Tuesday, January 5, 2010

We love Christmas!

This Christmas season was just wonderful. We had such a great time enjoying family, friends, and celebrating our savior's birth and love. My family came into town a week or so before Christmas and we spent some time in Bountiful hanging out, playing games, sledding, and laughing with the kids. It gets pretty crazy with all of us staying at my parents house, but we wouldn't have it any other way. Tyson is getting much less shy and was having tons of fun playing with all of his cousins. Ivan, me and Tyson got to take our own trip to temple square, which we loved. It was a pretty busy night there, but Tyson loved the lights and we got to enjoy the beauty. Ivan and Tyson got me a little gift together and gave it to me while we were there.
This is my favorite angle of the Temple, especially with the lights.
My boys are so sweet!
I just love this picture.
On Christmas Eve, Ivan's parents came into town and we spent the evening celebrating with Hillary's, Ivan's sister, in-laws. I loved it because we did what my family does, we read in Luke and sang the Christmas carols along with it. Then we opened gifts because Ivan and I didn't see them on Christmas. On Christmas morning, we stayed at home and opened our gifts. We had so much fun watching Tyson. We were hoping that he would understand it a little more, but he seemed to gain the most joy from just banging on the boxes. Then we went up to my parents house and had wonderful dinner and watched a movie. The next day we went to Savior of the World. It was such a great production and really portrayed the sacredness of Christ's life. My family left and we hung out with Ivan's family the next few days. We went to a movie, made some treats, and just hung out. For New Years, we did my favorite thing. My mom's side of the family has a tradition. Every year we have a huge treasure hunt that takes us all around the city. My sisters and dad did it this year and it was so fun! I love this tradition and will be so sad when I can't go to them. We were so blessed to have such a wonderful holiday season and around so much love.

All the kids when Santa came to visit at my parent's house. The kids just went crazy!

Tyson opening one of his gifts.

Thursday, December 10, 2009


We had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Nothing too exciting, but it was great to hang out with family. The weekend before Thanksgiving, we had a huge family party with my dad's side of the family. There was delicious food and tons of family. Tyson had so much fun playing with all the other little kids. After that, we went to my parents house and saw my mom in her play. She is in "A Christmas Carol" and she was awesome! She is just the funnest person to watch on stage and it was a great play. For Thanksgiving, we hung out at my parent's house. We played football in the morning with my sister, Rachel, friends, which was tons of fun. Ivan of course was quarterback. I wish I had pictures, but my sister Shauna didn't play so she has them all. Then we went home and all helped mom in the kitchen with dinner. It was pretty crazy, but then, when is family not crazy? And the craziness is one of the things that I love so much. We had a great dinner and then played some volleyball up at the church after. We, like all of you, love this time of the year. It just warms my heart to hear Christmas music playing, see the snow on the mountains, and be with the ones I love. What wonderful blessings we have in this life and what a great time to give thanks for them.
We were also lucky enough to go out that Friday night and get our Christmas Tree! I love this little tradition! It was so fun to take Tyson and start celebrating his first Christmas. We had so much fun showing him all of our ornaments and even telling him some stories about them. He loved the lights, of course. He has been pretty good at leaving the tree alone. I thought it would be a big problem, but apparently it is not as cool as we thought it would be.
We hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving and have a wonderful Christmas!
My macho boys
Cutting off some branches so it would fit in the base
Tyson checking out the lights
Tyson decided the ornaments were better to eat than put on the tree
The finished product!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Tyson's First Real Haircut!

Yes, I finally broke down and let Ivan cut Tyson's hair. He has been bugging me for months now and I have held strong until lately. Tyson's hair was just getting a little bit out of control. he doesn't have a ton of it, but it was just long and wispy, so Ivan took the clippers to it. It ended up being a little shorter than I was wanting, but it is super cute. As Ivan says "He is a stud!" At first Tyson was scared at first and curious about the clippers, but after a while, he froze every time he felt the clippers on his head. It was so funny. What a sweet little boy we have been blessed with. And extremely handsome, if I may say so myself.

Our little stud!
Look at all the hair!

Just a few fun pics....My two boys showing a little bit of their feminine side! Haha

Tyson in one of my scarves and loving it.
Ivan wearing one of my headbands, he said he likes how it massages is head when he put it on. Oh man, I love this guy.

Ivan wanted to put Tyson in the dryer, so we amused him for a few seconds.
What a wonderful life.


Well, this is a bit embarrassing. My birthday was over a month ago and I am just getting around to blogging about it. It was a very exciting weekend, I am just a tad behind. Well, my mom and my sisters came down on the Friday before my birthday and we had a girls night! It was so fun! We went bowling, where my little sister, Mary Jane, got 7 strikes in a row! Ya, she is amazing! I don't think she meant to be amazing, seeing as how she got less that 100 on her first game, but she dominated all of us on the second game. Go Mary! Then we went to get frozen yogurt and came home to crowd in the bed and watch a movie. It was so fun to have the girls down and party.
Ivan was sweet enough to watch Tyson so we could have some fun. Then, on Monday our dear friends, the Wrights, offered to watch Tyson while Ivan and I went on a date. We went to Color Me Mine, a classic, and made a utensil holder and went out for ice cream. It was a wonderful birthday weekend and I am so lucky to have such amazing family and friends!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Legless is making a run in the playoffs!

So after a completely defeated season of 3 on 3 basketball Team Legless has turned our fortunes around and are on a one game TEAR!!!! Well, we won because the other team forfeited...but who cares! We are on to round two in hunt for the coveted intramural t-shirt! So that is the exciting news in my not too eventful life lately. Since I have no pictures of it...check out my stud muffin son.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Tyson's Fall Pics

We just think this little kid is the cutest thing ever! We are allowed to because we are his parents. Well, we had Mary Anne, who many of you know is just AMAZING, take Tyson's pictures. He is about 7 months in the pictures. I know, kind of a random age, but I wanted to have the leaves in them, as many of us do. We went up Provo Canyon and found a little place with lots of leaves and had a blast taking pictures of this little guy. So, here he is!Don't ask what this face is about. I don't even know! It is so funny though!

He just loves to suck on his bottom lip lately. So funny.

Good Ol' Cali

A couple of weeks ago, we got a chance to go out to Rocklin (where Ivan is from) for his little sister's wedding. We drove out on Wed. night and she got married on Sat. So we had a few days to play around and have some fun. It was awesome. They got married in the Sacramento Temple and it was just beautiful. The wedding turned out great and it was so much fun to be out there with friends and family!

We took a trip up to apple hill with Lindsey, and the Wright family and did some shopping and just enjoyed ourselves. We had to take some pictures of Tyson with the pumpkins. So Cute!
We were over by the apples and look what came out on the rollers! I didn't know Apple Hill produced Teresas and Ivans! I wonder how much they cost?
We went miniature golfing the night before the wedding and played boys vs. girls. This is Hillary, Lindsey (Ivan's sisters), and me after we all got a hole in one!

The happy couple! Yay Hilly and Eric!