Monday, 21 April 2008

Store Cupboard Chronicles: week 2

Yay - this week's store cupboard eating was somewhat more of a success! I've run down loads of my tins and grains... even though I did cheat yesterday and buy a beef joint for roasting... Well, it was incredibly well priced sirloin joint - 2.2 kilos for £10!!! How could a girl say no! So this week, expect to see at least a few recipes featuring roast beef leftovers...

My other main challenge for the last week has been trying to sort my blog template out. It's been a mission, and yesterday I noticed that my existing template has become corrupted by my attempts. So I'm going to have to bite the bullet and set to work - if you visit over the next couple of days, be prepared for random widgets appearing and disappearing! But hopefully by next week I'll be sorted :)

Store Cupboard Chronicles Week 2

Monday, Day 9

Tuesday, Day 10
Wednesday, Day 11
Thursday, Day 12
Friday, Day 13
Saturday, Day 14
  • lunch - Pita bread with hummus
  • dinner - Had dinner with friends - chili con carne - yum!
Sunday, Day 15

Tuesday, 8 April 2008

Snow! And A Mini-Mission Statement!

Look what we got at the weekend!

Snow in April! Snow in the South East of England is rare enough ;) There was a lot more than this photo portrays - I didn't make it outside early enough to get a decent picture of the good stuff - and my back garden is pretty sheltered! People were making snowmen on the beach and everything! But it only lasted a day - by evening most of it had melted away...

Oh, hang on, I took one out of my window too! Just using my phone camera though, so excuse the quality!

Like my garden? Or the bit you can see from my bedroom anyway!

Anyway, less about the snow - and more about my mini-mission statement!

I generally cook every day - and almost always decide what to cook at work, go to the fishmongers/butchers/greengrocers on the way home or at lunch and buy what I need. This is very different from when I was a commuter and didn't live in a place where I could get my hands on fresh produce quite so easily. I got into the habit of doing a big shop every week or two - and just stopping to buy some veg, bread and milk occasionally to keep us going! Unfortunately I haven't quite shaken the habit of buying more than I need - but it seldom gets used, because I now shop daily.

So my mini-mission is to use up all the stuff in my freezer and cupboards. Currently I don't have space in my freezer to store leftovers - because it's taken up by stuff that I never get round to using! And my cupboards are overflowing - my kitchen isn't big enough to hold so much surplus!

So I have taken an inventory of my kitchen contents, and I now plan to see how long I can last on my store cupboard supplies.

I have decided on some exceptions:
  • I am not going to include breakfast in this as I pretty much always have fruit and yogurt - which is generally better fresh ;)
  • And I will buy fresh fruit and veg if I need it- I would prefer to avoid scurvy!
  • This won't stop me eating out!
  • And finally if I need one or two items to make up a recipe, I won't be militant - just so long as the bulk of the meal is from my list!
So wish me luck, and check back soon to see my store cupboard meals!

Any suggestions appreciated :)

Looking forward to a decluttered kitchen!

Wednesday, 2 April 2008

Help - food blog OD!

Ok, just relax... breathe into the brown paper (deli) bag... through the nose... out through the mouth...

Breathe in......

...... and out......

(I think I can smell coconut based curry... and chocolate... eek, it's all in my head... olfactory hallucinations!)

...... and in......

...... and out......

Ok, ok, I'm starting to feel a little more composed.

I came online to put up a post (I cooked shrimp for the very first time last night... no I didn't... I mean squid - I think I'm having a foodie meltdown! Anyway, the post can wait!) But I got a little distracted by the Royal Foodie Joust Entries. I decided to load them all into tabs and have a proper read of them all - a big task, there are over 30 listed!

And that was when my problems began. Many of the blogs I hadn't visited much (if at all) and I began getting twisted into a web of food posts. My stomach was rumbling, my mouth watering. I was simultaneously craving chocolate truffles, shrimp and empanadas... My google reader was starting to bulge... I was already way behind with my subscriptions... which were expanding at an alarming rate...

So much fabulous food to find out about... I consider myself lucky to have have to chance to read about it - even if I have to accept there aren't enough mealtimes in a lifetime to try to cook everything I want to! But with so much information and amazing ideas, isn't it great to know you need never cook the same meal twice!

So, I just remembered I took some flowery pics from my garden over the weekend, so thought I'd post them here as a calming measure! And to remember that Spring is most definitely here! The Clocks have changed now - it's daylight well into the evening. Hopefully soon I'll be able to start taking my blog pics by natural light - woo hoo!

A type of heliboris... hmmm fairly sure it isn't spelt like that!

It's an... erm... I have no memory for garden things... except herbs!!

Anyway, it's back to work for me for a bit... then I'll be back to post about squid!

Thursday, 20 March 2008

Eat The Seasons - UK and USA

Just a quick note to let you know about this nice little website I've just found to tell you what's in season when: Eat The Seasons

There is an American version and a UK version - and I think it's really handy - I'm rubbish at remembering what I should be buying!

Ps. There's no connection - I just liked it and wanted to share!!

Wednesday, 19 March 2008

Move over Catwoman... Introducing Super Kittie!

I got to work this morning, and my slim grasp on motivation vanished when I saw Ley from Cilantro and Lime's post about a Hero Generator. Check out her effort here!

So anyway, I've spent a wee bit of time creating my hero - and I present you with... Super Kittie!

Ok, so that's a rubbish name - but I thought I had wasted enough time on this so far this morning ;)

Anyway, just to prove I am actually a super hero, check out how I save the world - one peanut butter and jelly sandwich at a time!

Thursday, 21 February 2008

Girls Night In!

Last night I had the girls round. Us getting together is supposed to be a weekly occurrence - but this was the first time I'd really seen a couple of them this year. One girl pulled out at the last minute - and another had the audacity to be in Sydney when I was cooking!

So in the end it was just the four of us - but I still made enough of my roast chicken and balsamic caramelised onion risotto for six... And there was barely a spoonful left this morning, when I finally got round to the dishes! YUM!

We were pretty stuffed after that (queue conversation about how rice swells once in your belly - so you keep getting fuller and fuller way after you've finished!) but still managed a decent effort against the Curly Wurly cookies I had made just before they arrived!

I think we still got through as many bottles of wine as if there had been six of us - which is why I think one of my glasses ended up like this!

A good night all in!

Wednesday, 20 February 2008

Me and Food, Food and Meme!

Yay, another meme! Is it sad that I get really excited when I get tagged by someone who's blog I love?!? Today, I was tagged by Deborah from What's in My Kitchen to tell you 7 facts about me and food! (If you haven't already, go check out her blog - she has a great writing style, and amazing recipes!)

7 Things you didn't realise you needed to know about me and food

  1. I'm allergic to bananas. This only developed about 6 years ago, but now the slightest hint of a banana in a smoothie can make me pretty sick. I'm thinking about trying to rehabilitate myself - because I love banoffee pie - but not quite sure that it's possible :(
  2. I have a phobia of peas. They are small, green and evil. Bleurgh. And go pop when I bite into them.... Though I am attempting to get over this too!
  3. I adore sushi - but I don't really know how to eat it... So I usually get it take away, then eat it privately... with my fingers... How embarrassing!
  4. I think I may well be addicted to chillies. I always had a tendency towards hot food - but since I started seeing Boyfriend, I seem to eat something spicy pretty much every day. At least once!
  5. Not so much about food - but I have a thing about the number three, and generally do things in multiples of 3. So, instead of adding 2 tablespoons of sugar to a dish, I'll add 3 two-thirds tablespoons. My alarm clock is set for 0727, and the volume on the car is a mark 9. And I just realised how crazy that sounds...
  6. I have a dirty, secret liking for completely rubbish foodstuffs. Once a year or so, I'll get a Macdonalds when out shopping. I stock up on Kraft mac & cheese when I visit home (They don't sell it in England. Can't imagine why... ;) it's perfect hangover food!
  7. Only two people who I know in real life, know that I write this blog - and neither read it!!

Right, now to tag some other peeps to try to keep this going!

I hope you enjoyed the random trivia - now I need to get back to the serious business of planning what to cook for tonight's girlie night!

Thursday, 14 February 2008

Saving the world... One Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich at a time!

I just came across this article - apparently we can save the world by eating peanut butter and jelly sandwiches!

According to the article, eating a peanut butter and jelly (PB&J!) sandwich instead of a meat/egg/fish based snack saves water, saves land, saves natural resources and slows global warming!

Choosing PB&J over a meat-based sandwich saves:

  • the equivalent of almost 3.5 pounds of greenhouse gas emissions, including 2.5 pounds of carbon dioxide.
  • about 280 gallons of water
  • anywhere from 12 to 50 square feet of land from deforestation, overgrazing, and pesticide and fertilizer pollution.
Headline numbers, eh??

I know that whilst I only buy free-range eggs, usually buy organic free-range meat and buy local, seasonal produce where possible, I certainly don't think enough about the environmental impact of what I choose to cook and eat. Whilst I'm not saying I'll never have a ham sandwich again, this article has made me realise that small differences can mean big differences - and I'm blogging it here to hopefully spread the word!

Please read the article, and if you agree, talk it up!

And now - a confession! I've never tried PB&J. I'm going to rectify that soon with a PB&J snack fest. Expect a post soon with my experiences - toasted, fried and raw!

Watch this space!

Friday, 8 February 2008

Defining Blego... and the world of memes!

Well! I was just perusing my Google Reader, when I saw the title My first meme: Define Blego from Gay at A scientist in the kitchen. My incredibly limited knowledge of memes had little to do with cookery - A scientist in the Kitchen indeed, I thought! So I read down the page, and was little wiser... then I saw my name. Hurrah... I thought, I've been tagged!! Then realised I had no idea what that meant!

So, after a little bit a google-digging, I found this article by Chris G, which told me all I needed to know!

So here it is - my first meme - and thanks to Gay for the tag!

The rules:
* The person tagged must copy the word and paste the definitions of the word contributed previously by the people who did the meme. Link backs would be nice, but not necessary.
* The person tagged must then add her own definition in this format ‘’s definition’ and place your link. Being creative with the acronym is encouraged.
* Answer the following questions.
* Tag 5 other people to do the meme.

Blego (’s definition) - n. an acronym of “blog ego”, which pertains to a blogger’s sense of self in the blogosphere.

Blego (’s definition) - n. a protologism combining blog and ego. Used to define the ego of a blog or blogger. Like personal ego, blego may be good or bad.

Blego (’s definition) - n. a toy for children to build with but with a B in front.

Blego (’s definition) - Braised LEG Of pork

Blego (kittensinthekitchen’s definition) - Blethering Lassie's Excitable Gastronomic Other !


If you answer no to any of the questions, just skip the “if yes” part. Also, it’s easier to follow if your answers are beneath each question.

1. Do you know what your blog is really about, and you can write a one-sentence promotional material for it in a flash? If yes, write it here.

A chronicle following my adventures in the kitchen!

2. Do you join social networks to promote your blog? If yes, do you hope to find friends in these social networks and in the process get regular readers of your blog?

I have absolutely loved meeting food bloggers from across the world! I have enjoyed participating in Blog Events - its a great way of finding new blogs - and of publicising what I've done.

3. Do you or do you plan to join ranking sites that put your blog in competition with others for popularity? If yes, do you or do you plan to monitor your stats regularly?

This is something which I don't do at all just yet - though it is something I probably will look at in the future!

4. Do you tweak your blog often in accordance with the tips you get from blogging guides and gurus? If yes, list the bloggers you visit often to obtain these tips.

I haven't really changed my blog since I first created it - but I've only been writing for 5 weeks, so no doubt that will change soon!

5. Do you think of your next post even if you have just written a new one? If yes, list your inspirations for posting, and/or some routines that you go through before posting.

Yes, I often have a queue of posts - either on recipes I've made, but haven't written up, or recipes I have floating round in my head that I have yet to cook. My inspiration comes from everywhere - but I've noticed that since I started to read so many food blogs, there aren't enough meals in the day to try out everything I want to!

Now, I tag these friends:

Once Upon A Feast
A Forkful of Spaghetti
What Did You Eat?
What's In My Kitchen?

Friday, 1 February 2008

Happy February!

It's a new month - and my second as a foodie blogger!

I'm definitely starting to get a feel for it now - have participated in three Presto Pasta Nights at Once Upon A Feast, and even joined the Great Cooks Blogroll!

I've really enjoyed the last month - my rss reader is overflowing with fabulous things I want to cook and eat! It's a whole new world!

My aim for February is to try more new recipes, to keep cooking, and to continue being inspired about what other food bloggers from across the world are cooking.

Oh, and if Lady Luck is listening, I'd love to win the lottery so I could get a bigger kitchen please!

Tuesday, 29 January 2008

chili, chile or chilli...? Another question?!

Writing this food blog has made me consider the spelling of various foodie words, that I don't usually write down! One of the ones that I was surprised to find I had to think about was Chili! I finally decided to track it down last night after making a hot and HUGE chile con carne!

  • The chili pepper, chilli pepper, or more simply just chili, is the fruit of the plants from the genus Capsicum, which are members of the nightshade family, Solanaceae... The name, which is spelled differently in many regions (chili, chile or chilli), comes from Nahuatl via the Spanish word chile. The term chili in most of the world refers exclusively to the smaller, hot types of capsicum. The mild larger types are called bell pepper in the USA, simply pepper in Britain, Canada and Ireland, capsicum in India and Australasia and paprika in many European countries.

I'm starting to think I might be a bit of a food geek - but I do feel happier for knowing!

Monday, 28 January 2008

Did you know... Coriander or Cilantro?

I had a delivery on Friday... 7 shiny new food-related books, ordered from The Book People January Sales! This, of course, is an occasion for great excitement - all these ideas and recipes waiting to be divulged. The way I use cook books is seldom to follow a recipe step by step - I much prefer to read them, be it on the bus, in bed, curled up on the sofa or even occasionally in the bath... I then let the ideas and titbits wash around in my head until I land on menus and recipes that give me that warm fuzzy feeling!

The one I chose to take to work to me today (I have a meeting in London, which gives me about 3 hours travel time!) is The Curry Companion by Sonja Patel. It's lovely - not so much a cook book as a book about food, with history, interestingly random facts and trivia thrown in with some recipes.

I bought a cook book on a visit to the States quite a few years ago - and was confused by one of the ingredients: cilantro. This was before I had Internet easy access, and it took me quite a bit of digging - and a phone call to a Canadian relative - to discover that cilantro was actually what us Brits refer to as coriander!

Now - about 15 years on, I have found out the true relationship between coriander and cilantro. Apparently coriander 'officially' only refers to the seed of the plant - the spice; whereas cilantro refers to the leafy stems - the herb! Ok, so perhaps not the most groundbreaking discovery - but a new bit of knowledge I was happy to have!


Coriander seeds!

Of course, it could well be that this is common knowledge - and just something I have missed all those years... but at least I know now!

Wednesday, 23 January 2008

To pok, bok, pak or bak...? That is the question...

Pok choi, bok choy, bak choi, pak choi.... I have come to the conclusion they may actually all be the same thing! I used to think that bok choi was the small version, and pok choi was the fully grown vegetable - but after a somewhat confusing trip to the greengrocers yesterday I have reconsidered! It looks like a cross between celery and spinach - though is actually from the cabbage family. If anyone can shed any light on the matter, please do!

What ever it's called, I used the fully grown version for this duck dish - and it tasted great.

Friday, 18 January 2008

Plastic bag amnesty!

I came across this post from cathy at Not Eating Out In New York asking Should we do as China when it comes to plastic bags.

I whole-heartedly agree - it's a horrendous waste, very bad for the environment - and is so unnecessary.

Please check it out- you might also want to take a look at this dinky cute plastic bag alternatives, as recommended in the comments!