Showing posts with label pictures. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pictures. Show all posts

Tuesday, 3 September 2013

Wipeout HD - PS3

While desperately clearing my PlayStation 3's hard drive to make space for yet another download, I flicked through all the screenshots from the past few years and came across a bunch from various titles. However, it was the pictures I took of Wipeout HD which caught my eye. I'm actually not a huge fan of the series, but the picture editor included with the game really grabbed me and I spent more time messing around with it than actually playing the game. So, here are a few of my favourites.


Tuesday, 11 May 2010

3D Dot Game Heroes - PS3

My review copy of 3D Dot Game Heroes arrived this morning. The review code doesn't contain trophies, but I can't say I'm that bothered.

Anyway, I've only had time to put around an hour in so far, but it's such a charming game, I thought I would share some in-game snaps. Yes, that's right, you can pause the game at any moment and take a picture.

As you can see, I chose default hero Flum to play, although there are more than 60 pre-set characters you can play as, including a Dwarf, Ninja, Samurai and there's even a racing car to drive around in. There's also a full character editor, so I'll have a mess around with that later. As the game is a love letter to Nintendo's Zelda series, it would be foolish not to create a chunky Link to play as.

Enjoy the snaps, and I'll post more later.

Friday, 29 January 2010

Endless Ocean 2 - Wii

Endless Ocean 2 comes out on February 5 for the Wii, but I've had my review copy for the last few days. Really enjoying it so far, and it's perfect to play following a night of Mass Effect 2 action.

The first game was beautiful, but the sequel is just stunning. I've only put around four hours in, but already there is a great deal of variety and exciting places to discover. The annoying limited exploration space from the first game has thankfully been ditched. You can now explore large chunks of the ocean at your leisure.

I've been messing about with the in-game camera tonight, so I thought I would post a few snaps of my aquatic adventure. Still getting used to the focus effects, but I'm impressed with the results so far. As you can see, it's now possible to go ashore at certain points, something that was missing from the original.

If anyone tells you the Wii can't do good graphics, point them in the direction of Endless Ocean 2.

Tuesday, 13 October 2009

PlayStation Home - PS3

Sony's social networking hub, Home has had its fair share of criticism. Some virtual clothing and items cost real cash, while the European experience lacks much of the content North America and Japan currently enjoys.

On the plus side, more companies seem to be getting on board, and the interactive EA Sports space is a great place to hang out, while the Buzz! space is attracting gamers thanks to its multiplayer quiz questions and colourful setting.

The latest patch brought with it a camera to take snaps, so I thought I'd take a few and share them. Oh yeah, the guy dancing is my avatar!

Friday, 15 May 2009

Afrika/Hakuna Matata - PS3: More snaps

My look at Afrika/Hakuna Matata on PlayStation 3 has been very popular, and I've received many emails about the game and requests for in-game pics.

So here are a few shots I've taken while out and about. Hope you like them and I'll try and get another selection up soon.

On a side note, there is still no concrete news of a Western release, but I remain hopeful.

Friday, 21 November 2008

Aquanaut's Holiday: Update - PS3

Well after around 20 hours, I finally completed the main storyline in Aquanaut's Holiday on PS3. I'm glad to report that even after the credits roll, you can continue playing. Just as well, because I've only unlocked 14/50 trophies so far and my Aqua Library still has gaps in it.

It remains one of the most relaxing games I have ever played and some of the sights are unforgettable. Dozens of Manta Rays sweeping over a sunken Inca temple, huge whales rising from the deep, massive clouds of silvery sardines moving as one, piles of dinosaur bones lying in dark forgotten corners, secret passageways, shipwrecks resting on the sea bed and a huge mountain of treasure are just some of the things you'll see when you're exploring the ocean. You'll even encounter an extra terrestrial visitor.

There have been some moments of confusion due to the substantial amount of Japanese text, although when in doubt, I always headed for my home base to speak with my two colleagues. Even if that doesn't move the story on, kicking back and exploring this massive ocean at your leisure usually triggers an event.

As far as I can tell, there are 35 Sonobuoys to discover, each one unlocking a new area of ocean. The fact you are free to travel from one side of the ocean to the other with just a small amount of on the fly loading is quite an achievement.

I'm now on the last side-mission and after that there is still plenty to do. I've found all the singing fish, but only completed one of their song patterns to the full. That leaves 19 still to go. However, even when this is done and my library is complete, I'll still go back to Aquanaut's Holiday just to enjoy the sights and sounds. The addition of a camera is fantastic and I'll continue to take new pics as I explore the depths.

All we need now is a full English version to appear. Rumours are circulating that the Asian version is in English, but we'll have to wait and see. With word that National Geographic are releasing Afrika/Hakuna Matata in the US, maybe there's hope Aquanaut's Holiday will also enjoy a Western release. Let's hope so.

All the pictures in this thread were taken by myself. Enjoy.

Thursday, 10 July 2008

Shiki-tei - more pics

Thought I would post a few more of my favourite snaps from the PS3's Shiki-tei. I've become a bit obsessed with trying to capture the perfect shot, and while I have yet to achieve perfection, this little selection features my favourites. I hope you like them. (click them for a full size image)

If you'd like to take a look at more of my snaps from Shiki-tei and Project Gotham Racing 4, you can find them all on my Flikr site (link is on the right). They make great desktop wallpapers (if I do say so myself!)