Kinser Family Blog

Welcome to an inside look into the lives of Aaron & Jensine Kinser, as well as their children Isaac, Austin, Cameron, and Annika.


Bus Ridin' and Colon -Oscopyin'

To say that Isaac loves cars would be an understatement. He LOVES cars, trucks, bikes, motorcycles, planes, boats, helicopters, trains, buses, and tractors. As we drive around the city, he sits in the back and notes the vehicles that we see. "Big truck, yeah. School bus, yeah. Yellow school bus, yeah." He says "yeah" at the end of almost all sentences. Ever since we road the free shuttle bus to the Minnesota State Fair, every time he sees a bus, he says, "Bus, ride it!" Ridin' the bus!!!

So, on Wednesday, he went with me and road the bus to school. Jensine came and picked him up when my class started. He had fun, although I think that he wanted to do more on the bus; like run around. At any rate, he had a lot of fun.
Ready to learn.

On a completely different note, Isaac had a colonoscopy yesterday. For over half a year, Isaac has had what appeared to be hemorrhoids on his butt whenever he had a poopy diaper. We tried a stool softener at the recommendation of the doctor, but it did not go away. So, we scheduled a colonoscopy. Isaac with his hospital pajamas and, of course, a giant 'Queen (Lightning McQueen).

It was at a local children's hospital and Isaac did really well. Amazingly, he also did really well with the all-liquid diet the day before; it helps that he LOVES juice perhaps even more than cars. It was a very short procedure. After the surgery, he was at the hospital for maybe an hour. The doctor said that nothing seems to be wrong and that the bump seems to be just a flap of skin. They took a few small samples to biopsy, but Isaac seems to be fine.
The best form of recovery.

Is Austin going to make sure Isaac doesn't run away?


Anonymous said...

Glad to hear the Oscopy wasn't traumatic, at least for the little guy right! Now how did the momma hold up?

Jennifer Lomenick said...

That is so funny to hear about Isaac's fasination with vehicles. Oh, it brings back memories! Oh wait, we are still fascinated!

Theresa said...

what a cute sweetie pie. :) you'll have to let us know what the biospy turns up. My hubby got a lump under his skin and it ended up being a lipoma, but it scared me that he might have cancer for a while....I was not happy haha.

jeff and alli said...

I too am glad that he did so well. Great idea about the bus ride, I will use that same day. :)