Thursday, December 30, 2010

Christmas Card, 2010

Apparently, when I combined all my Christmas addresses, I missed a few friends on my final list. I am so sorry to those of you this happened to. Here is the Christmas card you may have missed...And our letter for the year...

2010 Happenings at the Wood House

It has been a crazy year, filled with lots of ups & downs. In the beginning of the year, we were not even sure if we were going to stay in Colorado or if Eric’s job really was the right fit for him. But things started to work out, the weather warmed up (this made Kitrina happy!) and we bought our first home. So far the Colorado winter has been treating us well(much better than last year) and it has only snowed twice, neither time with it sticking. We have moved into a new area, with much younger families and we are hoping to actually have people our age in our new ward!

Eric has been busy at work doing what dentists do – drilling & filling! He is a partner with Comfort Dental and things have been going very well. Before moving, he also had 3 callings at church that were keeping him very busy, as well. He is hoping things are a bit easier in the new ward we attend. This past year, Eric climbed his first fourteener (14, 000 ft in elevation) and rode his bike over 100 miles and 9000 feet in elevation to Mt. Evans.

Kitrina has been keeping herself busy with Logan – chasing around a 19 month old is hard work!!! She loves that she gets to stay home and raise Logan! She breaks up the monotony of her day by going to the gym, while Logan gets to play with all the other kids in the day care. She is hoping to find a per diem job in the beginning of the year (once things settle down with the holidays and unpacking) to keep her nursing skills up.

Logan is a happy, energetic and darling toddler. He is constantly going and growing! At his 18-month appointment he was over 100% in height…people always ask if his Dad is tall! He loves to watch cartoons (especially you-tube videos), read books, chase around Rocco, get into things, and go outside! We love our little boy!!!

We are so grateful this holiday season…for Eric’s job in a horrible economy, for a roof over our heads and being able to buy a home, for Mom being able to stay home with Logan, for our health, for wonderful friends, for such a loving and supportive family, and especially for the knowledge of our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ and their love for us. We would like to wish all of you a wonderful Holiday Season and hope you remember, like us, the true meaning of Christmas!!!

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