05 April 2013

Easter 2013

 For some people, the Easter Bunny stops coming when you.... 
stop believing,
get old,
move out from home,
get married,

Not for us!

You see...
I have a special relationship with all the holiday mascots...
Valentine, St. Patrick, Easter Bunny, Halloween (?), Santa.

So despite being old, we still get treats!

This year, the Easter Bunny thought it would be fun to put most of Kevin's goodies in the traditional plastic eggs. 
Seems like a fun idea, right?
Now I am living with a house full of plastic easter-egg-halves. 

Living room
Computer Desk
End Tables
Night Stands
Front seat of the car


Note to Easter Bunny:
No more plastic eggs for Kevin.
You can bring them for Baby Girl next year, 
but that's because she  can have anything she wants :)

03 April 2013

Aunty Lisa # 6

My brother, Cliff & his wife had their first baby!!!

Kaylana Lee Laudato

This is the first Laudato grandbaby for my parents, 
so you can only imagine how excited everyone is. 
This little cutie-patootie will definitely be BFF's with our baby gurrl, 
especially since they will be less than 2 months apart in age!

It's just too bad that I'm too pregnant to travel to meet this little one.  
It seriously devastates me knowing I have to wait till like July before I get to meet her.

Isn't she so cute?!

15 March 2013

Fun Weekend Ahead

My mamacita and dadacito are coming to visit this weekend!

This means a few things....

1. Stuff's gon-get dunnnn! 
My dad is the ultimate handy man and will help (I mean do) a bunch of home projects for us.  
Kevalicious has no time for "Honey-Do" list projects, so they turn in to "Daddy-Do" list projects.  
Yeah, my daddy-O is cooler than yours.

2. Girl time!
With Kevin so busy with law school, it gets quite lonely. 
So having my mom here makes life definitely more enjoyable. 
Plus, who doesn't like having all the attention? 

3. Baby Shower!
With baby gurrrl  just 8 weeks away, my so-super awesome sis-in-law & wonderful mother-in-law are throwing a baby shower for me.  I plan to overdose in the color pink--wait, I don't think it's possible to have enough pink.  And ooogle over the cutest little baby girl thing-a-ma-thangs!

4. My Birthday!
I totally keep forgetting my birthday is tomorrow.  This is probably the first year in my life where I don't have a b-day list nor a desire for some big plans.  It's all about baby gurrrrrl.  But tomorrow I plan to embrace life as a 26 year old.  Man, that means my parents are sooooo old.  

11 March 2013

Counting Down

Who's excited that I only have 2 months/ 9 weeks before baby guurrl arrives?!

Um, hello?!


and Kevin too.
(Maybe even more-so Kevin.  He's the best.)

04 March 2013

Ninjago Cupcakes

Last week, my first born nephew, Liam, turned 5 years old.
I still can't believe that guy is that old.
It kinda makes me feel old...
I  always hear parents talk about how fast kids grow up.
I never really believed them, since  you don't really pay attention to 
how fast the weeks go by when you're a kid.

I remember the day Liam was born.  
Kevin and I were engaged at the time and I couldn't be more excited to meet  this little bundle of joy.
I have really cool aunts and uncles and I wanted to be just as cool to this new kid.
Liam was the craziest little baby I have ever met.
No Joke.
But he turned out to be the coolest kid I know.
I love that kid.

(I don't know how I am going to handle my own babies growing up so quick!)

Liam had his party last weekend.
Emlieah really outdid her self on his Ninjago themed party.
If you don't know what "Ninjagos" are (Lego Ninjas), then you obviously aren't around little boys.
Pinterest "Ninjago party" and all the cool stuff you see, just know she nailed it.
I made a little contribution to the party by making cupcakes.
I think cupcakes are SO CUTE.
I had been looking for an excuse to have a go at them.
And you know what?
I think they turned out pretty darn cute!

27 February 2013

Pregnancy Catch Up

Yes, I am days away from being 30 weeks pregnant.
Where has the time gone?!
With the holidays and other busy-ness time has seriously flown by,
which is totally awesome.
9 months is way to long to bake a baby.

In 2011, during the dark ages (aka, infertility problemos),
I kinda lost interest in the blogging, along with the habit.
Looking back now, it makes me sad.
I don't journal.
Any record of fun I had is nonexistent.
I need to have proof for our kids that we were actually fun pre-baby era.

I'd like to get back to my old ways of blogging regularly,
so here I go!

I am way too cool, important, busy, (insert excuse here)....
to go back and blog for all the time I've missed.
But I will do a tiny catch up blog highlighting portions of my pregnancy thus far.

Boy howdy was I sick.
I am pretty sure I broke records with the amount of trips I made to the bathroom to either pee or puke.
I constantly felt miserable.
I through up an average of 3-4 times a day, typically right when I woke up, a few hours after each meal, and before bed.
All my plans to eat healthy, balanced meals while pregnant were thrown out the window when I learned fruits and vegetables were now at war with my body.  (My body always won by puking them out).
Exercising became non-existant.
The one time I tried to go to the gym, I had to jump off the eliptical and run to the bathroom to hurl.
The main foods I ate were bread, pizza, french fries & toast, which attributed to the reason my weight never hindered, rather my enlarging butt was my first hint of pregnany (in my eyes). 
Smells absolutely killed me.  
The week before I found out I was pregnant, we had out shutters installed.  The smell of the paint seriously made me want to suffocate. 
Pretty much all smells of everything, besides fresh air, made my stomach turn.
Driving made me carsick.  
Many times, I would be in tears during my drive home from work in fear of throwing up behind the wheel and causing an accident.
Our house was a disaster.  I had no energy, desire, ability, whatever, to clean or do anything.
I was a legit couch potato.
But you know what, I would do it all again, double everything.  

Prior to the 2nd trimester, I counted the days till week 13, hoping my morning sickness would be gone instantly.
It wasn't till around week 16 that I could finally tell a difference...
just in time for Thanksgiving.
From then on out, all my nasty prego problems started to fade away.
People weren't kidding when they said the 2nd trimester was the best.
I could finally eat fruits & veggies again!
I had energy to clean and do work.
I started to feel like myself again.
AND my belly was finally started to poke out. 
Prune juice and other high fiber foods have become a necessity...that's all I will say there.
It's pretty crazy how much the body changes when pregnant.
Of course I had a few meltdowns, well maybe more than a few, while trying to get dressed.
But what pregnant woman hasn't?!
This was also probably the last time I will be able to paint my own toenails.

Just started.... so stay tuned!

I didn't take many pics in the beginning.
My belly wasn't growing and I never felt good.
Lately, I've been trying to take more since my belly is growing...
No joke.

My bump, bump, bump....

08 November 2012

Halloween @ Work 2012

I always think of Halloween as a good time.  
Dressing up is usually a must for me.  
I had big plans for Kevin and I, but since he was in school Halloween night and was busy studying the weekend before, our festive Halloween celebrations were bypassed this year.  

Plus, since I have a fetus growing inside me that is holding hostage my usual energy and motivation to do anything besides lay on the couch.  So costumes weren't much more than a thought in my mind for us.

Earlier on in October, I had committed to dressing up with 2 of my fellow co-workers.
There was no way I could bail on them!

So, Halloween eve, I ventured to my local Ross Dress For Less store in search of exaggerated 80's workout attire.  

I hit the jackpot.

As I dressed myself Halloween morning, I noticed Kevin just shaking his head and smiling.
I think he was just happy that he was able to get passed Halloween without having to wear an embarrassing costume.  And be probably liked seeing me smiling early in the morning, rather than hugging the toilet.

My costume was pretty rad...

Gnarly crimped hair.
Blue & Purple eye shadow.
Bright pink lipstick.
Head band.
Side half-pony tail w/ scrunchie.
Cut -off neon top.
Tiger leggings
Hot pink leg warmers.
Jazz shoes from when I was 13.
A pearl necklace, just to be classy.

All, while being 3 months pregnant.
I'm awesome.

Go big or go home, right?

(I am pulling the "pregnant card" as to the reason why our room is so messy. Don't judge!)

As each of my co-workers arrived, we all couldn't help but laughing at each other.  
We were seriously so cool.

Of course, I stayed in character throughout the day....
-lunges as I walked to the break room
-80's style dance moves (Flashdance style)
-80's music played in our office all day

It was one of the funner days I've had in a while.
Laughter all day is seriously the best thing ever.

Oh, and we totally won our company's
Best Group Hallween Costume Contest!

(Here's some of the pic's we took that day, please note the knee braces, back brace, and geriatric work-out chair incorporated into our photos.  Gotta represent our some of our products!)

25 October 2012

My Eggo is Preggo

It has finally happened.
I am growing a fetus.

Life couldn't be better. Seriously...
Of course a little less puking and a normal sense of smell would be nice.
Not that I'm complaining...
Heck, I'd welcome all the preggo problems in the world doubled (happily!) at this point.

I want to share my "Oh-my-gosh-I-found-out-I-was-pregnant" story.  My blog needs a little love, and now I can finally get back to it with no secret to hide!

So yes, I am pregnant. (Have I mentioned this yet?)

It was a quite the experience getting to this point.  As you already know, we had some infertility treatments over the summer.  Both IUI's failed, which was a total, complete bummer to put it lightly.  In June, Kevin started a a 30 day medication, however, his test results following showed no improvement. During this time, we were in the middle of our crazy house hunt (another story there) and Kevin was about to start Law School.  All the distraction was good, I suppose.

Also during this time, I had a serious conversation with my self and decided that 2012 just wasn't our year.  I had always said that my 25th year would be a great one, but I just figured it was everything else "great", except getting pregnant "great".  I had accepted this and was okay.  I told myself our year for getting pregnant was going to be next year.  I knew Kevin would be too busy in his first year of Law School to have time for infertility treatments, and the stress he would go through wouldn't help.  I don't want to say I gave up, it was just time to take a break.  So I put away all of the Ovulation Predictor Kits and everything else and decided to just enjoy this stage of our life.  Heck, we just moved into our very first purchased home!  This in and of itself was SUPER exciting.  I decided to focus on other areas of joy and happiness in my life and not dwindle on the parts I believed were lacking.  This was almost freeing to me.  Thank goodness I have the cutest nieces and nephews around to enjoy.  Spending time with them is like the next best thing.  And it makes for good practice :)

Now we were into August and just about finished unpacking.  Life was ever more enjoyable and we were as happy as ever.  We were getting settled into our new routine of Kevin being gone pretty much all the time working and schooling while I found things to do to occupy my free time.  Life was good.

And then I found out my brother and his wife, Lindsey,  were expecting their first baby.
This was a shock for me.

(I just want to say that first and foremost  I was unbelievably happy for them.  I want only the best for Cliff & Lindsey.  They are great people and 100% deserve everything wonderful in their lives, including having children without infertility issues! )

But sometimes it's hard to stop the sad feelings from surfacing.

The following day at work was hard.  I couldn't stop my mind from going crazy with thoughts.  I don't know why, but for some reason I always felt fine around other pregnant people but knew when the time came for Cliff to have a baby and we still hadn't, it would be hard.  By the end my work day, these bad thoughts had gotten the best of me.  I decided that I was going home and put on my comfiest sweats and eat Oreos for dinner.  I knew Kevin wouldn't be home so I was going to make this the best "Pitty Party" ever!

And then move on with my life.

At this point, I was already over a week late for my expected "Shark- week".  But I figured I was back to my crazy abnormally long cycles since I wasn't on Clomid anymore and Shalee had moved to Idaho. (For some reason, my "shark week" likes to come on the same time as Shalee's).  Since I wasn't as focused on my cycles anymore, I figured I'd give it another week or two since it wouldn't be weird if it started then.  The weekend prior, my sis-in-law Emileah told me I was crazy for not taking a pregnancy test since I knew I was late.  My boss, Christy kept bugging me to go out and buy one and take it at work. I didn't even think twice about it.  I was already convinced that we weren't getting pregnant this year and so I did nothing.

I drove home from work that day, with just a little more aggression than usual.
I didn't let people merge in front of me on the freeway and would give a little "ha-ha!" as I drove by.
(Yeah, I showed them!)
Maybe even drove a little faster than normal.
Definitely slammed the door when I got home.
("Pitty Party" mode... remember?)  
I stomped up the stairs.
Instead of putting my work clothes away, I left them on the ground.
(Ouuuh... good one, I know!)  

Then I went into my bathroom, and pulled out one of those little life ruiners (pregnancy test) out of my stock. And pee'd on that stick like it was no one's business!  I even threw it on the bathroom counter to prove I didn't care and already knew what it would read. I went and found my comfiest clothes, not caring what people at the grocery store would think as I bought my Oreos.

This was going to be the Pittiest Party EVER!

I was about to head downstairs and remembered I needed to see the pregnancy test results so I would have my icing on the cake to start off my Pitty Party.  I walked confidently back into the bathroom and casually glanced at the test like it was a waste of my time.


My heart seriously stopped beating.  No where on the stick did it say "NOT".  I had taken this same test many, many, many times.  Clear Blue is probably still in business because of me.  I had seen the words "NOT PREGNANT" so much that I didn't think it was even possible for it to say "PREGNANT".  

This seriously couldn't be happening right now.  I was in denial.

I walked away from the counter stared at my bed for a minute and walked back into the bathroom to see if the results had changed.


I walked in and out of the bathroom a few more times.

It still said "PREGNANT".

The rush of emotion, tears, craziness completely overwhelmed me.  I started screaming, crying, jumping, sitting on the floor, standing up, walking in circles....This feeling was like nothing I had ever experienced.  I had dreamed and thought of this moment for so long and it was finally happening.  FINALLY. I had wanted it so bad that I had never thought it would actually happen. It was so surreal.

So now I HAD to tell someone.  It was 4pm.  Kevin wouldn't get home till 10pm.  I decided to call him.  I knew I couldn't tell him over the phone, but maybe I could convince him to skip his mandatory, no excused absense class?  Maybe?  

Me:  Hi, can you come home early, please?
Kevin:  Uhhh, no.
Me: Please?
Kevin: Lisa...
Me: I know, I know. Okay, I'll see you later.

I really wanted to go over to Emileah's and tell her, but I know I couldn't.  Kevin had to be the first person I told.  He just had to be!  Okay, so now I have 6 long hours until he came home.  What the heck was I going to do for 6 hours?!  Well, I cleaned and I watched all my recorded shows on the DVR.

Time was still slowly passing by.

I felt like I was going to burst.


Kevin is home, I hear the garage.  I decided I wanted to film him since this happened out of the blue, sort of.   And is so unexpected.  When he walked in and saw I was filming, he thought that I broke something or purchased something really expensive. He was a little confused.  Once I put my phone down and stopped recording, we seriously freaked out together.  Freaked out in a good, happy, excited, elated kind of way.

I will never forget this day.  Definitely one of my top BESTEST memories ever!

Due date: May 10, 2013

17 July 2012

Life update.

It definitely has been a while since I've been in the blogging world.  And you know what?  I kind of miss it.  Unfortunately, since I don't have a journal, if I ever want to look back on my life from Nov '11- July '12, I'll have to rely solely on my memory--how lovely, which really stinks since the past 8 or so months have actually been pretty nuts.  

A lot has happened...

The main thing being  that I have had to accept that having a baby at this point in my life isn't in my control.  Yep--for Kevin and I, having a baby isn't something we can just choose to do when we feel like the time is right.  I was hesitant about putting this type of personal info on the world wide web, but figured since we're not trying to keep it some big secret, why not?  Plus, I've found that by being open about our situation, I have been able to come in contact with people who have been in a similar situation as us and have so much knowledge, suggestions, and experience that I can't get enough of.  I am also hoping that by putting this info out there, it will end these type of awkward convos...

Person: You guys have been married like over 4 years.  Why don't you have kids yet?
Me:  Well, right now we can't.
Person: What do you mean you can't?  It's not hard. Everybody else is having babies.  You guys should have a baby. 
Me:  Yeah, well we can't...literally.  We've been trying for over a year and because of some health issues, it will take a little bit more time.  
Person: Oh...umm... (awkward pause)
Me:  Yeah......

I've had this type of convo quite a bit lately.  It really doesn't make me feel awkward, but I feel so bad for the person asking because it always makes him/her feel embarrassed when they can't figure out how to respond and then the whole situation ends up being awkward! And the last thing I want is for people to avoid me.  I'd rather spare people this moment of awkwardness and let people who are curious as to why we have no children read about it here or find out from other people.  By the way, I'm totally fine with talking about our situation.  Don't be afraid of me!

Here's the reader's digest version of everything we went through:
-Both of us had a lot of testing.  
-Found out we fall into the Male Factor Infertility category.
-Met with different doctors, one of which I couldn't stand.
-Had 2 failed IUI's (Intrauterine Insemination)
-Kevin was treated with meds for 30 days

Next up:
We will soon find out if Kevin will need surgery.  

My emotions have been okay throughout this whole experience.  Yes, I have broken down a time or two, or three, or four, but who wouldn't? I have definitely been more moody, especially after the first failed IUI.  Thank goodness for Kevin's, patience and unconditional love because he definitely takes the worse of it.    I'm one lucky girl!  I am 100% fine with being around pregnant ladies and I am totally happy for all those who are newly pregnant as well. In the meantime, I'll hope and pray I get to be next!

Luckily there has been other major stuff happening to keep me distracted :)

16 July 2012

Adventures in Babysitting

Last Tuesday, 7/10, I met my newest nephew, 
baby Jace Gibson Hiatt.  
(Jace is Richie & Emileah's 3rd child)  

I don't know what it is about newborn babies, but man, I could have held him forever.  Kevin was the exact same way.  We totally fought over who got to hold him.  Each time we left Jace, Kevin would tell me how bad he wants one of our own.  We offered to take Jace home for keeps, but Richileah plan to keep Jace for themselves.  Darn!

Over the weekend, Kevin and I baby-sat Liam & Kenna.  I am entirely crazy about these kids and love every minute I have with them, which luckily, is a lot of minutes.  

 Kenna & Liam before church.
So adorable. 

10 February 2012

Oh, Hey!

Remember how I totally used to keep this blog updated?
And how I would post a bunch of pictures?
And write about my life and whatever the heck I felt like writing about?

Yeah, I remember those days too.....

01 December 2011

I'm gonna be straight up.....

Vampire Diaries >  Twilight Saga

Saw the new Twilight movie last week and I was sooooo not impressed.  Vampire Diaries is better than Twilight in every single way possible.  Seriously.  Better looking people, better story line, and better actors. The whole time we were watching the movie, which was super graphic and totally unnecessary, all I could think about was how much better Vampire Diaries is.

And can I just throw out how bad I want Damon and Elena to get together?!

Love it!!!

30 November 2011

Here's what we had our Sunbeams make for Thanksgiving!

Aren't they seriously the cutest little turkeys ever!  Everytime I see this pic it makes me smile and reminds me of how much the kids and myself loved making them.  If making these turkeys could be a career, I'd totally do it.  I would just smile all day while I put the turkeys together.  I just can't get enough!  After church, I knew I had to make one for both of my nieces and nephew.  

If these turkeys don't make you smile, then something is totally wrong with you!

29 November 2011

My fabulous sis-in-law Shalee turned 18!
And what better way to celebrate then a party on 11/11/11!!!!

She had a bounce house, tons of food, dancing, ice cream cake, music, air hockey, and a bunch of friends to celebrate!  It's a good thing she likes us, cuz we were so excited to get some time in that bounce house!

Time for a photo dump of some pics from that night.

Yes, all of these pics are just of the fam, mainly Liam and Kenna.
But I was not in the mood to be the creepy older sis trying to take pictures of Shalee and all of her friends!
That might have been weird......

Here's to a wonderful 18th year Shalee!
I have a feeling it will be the best yet!

(Please note: the ice skates on this cake were soooo not supposed to be there.  Dairy Queen must have had an opposite day when we ordered the cake.  Because we told them specifically NOT to add the skates, but they did anyways. Boooo! But the cake was still yummy! No doubt!)

11 November 2011

Breakfast of champions.....

Leftover Halloween candy.

When "TOM" is in town,
he turns me turn into a picky eater I guess you could say.

Healthy food?
Forget about it....
Chocolate and cookies?
Bring it on....

08 November 2011

Oh my.....
Look what I found in my kitchen!

I just couldn't resist!
I decided we needed to do something to celebrate daylight savings.
It was the perfect excuse to buy eggnog and pumpkin-spice muffins!
And boy were they taaaasty!

The holiday weight gain is now under way. And I plan to enjoy every bite of it.

04 November 2011

I loved today. particularly the weather.  It was actually somewhat cold!  68 degrees and oh-so lovely.  I got to wear a long sleeve shirt, jacket, AND scarf.  It poured down rain a few times today while I was at work.  Winter is finally here my friends.  

Friday night date night was funnnnn.  Had dinner at Lucille's BBQ with Richie, Emileah, and the kids.  To go with the winter weather today, I ordered the clam chowder, which was even more delish than I expected.  Don't you love it when that happens?  We all enjoyed our tasty meals and each other's company. Lucille's BBQ will never disappoint, unless you order the memphis pulled-pork sandwich.  Order that and you will leave disappointed.  I'll never make that mistake again.  After dinner, Kevin and I walked over to the movie theaters and saw Tower Heist.  The movie was alright.  Of course there were some really funny parts, mainly anytime Eddie Murphy was on the screen.  Other than that, it was alright.  I really was expecting more from Ben Stiller.  But whatev, we still enjoyed our night out together.  

Now I am sitting at home, in some cozy pj's while Kevin flips through some shows on TV.  I'm debating on whether or not to turn on the fire place.  I knew I should have stopped for that pumpkin-spice latte.  I think I'll settle for some hot chocolate instead.  I'll save the pumpkin spice latte tomorrow.  Now if only I could decide on a movie to watch.  We'll probably just end up watching Friends.  This is my 4th time going through the seasons.  The show never gets old.  Best investment ever.  $8 a season at Target on black Friday 3 years ago.  

The past few months I haven't been able to sleep in past 6:30am on Saturday mornings.  Yeah, I know, something is seriously wrong with me.  Once I can't go back to sleep after 45 min, I'll just get up and head to the living room.  These early morning have been my time to catch up on my shows on the DVR.  So really, the only bad thing about waking up early on Saturday morning is that I am tired Saturday night.  We'll see what tomorrow brings.

02 November 2011

I saw this video, absolutely loved it, 
and then made Kevin watch it too.

It's seriously the cutest wedding proposal ever! It totally makes me want to
fall in love all over again with Kevin and then marry him again!

My favorite part is when  he asks, 
"Now that I've made my promises, will you let me keep them?"

I loved watching the girl's expressions change as he's proposing.
so cute.

The dang video even made me get a little teary-eyed.

01 November 2011


 This year for Halloween, Kevin and I were pumpkins, or I'd rather say punkins!  I have no idea why, but I have always wanted to be a punkin for Halloween.  I just think pumpkins are sooo cute!  And the little stem head-piece?! Love it! Finally this year, I made it happen.  I purchased 2 pumpkin costumes even though Kevin said he wouldn't wear it and I was so excited.  It took a lot of attempts at convincing, begging, and bargaining to get Kevin to wear the punkin costume.  But Saturday night, at the ward Halloween party, he came through.  This guys seriously loves me. He wore the entire costume for the first 5 mintues!  Naturally, the head-piece was first to go.  Eventually, the pumpkin was gone too.  But I have my picture to savor the memory.

I just had to get a picture with the 2 cutest kids at the party:  
Spider-man and Minnie Mouse!

Ok, seriously, isn't Kevin the cutest Mr. Pumpkin ever?!
Boy, do I love this guy.

31 October 2011

Kenna turns 2

My niece, little miss Kenna, turned 2 years old this month!
She is most definitely one of the CUTEST little girls on the planet 
and is as "girly" as can be.

No little 2 year old girl appreciates fashion as much as Kenna.
She loves her clothes, shoes, jackets, accessories, and nail polish.
This girl is a true fashionista.

We celebrated as a family after church on a Sunday.
Words cannot describe how silly and playful Liam can be.
The things he says and does are seriously hilarious.

Kenna loves my phone.  
I have this kitty cat app on it that she can't get enough of.
Everytime I see her, she asks for my phone.
Since she knows where I keep it in my purse, 
I can never set my purse down at her level and expect her 
not to go dig it out.

Kevin or I will always give in to sweet little Kenna.

Kenna and Liam playing with some Halloween decor
while waiting for everyone else to arrive.

I never thought I'd enjoy being an Aunt as much as I do.
I can't get enough of these little faces!

Time to open presents!

Kenna received an entire winter wardrobe,
complete with 2 jackets, boots, and piles of new tops and jeans.
Seeing a 2 year old girl so excited over new clothes was so awesome.
She also got some cute stuffed animals and a doll.

When I went shopping for the presents we were going to give Kenna,
it made me realize how out of control  I will be when I have my own kids.
There is so much cute little kid stuff out there and I want to buy it ALL.