kitchen table math, the sequel: SuperMemo
Showing posts with label SuperMemo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SuperMemo. Show all posts

Monday, July 18, 2011

The Learning Part is Easy; It's the Remembering That's Hard

A commenter pointed me to this Wired article about Piotr Wozniak and SuperMemo. Has anyone tried SuperMemo?

These quotes from the article describe how I feel, to a tee.

Learning things is easy. But remembering them — this is where a certain hopelessness sets in.

Wozniak felt that his ability to rationally control his life was slipping away. "There were 80 phone calls per day to handle. There was no time for learning, no time for programming, no time for sleep...."

Our capacity to learn is amazingly large. But optimal learning demands a kind of rational control over ourselves that does not come easily. Even the basic demand for regularity can be daunting.

(cross posted on Perfect Score Project)