Showing posts with label Peanuts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Peanuts. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Healthy Peanut Chikki/Peanut Brittle with AgaveNectar made in Microwave

I love peanuts but as a member of my family is allergic I never buy them.After many long years recently I bought a pack of peanuts just to make a delicious dish for the CWF-LB:Peanuts being hosted by Reshmi.Thank you Reshmi for guest hosting the CWF Event from Feb 10th - Apr10th.Here comes my delicious Peanut Chikki/Peanut Brittle for your event.

I am sure that this is the first time you are coming across a peanut chikki with agave nectar and it is definitely unique(you won't find it anywhere on the internet) and one of a kind with all the advantages of 1) being a healthy snack 2) has only two ingredients and is done in five minutes.

This chikki/brittle can be made very easily in a microwave and the only ingredients you need are peanuts and agave nectar.Let us see how this simple and healthy snack is made......................

Main Ingredients :
Agave Nectar.....................................1/2 cup
Roasted Unsalted Peanuts...................1&1/4 cup

Procedure :
Place the agave nectar in a deep microwave safe bowl and cook it on high for 1 min.After the first minute take a spoon and stir the agave nectar and place the bowl back in the microwave.From now on cook the agave for 4minutes more but make sure that for every 30 sec you take the bowl out , stir it and put it back.

(Note : If you do not take the bowl out every 30sec the boiling agave will spill out of the bowl.So stop the microwave for every 30sec and stir the agave).

While the agave is boiling take a plate and coat it with ghee or butter and keep it aside.Get the roasted peanuts ready.

After total of 5min is done take a drop of the boiling agave and place it in a plate of cold water,the drop of agave nectar should be thick and should hold its shape.

Now carefully take the bowl of hot agave nectar out of the microwave and pour the peanuts into this bowl and coat them well with the agave nectar.

Now transfer the peanut-agave mixture to the butter coated plate and spread the mixture.Once the peanut-agave spread starts to cool down and the brittle starts to thicken cut the brittle in desired shapes and enjoy them.

Delicious and healthy Peanut Chikki is ready to be served.

1) This peanut brittle/chikki is very healthy as we are using only two ingredients....peanuts and agave nectar as sweetener.

2) This brittle has chewy texture.It is not very hard.

This Healthy Peanut Chikki is linked to the CWF-LB: Peanut Event being guest hosted by Reshmi of Rasoi.

This recipe is also being linked to MEC Event guest hosted by Nalini and started by Srivalli .
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Unless otherwise noted, Sumadhura is the legal copyright holder of all the written material and pictures posted in this blog .The content here may not be used , reprinted or published without the written consent of the author. All the recipes posted here are made according to the tastes of my family and the measures used in the recipes here are approximate.