27 February 2013

Pregnancy Catch Up

Yes, I am days away from being 30 weeks pregnant.
Where has the time gone?!
With the holidays and other busy-ness time has seriously flown by,
which is totally awesome.
9 months is way to long to bake a baby.

In 2011, during the dark ages (aka, infertility problemos),
I kinda lost interest in the blogging, along with the habit.
Looking back now, it makes me sad.
I don't journal.
Any record of fun I had is nonexistent.
I need to have proof for our kids that we were actually fun pre-baby era.

I'd like to get back to my old ways of blogging regularly,
so here I go!

I am way too cool, important, busy, (insert excuse here)....
to go back and blog for all the time I've missed.
But I will do a tiny catch up blog highlighting portions of my pregnancy thus far.

Boy howdy was I sick.
I am pretty sure I broke records with the amount of trips I made to the bathroom to either pee or puke.
I constantly felt miserable.
I through up an average of 3-4 times a day, typically right when I woke up, a few hours after each meal, and before bed.
All my plans to eat healthy, balanced meals while pregnant were thrown out the window when I learned fruits and vegetables were now at war with my body.  (My body always won by puking them out).
Exercising became non-existant.
The one time I tried to go to the gym, I had to jump off the eliptical and run to the bathroom to hurl.
The main foods I ate were bread, pizza, french fries & toast, which attributed to the reason my weight never hindered, rather my enlarging butt was my first hint of pregnany (in my eyes). 
Smells absolutely killed me.  
The week before I found out I was pregnant, we had out shutters installed.  The smell of the paint seriously made me want to suffocate. 
Pretty much all smells of everything, besides fresh air, made my stomach turn.
Driving made me carsick.  
Many times, I would be in tears during my drive home from work in fear of throwing up behind the wheel and causing an accident.
Our house was a disaster.  I had no energy, desire, ability, whatever, to clean or do anything.
I was a legit couch potato.
But you know what, I would do it all again, double everything.  

Prior to the 2nd trimester, I counted the days till week 13, hoping my morning sickness would be gone instantly.
It wasn't till around week 16 that I could finally tell a difference...
just in time for Thanksgiving.
From then on out, all my nasty prego problems started to fade away.
People weren't kidding when they said the 2nd trimester was the best.
I could finally eat fruits & veggies again!
I had energy to clean and do work.
I started to feel like myself again.
AND my belly was finally started to poke out. 
Prune juice and other high fiber foods have become a necessity...that's all I will say there.
It's pretty crazy how much the body changes when pregnant.
Of course I had a few meltdowns, well maybe more than a few, while trying to get dressed.
But what pregnant woman hasn't?!
This was also probably the last time I will be able to paint my own toenails.

Just started.... so stay tuned!

I didn't take many pics in the beginning.
My belly wasn't growing and I never felt good.
Lately, I've been trying to take more since my belly is growing...
No joke.

My bump, bump, bump....


  1. Omgosh you are so tiny, nothing to worry about. The constipation will continue a little after birthing as well so continue with the prune juice. Do you know what you are having?

  2. Surprisingly, prune juice has become a little easier to drink as each day passes. The first time drinking it was miserable. We are having a baby girl!!! :)
