Just this past week Kyleigh has learned to pull herself up onto things and now does it quite well. It all started with a little grunt here and a little groan there as she attempted to get on her knees and pull herself up with the stepstool. But with Kyleigh, I've noticed, once she learns something then that is all that she wants to do. So it went from the little stepstool to the minature bench with Christmas decorations to the fridge! I turn around for one second to grab something and she has scooted her cute little tooshie as fast as she could to the open refrigerator door. I love to see her progress but she definately keeps me on my toes. Not only is the fridge one of her adventures - she has now attempted to scale the bars of the dog kennel (we are dogsitting and the kennel is in one of the corners). Again, I turn around for a brief moment and I hear a shrill scream. I panicked and looked around but what I saw made me laugh. There she was, both hands holding on to the highest point of the cage with one foot through one of the links of the door and the other leg just dangling. She had tried to climb up on it and couldn't get back down so she was stuck just hanging there.
I just happened to have my camera close when she got into the fridge so here are some pictures. I really wish I had a picture of her cage climb!

Standing up to the bench
Here She comes!
'Hmmmm this looks interesting....'