Showing posts with label skincare. Show all posts
Showing posts with label skincare. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Lets Talk Sunscreen !!

Its that time of the Year !
Its that time of the year when we are all out purchasing Sunscreen and i have come across two brands that i love.
My sister actually got me thinking recently about all of the nasty chemicals that go in to our sunscreens so i did some research and found two brands that i can highly reccomend having used both. So this summer before you buy that sunscreen at the pharmacy i highly reccomend checking out both of these great products !!
Sunscreen for babies and everyone!
First up Babu With a high SPF factor and organic ingredients of coconut oil, noni and red raspberry seed oil, Babu™ baby sunscreen soothes and protect your baby’s delicate skin against UV rays. New Zealand lanolin helps to moisturise skin while the 100% natural papaya fragrance ensures this summer will be smelling sweet.

I have been using this on my children and am happy to say that there is no drama in the morning before school, they are actually fighting over who uses it first! Smells delicious and absorbs quickly. $28.00 for a 50ml bottle available at leading retailers and Babu

From Baby Baby a sunscreen lotion that is not only free of Artificial fragrance and color but includes some rather yummy ingredients.Manuka Honey is Excellent for children who suffer from skin allergies and dry skin conditions.
Hydrating and soothing to the skin also high in vitamin C helping to prevent pre-mature ageing. 
Has an essential healing benefit which is beneficial when encountering sun exposure.
Chamomile: Calming and soothing to the skin.  Reduces the incident of skin reactions.  Natural insect repellent. 
With an SPF 15 and at $16.95 for 150ml tube available from
Baby Baby

Monday, April 26, 2010

Carla Riva Review and Product Giveaway

Carla Riva has introduced an exquisite range of Baby Bath & Body Products to help you care for the ones you love most.

Using only the finest ingredients including Chamomile, Jojoba, Lavender & Bergamot for their soothing and healing properties, Carla Riva has also used Mandarin fragrance in all her baby products, a simple refreshing citrus fragrance that babies enjoy and recognise most, keeping them happy and alert.

Spending time with baby is important and gives you the chance to watch your baby grow and develop. Simple things such as bath time followed by a gentle massage with baby create harmony and bonding.

Enjoy these special times with baby using Carla Riva Baby Products.

Having spent time researching the range at the consumer level, the range is also found to be sensitive enough for all ages in particular with people suffering from ailments such as dermatitis, eczema & psoriasis.

Reasonably priced, this range is not only safe for baby but can be used everyday by the whole family and did i mention IT SMELLS GREAT !