Thursday, November 18, 2010

What...two times within one month??!! I know I've become a new person! ha I decided I need to put these pictures I have somewhere! Lyla is getting SO BIG and I feel like I'm missing out on recording her little life. We've been trying to take advantage of the great weather right now before it get's too cold and starts to snow. I don't know what we're going to do when it gets too cold to go to the park...poor lyla is going to be hating life. She seriously stands by the door just waiting to go outside, saying "Out, out" and "Bye-bye!" It's so sweet and it's going to make me sad as well. I guess I'm going to have to get creative and think of things we can do. Here are some pics of cute little lyla.

These are my favorite, I just wish I would have taken more pictures of the "little triplets", which is now what we call these 3 little ones. :) Ya don't worry Lyla is only 10 MONTHS younger than abby and adam. Isn't that so funny, lyla is really tall for her age and the twins are average or a little smaller. It just makes me laugh because lyla definitely weighs more than abby now and I used to get hand-me-downs from Cami, now I'll end up giving them to her! Love it!
Cami came up the other day and stayed at Chelsi's house (which is only the next apt building over from's the best!) I got Chelsi to live by me so now I just have to work on Cami and James! ha Seriously though, having Cami here for those 2 days was so much fun and made me think how fun it would be if they did live up here. As you can see, Lyla was very excited to have her cousins there to play with.


Makell Wintle said...

What a cutie! Wow she is gettig so big!!

Jordan and Andrea said...

I can't believe you have a one year old...that means we are getting old! She's a cutie.

Kim said...

Lyla is so big! I can't believe she's one already! I just barely found your blog... and I love it! We need to hang out sometime. Where are you guys living now?

Jenny said...

Just letting you know you need to post more! We can't exactly be blogger friends without you participating, hah! And, we need to really hang out soon. I am available all the time now because I quit my job. :)

Jenny said...
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Natalie said...

Kalei, I LOVE these pictures... I decided to just pop in and re-look at your blog, and it is CRAZY how little Lyla and the twins are.. SO crazy how fast time flies by, and how quickly they grow up! Still SOO cute though! :)