It's been a busy couple of weeks for the Cook household....well, okay - maybe not that busy. But, here's what we've been up to:
Kyleigh had her 9 Month check-up and she is now 16 lbs 1 oz & 25.Something inches. She is considered in the 8th percentile for her weight and the 1st percentile for her height. Hey, at least she's on the charts ;) We also went to the pumpkin patch, it was more for me than for her but it was fun to get pictures.

Those pictures of Kyleigh are absolutely gorgeous! I love your new blog background!
Oh my goodness! Look at how big she is getting! I can't believe it! Ya you are right at least she is on the charts! At Boston's 1 yr appt he wasn't even on the charts for his weight! As long as they're healthy that's all that matters right! She is a doll Hil! Love you!
I love the "princess of the world"...Your little family has had quite a year...and you have much to be thankful for...I'm so glad that you are my friend...I love having you in Primary...how I hate the "for sale" sign on your lawn !!!!!
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