Monday, December 21, 2009

Wolfley Family Party

My cute neice and Veronica's newest little baby boy! He is an angel!

The Wolfley family party is always a party.
Yeah, we have to have our family parties at a church every year just so we can all be in one room together...and this is just for my immediate family!! It's always so much fun and goes by way too fast of course.

Jody's wife and little girl. So beautiful!

The kids at the craft table.

My brother and my mom

We did karaoke and got my dad to sing one of his Elvis Christmas songs. My sisters and I, joined by my neice and Brooklyn, were his backup singers.

When the Wolfley girls hear an Elvis's like our bodies automatically start jamming out. It's funny how that happens.

No, he's not mine...although I would totally claim him. This is my sweet little nephew.

All the grandkids put on the Nativity scene. Brooklyn peeked as we were all waiting to see it.

Here she is playing peek-a-boo with Beckam who down in the audience. He was playing it back with her shouting "Boo!"

The girl's for the most part, took their roles very seriously, the boys on the other hand couldn't stop making faces and waving at people.

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