoothie today? One banana, two oranges with rind cut off, a pound of strawberries, one mango, approx 2 cups spinach, approx 2 cups frozen peaches (I like to add frozen fruit rather than ice for the chilled effect). What ever we don't drink becomes popsicles for us to enjoy in the afternoon.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Arrow of Light

Tonight was a wonderful evening for our family. Trevor earned his Arrow of Light for Cub Scouts and his leaders did a wonderful job presenting his award to him. I was so touched by the commitment and love shown to Trevor by wonderful leaders. They were so proud of him and they did an amazing job preparing an exciting night for him and something to look forward to for the younger boys. Our young son is growing up and looking forward to the Scout Program. It is such a blessing to have such wonderful children in our care. I am amazed at who I see my children becoming and tonight was a touching moment for me, to celebrate Trevor accomplishing his goals and growing into such a stalwart young man.

Trevor with his Webelos leader, Jeremy Knudsen

Trevor and his Cub Masters, Pete Fontano and Jim Santiago

We as a family are so proud of him!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

1, 2, 3 ...

For the last few weeks my emotions have gotten the best of me and I have been feeling so stressed and frustrated by many things. I've prayed and prayed asking for answers on how to overcome these feelings and as the answers came I haven't always recognized them as answers. Today I awoke with a song in my head, "count your many blessings name them one by one, count your many blessings see what God has done...". The same song that has popped into my mind over and over again since I began my prayerful pleas to overcome my doubts and negative attitude. So I'm a little slow to acknowledge but I feel joy just thinking about beginning this path of pure gratitude. And so I will begin ....

I am so thankful for:

The protection of the Lord. I felt so watched over the other night after dark when Grace, on our family speed walk, skated out into the road with two cars coming. I knew what to do and they stopped without her ever knowing what a close call that was.

The beautiful wild flowers dotting the road.

Answers to my prayers.

A wonderful job that provides all of our material needs.

The scriptures that fill me with understanding.

Great church callings that have taught me many things and helped me grow into a better person.

Close friendships with people who love us even knowing our true selves.

Family who wants to be ours.

Amazing children who are so forgiving and willing to do what is right.

Watching my children grow and become wonderful mature people.

Our founding fathers and all who believed in our country enough to sacrafice all for the good of a nation.

Personal revelation.


A wonderful husband who continues to become better every day.

Trees, I love tall trees.

The Pacific ocean.

Birds singing in the mornings.

Reggie, our pest control guy.


Art work.

Beautiful music.

Hearing Alex play the cello.

Alex's smile.

Grace laughing in her dreams.

Trevor's compassion.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Not always appropriate ...

I am so stressed today. I cannot seem to get out of my rut and my decluttering efforts to create a cleaner and better run home are hampered by my very creative children. I love their zest for life and creativity but when I just dejunk the work room, leave to get the vacuum and come back a few minutes later to find my son trying to build a computer in the said room, I feel a little overwhelmed. I did not have a perfect mom moment and came downstairs to read my family forum which was a perfect solution. My mother posted the following (sorry Dad):

"Dad and I were playing a game with cards that ask you discussion questions yesterday. One was "What do you do to deal with stress?" My answer was to clean out closets and eat chocolate. Dad's answer made me laugh for a long time. He said, " I don't know.... Crunch up my shoulders and act like and an ***hole."

Thanks for the necessary laughs.