Friday, March 13, 2009

36 Weeks

Here is the belly shot at 36 weeks (sorry, I am a little behind in posting these)... At 36 weeks, I am getting even more uncomfortable. My back hurts almost all the time - I have to take "breaks" constantly to lay on my side, so I can take the weight off my back. I am getting even more broken up sleep, due to the peeing and changing of positions. I haven't really gotten anymore swollen, but my feet start to hurt if I stand on them too long. Luckily, I am now on maternity leave so I can take "breaks" and naps throughout the day. My belly seems to keep growing straight out and I am constantly hitting it on things. At my 36 week appointment I had another ultrasound that confirmed the little man is head down, BUT he is currently posterior. My doctor said that this is not uncommon at this stage in the game and he "should" turn. I sure hope so, because I am not up for the extreme back pain that is associated with babies in the posterior position during labor. AND I was reading on the Internet that if the baby stays in the posterior position and it is your first baby, they often have to use forceps or the vacuum to get the baby out; which I completely refuse to allow - I have seen too many complications from using these. Which would mean a C-section! I am just keeping my fingers crossed that he turns. On a happier note, he spread his legs again during the ultrasound and showed us his scrotum - so we are pretty sure we are still having a boy! It is getting so close, and it seems surreal that we are going to actually be having a baby in 3 weeks!


Chad and Ashlie said...

you still look really good though! It looks like it is all belly.

Wood Fam said...

Oh my goodness, you look SO cute!! I love your pregnant belly! My older sister had both her kids posterior... I'm sorry to say that with the first, she tore all the way because she was posterior(but my sister is 100% convinced if she had a better doctor she wouldn't have torn so bad) Her second baby was posterior as well, but she had a different doctor with this baby and he turned her before she came out which made for a MUCH better delivery. But I'm sure your little guy will turn on his own. I hear that's usually the case.