Showing posts with label Dim Sum & buns. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dim Sum & buns. Show all posts

Sunday, 11 September 2016

安顺猪肠粉 ~ Teluk Intan Rice Flour Rolls

食谱取自 : Eunice's Diary


肠粉皮材料 ( 16 -18   )
200g  粘米粉
50g  马蹄粉
50g 粟粉
50g 薯粉 ( 生粉 )
50ml 生油
1200ml 清水

8" x 8" 不黏底烤盘 2
连盖大蒸笼 / / 1

1大匙 蒜茸  
200g  沙葛 ( 切细条狀 )
50g 虾米 切细末, 炸香

调味料 :
1/2汤匙 蚝油

配料 :

1. 锅里烧热少许油,爆香蒜茸 。放入沙葛,炸香虾米末和调味料。拌炒至沙葛软后盛起备用。

1. 所有材料放进大碗里 ( 除清水外 ),然后水分 3 次加入与粉逐渐拌勻至滑,成稀粉浆。过筛 3 次,放在一旁静置备用。

2. 用大煲或蒸笼,注入约 3 吋水。把水烧开。

3. 烤盘涂油,搅匀粉浆,用勺盛粉浆至量杯內量 100 ml 的粉浆,倒入烤盘里( 可用手指把粉浆推到四边方角去填满 )。

4. 2~ 3大匙的馅料铺在粉浆上。盖密。大火蒸 6分钟。不能多不能少,蒸过火的粉皮会变糊。打开盖时会看见一些涨起的小水泡,但会隨即平伏下來。

5. 盛起蒸好粉皮的盘,暂置一旁让其放涼。把另一个烤盘重复以上 45 & 6三个步骤蒸第二张粉皮。记住每次用汤勺盛起粉浆前都要再搅勻一次。

6. 塑胶刮刀抹少许油,小心从烤盘旁边把蒸好稍涼的粉皮卷起,慢慢卷成肠粉,取起置在已抹了少许油的平底大碟或容器上。继续至所有粉浆用完。期间要检查,水低了要注入滾水。

7. 卷沙葛肠粉時皮可能会破烂,只要一双手小心要用膠刮底部推铲,另一隻手轻轻扶着转动,用沒破的粉皮包卷蓋着便成。如用较大的膠刮卷粉皮会更为方便。

8. 用小碟子把肠粉盛开上桌,即可配上腌青辣椒享用。

Recipe source : Eunice's Diary

Teluk Intan Rice Flour Rolls

Ingredients for the batter :  ( makes 16 - 18 rolls )
200g rice flour
50g water chestnut flour
50g corn flour
50g potato flour / starch
50ml oil
10g salt
1200ml water

2 non-stick 8" x 8" roasting tins
1 large steamer or a big pan with lid

1tbsp chopped garlic
200g jicama ( shredded )
50g dried shrimp ( chopped and fried till fragrant )

Seasoning :
1/2tbsp oyster sauce
pepper to taste
a little dark soy sauce

To serve :
pickled green chillies

Method ( for fillings ) :
1. Heat wok with some oil , saute chopped garlic . Add in jicama , fried dried shrimp and seasonings . Stir-fry till jicama is soft . Dish up and set aside .

Method ( for rice rolls ) :
1. Put all ingredients in a large bowl ( except the water ) , add the water in 3 batch to mix really well with all the flour and starch until they have all dissolved and became a thin and smooth batter. Strain the batter through a sieve three times before leaving it to one side to rest, while you are getting on with rest of the procedures.

2. Use a big pan or a steamer, fill with about 3 inches of water and bring to the boil.

3. Lightly grease the tin; stir the batter well and ladle into measuring jug to measure 100 ml of batter to pour into the tin ( You can use your fingers to push the batter to fill the corners ) .

4. Scoop 2 ~ 3tbsp filling on top of the unsteam rice roll .Place the tin in the steamer and put the lid on. Steam on a high heat for 6 minutes.  Please pay attention at all times, over steamed rice pastry will become soggy. When opening the lid, the pastry would have some large rising air pockets, but they will settle back down almost immediately.

5. Leave the baking tin with the steamed rice flour pastry to one side, and proceed to put batter into another tin, repeating the above step 4 , 5 & 6 to steam another rice flour roll pastry. Remember to stir the batter well again each time before you ladle it into the measuring jug.

6. Lightly oil the dough cutter, carefully lift the steamed rice flour pastry up from the tin, and slowly roll it up into the shape of a rice flour roll. Carry on until all the batter have finished. Fill the pan up with boiling water again whenever it needs.

7. When rolling up the rice pastry with jicama filling in it, you may find the pastry tears quite easily, just use the dough cutter gently scrape and lift it up and roll it over, helped by the other hand to quickly wrap it up, covered by the rest of the smooth pastry. Use a larger dough cutter would also help lifting the steamed rice pastry.

8. Transfer them to a few small plates and serve with pickled green chillies .

Sunday, 30 August 2015

脆皮马蹄糕 ~ Crispy Water Chestnut Kuih

食谱取自 超传统!茶粿


材料 A :
100g马蹄 ( 去皮,切丁)

材料 B :
80g  马蹄粉
10g  澄面粉
200g  浓椰浆

材料 C :
120g  幼糖
400ml 清水

脆浆粉 :(混合均匀
30g 普通面粉
30g 粟米粉
1茶匙 卡斯特粉
1/2茶匙 发粉
50 ~ 75ml 清水

1. (B)料混合,过沥,待用。

2. (C)料置锅内煮滚,加入(A)料,慢慢倒入(1) ,边倒边搅拌至浓稠透明。

3. (2)倒入模内,冷却后放入冰箱4小时或过夜,取出切成粗条状,沾上脆浆粉,炸至表面酥脆即可。

Recipe source : Y3K @ GOOD OLD TASTE

Crispy Water Chestnut Kuih

Ingredients  A :
100g water chestnuts ( peeled , diced )

Ingredients B :
80g water chestnuts powder
10g wheatstarch ( tang mien flour )
200g coconut milk

Ingredients C :
120g caster sugar
400ml water
1 blade pandan leaf

For frying batter : ( Mixed together )
30g plain flour
30g cornflour
1tsp custard powder
1/2tsp baking powder
50 ~ 75ml water
1/2tbsp oil
1/8tsp salt

Method :
1. Combine ingredients (B) , strain and set aside .

2. Bring ingredients (C) to a simmering boil  , add in ingredient  (A) and (1) very slowly . Please stir till texture thickens and looks translucent .

3. Pour (2) into a tray . Cool them , chill in the refrigerator for 4 hours or overnight . Remove , cut into thick strips . Coat with batter and deep-fry till crispy . Remove and drain well .

This post is linked to the Best Recipes for Everyone August 2015 Event (Theme: Dim Sum)  organised by Fion ( XuanHom's Mum Kitchen Diary ) and hosted by May @ 厨苑食谱  .

This post is also linked to Cook-Your-Books #26 hosted by Joyce from Kitchen Flavour.        

糯米烧卖 ~ Glutinous Rice “ Siu Mai “

食谱取自 蓝色小厨
( 我做了少许更改 )


材料 : ( 约30粒)
香菇 ( 浸软切细丁 )
腊肠 ( 切细丁)
小红葱 ( 切细末 )

腌料 :
1大匙 酱油
1大匙 绍兴酒

汤匙 酱油
汤匙 蚝油
1茶匙 麻油
茶匙 五香粉

1. 猪绞肉加入腌料拌匀,腌制15分钟备用。

2. 将糯米洗干净,用适量的水将米浸约4个小时;然后沥干。

3. 用适量的水(刚好能覆盖糯米表面即可),将糯米放进蒸笼里用中火将糯米蒸熟或用电锅煮熟备用。

4. 用适量的油爆香小红葱末,加入香菇丁炒香;然后加入绞肉,炒至肉末变色,才加入腊肠丁和调味料拌炒均匀。

5. 倒入煮熟的糯米,拌炒均匀,取出待凉备用。

6. 将馅料约1/2汤匙放入云吞皮中央,将边折在一起,上端开口,底部弄平.

7. 涂少许油在蒸盘,再把烧卖分开排列在蒸盘里,大火蒸 8 ~ 12分钟即可趁热吃。(要放进蒸笼之前在烧卖皮的周围喷洒少许的水)。

Recipe source : bluelittlekitchen
( with minor adjustment )

Glutinous Rice “ Siu Mai “

Ingredients : ( makes 30pcs )
250g glutinous rice
150g minced pork
4 Chinese mushrooms ( soaked till soft and cut into cubes )
1 Chinese sausage ( chopped )
2 shallots ( chopped )
30 pieces store bought wantan wrappers

1tbsp soy sauce
1tbsp Shaoxing wine
few drops of dark soy sauce
pepper to taste

Seasoning :
2tbsp soy sauce
1tsp sugar
1tbsp oyster sauce
1tsp sesame oil
1/4tsp five spice powder
3tbsp water
pepper to taste

Method :
1. Marinate minced pork for 15 minutes and set aside.

2. Wash glutinous rice and soak for 4 hours . Drained and set aside .

3. Steam it with some water till cooked .

4. Heat up oil , sauté chopped shallots , add in mushroom cubes . Then add in minced pork ,  Chinese sausage and seasoning , stir-fry till wel combined .

5. Add cooked glutinous rice , stir and cook till glutinous rice has fully absorbed all the seasoning sauce dish up and let it cool completely .

6. To wrap , place a wonton wrapper on your palm . Put about 1/2 tablespoon of filling in the middle of the skin. Gather up the sides and leave the center open .

7. Brush some oil at the tray and arrange siu mai in a single layer on a tray. Steam over boiling water at high heat for 8 ~ 12 mins till cooked and serve immediately. ( you may spray some water at the edge of wanton wrappers ) .

This post is linked to the Best Recipes for Everyone August 2015 Event (Theme: Dim Sum)  organised by Fion ( XuanHom's Mum Kitchen Diary )and hosted by May @ 厨苑食谱 .

咸水角 ~ Deep Fried Ham Sui Kok

食谱取自 超传统!茶粿


100g  猪绞肉 / 鸡绞肉
50g  鲜虾仁 切小丁
20g 虾米 洗净沥干,剁碎炒香
2 香菇 浸软沥干,切小丁
3 马蹄 ( 去皮,切丁 )
半汤匙 蒜茸

1/2汤匙  生抽
1/2茶匙 麻油
1/2茶匙  胡椒粉
1茶匙  黑酱油 
75ml  清水
1茶匙  绍兴酒

粟米粉2汤匙  + 清水50ml 混匀

80g  糯米粉
30g  澄面粉
20g  幼糖
50ml  沸水
25 ~ 50ml  清水

1. 烧热2汤匙油,炒香蒜茸和香菇,加绞肉炒一会后,加入虾仁,马蹄和调味料。炒均匀,最后加入粟粉水打芡,加入绍兴酒后上碟。冷却后分成7.

2. 皮料: 拌匀澄面粉和幼糖,倒入50ml沸水再拌匀.

3. 将糯米粉加入(2)里搓揉,边搓边加水后加油,搓至光滑,休面20分钟 .

4. 将(3)分成7等份,每份30g 。搓圆压扁,包馅料和炒香虾米,投入热油中炸至浅黄色即可 .

Recipe source : Y3K @ GOOD OLD TASTE

Deep Fried Ham Sui Kok

For filling : ( makes 7 )
100g minced pork or chicken meat
50g shelled prawn ( dice finely )
20g dried shrimps ( rinsed , drained , chopped and sautéed )
2 Chinese mushrooms ( soaked , drained and dice finely )
3 Chinese water chestnuts ( peeled and dice finely )

Seasoning :
1/4tsp salt
2tsp sugar
1/2tbsp soy sauce
1/2tsp sesame oil
1/2tsp pepper
1tsp dark soy sauce
75ml water
1tsp Shaoxing wine

2tbsp cornflour + 50ml water , mix together for thickening

For skin :
80g glutinous flour
30g wheatstarch  ( tangmien flour )
20g caster sugar
15g oil
50ml boiling  water
25 ~ 50ml water

Method :
1. Heat wok with 2 spoons of oil . Fry garlic and mushrooms . Next , add in minced meat , prawn , water chestnuts  and seasoning . When well mixed ,add in cornstarch solution and dizzle in cooking wine . Dish up , let it cool completely  and divide it into 7 portions .

2. For skin : Combine wheatstarch and sugar together . Pour in 50ml of hot boiling water to mix .

3. Add glutinous rice flour to (2) . Knead  , add in water and oil to mix together . Knead till dough become smooth , rest it for 20 minutes .

4. Divide (3) into 7 portions at 30g each . Shape into rounds , flatten , place in filling and dried shrimps , seal . Deep-fry in hot oil till pale-golden .

This post is linked to the Best Recipes for Everyone August 2015 Event (Theme: Dim Sum)  organised by Fion ( XuanHom's Mum Kitchen Diary ) and hosted by May @ 厨苑食谱  .


This post also linked to Cook-Your-Books #26 hosted by Joyce from Kitchen.