Monday, June 15, 2009

Texas Living

Last night I walked to the mailbox to drop in a letter going out and so enjoyed the cooler, dryer weather of the evening. I decided to check and see what the temp was when I got home, 86 (feels like 88) and 75% humidity. Hmmm, I guess I'm acclimating more than I thought.

On my walk, we use the community mail boxes so we don't have it right in front of our home, I pondered on an oddity of Texas that is at the forefront of my mind right now. My brother and his wife are looking at settling down to open an optometry practice and Texas is one of the states they are considering, which is such a funny thing to me. Roaches, the giant repulsive creatures that are not afraid to show themselves, are everywhere here and I have found that at night they tend to be on the sidewalks and not in the street. I guess they like having the cover of grass so close to them. In turn I have learned to walk in the street rather than on the sidewalk to prevent a heart attack on my part. I began to wonder why the roaches in California stay underground and do not show themselves to the general population. I don't remember taking walks at night wondering what creatures may be in my path that I might want to avoid. I don't mind the toads, the snakes I've seen are only small but the roaches, oh how they disgust me.


  1. How funny those little critters are. I guess even the roaches have a little of that Texas pride and they are not afraid to show themselves off!

  2. Guess you convinced us not to go to Texas. :)


  3. I think that anytime you get in semi tropical areas, you get lots of gunk--critters, mildew, etc. But I ponder on how much many people love it in those areas. My dad Loved New Orleans. Fortunately for me I haven't seen a roach outside of Florida, Louisiana and Texas. Maybe it is what you grow up with. I don't know.
